The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1355 She is willing to change!

Looking at his expression, Wen Nuan knew what he was thinking!

She couldn't help saying: "Get out!"

I really want to kick someone!

The smile on Nalan Jinnian's face grew wider: "Well, okay, I'll get up now! We should set off too! Freshen up and eat breakfast in the carriage."

The soldiers left early in the morning led by other generals.

Nalan Jinnian had to protect the warmth, so it was late.

Nuan took a look at the sky and nodded.

After the two of them washed up, they walked out of the big tent.

Wen Nuan saw dozens of soldiers dismantling tents. Most of the previous white tents had been dismantled.

Chen Huan drove a carriage to the two of them.

"Did Queen Mother and Miss Yang get into the carriage?" Nuan Nuan asked when she saw several carriages parked in front of her.

Chen Huan nodded: "Back to the princess, the queen mother and the others just got into the carriage!"

"Then let's set off as soon as possible!" Nuan Nuan hurriedly said.

Nalan Jinnian helped Wen Nuan into the carriage and sat down, and then he went up.

After getting into the carriage, he hugged the warmth to his lap again, hugged him well, and then the carriage set off slowly.

Seeing that it was Chen Huan driving the carriage, Nuan Nuan asked in surprise, "Where's Xia Xuan?"

"I have something for him to do." Nalan Jinnian reached out to take the bird's nest from Chen Xi, "Eat something first."

"Yeah." Nuan Nuan didn't ask Xia Xuan what he was going to do, took the bowl, and started to eat seriously.

She is also hungry.

The carriage drove for a day and a night, and at dawn the next day, it stopped at a relatively high slope.

When Nuan got out of the carriage, he found that the tents were all set up.

Wen Nuan took a look at the surrounding environment, it is very empty here, if there is an enemy, it can be found from a distance.

It only takes an hour from here to the next city, so it is very convenient!

So they settled here.

Wen Nuan first went to check on Yang Yue'er's injury, and seeing that her wound was not open, she greeted the Queen Mother and went back to sleep in her big tent.

Last night, she drove all night, and she didn't sleep well.

After Nalan Jinnian fell asleep in Nuannuan, he took his soldiers to set up the formation.

A city is about to be captured, and before the attack, the rear area must be well protected in advance.


On this side, Nalan Jinnian led people to set up a protective formation in the distance. On the other side, Xia Xuan rode Dahui and followed a man in black from a distance. Because Dahui followed by scent, the man Not at all.

Until it was dark, the man came to the river.

There is a Jiangxin island by the river.

From Jiangxin Island, a boat sailed over and took the man to Jiangxin Island.

Xia Xuan and Dahui hid far away in the dark, watching.

In Jiangxin Island, there is no way to go there to find out!

Xia Xuan resolutely took out a piece of white paper and charcoal from the bundle behind him, and wrote a letter. He stuffed the letter into a black purse, tied it around Da Hui's neck, and said to Da Hui: : "Take the letter back to the master! I will guard it here."

Da Hui nodded, and then left.

Xia Xuan directly found a big tree, hid in the tree, and monitored the movement of Jiangxin Island.

But it was a little far away, and I couldn't see anything, only human figures moving around the island.

Of course, if there is a ship leaving, it can be seen.


Jiangxin Island, in a stone house.

The man in black knelt in front of an old woman and a woman in white, and she presented a purse with her respectful hands: "Elder, saint, this is Princess Hui'an's hair that Yang Yue'er got!"

The old woman glanced at the maid beside her.

The maid hurried over to take the purse in her hand and handed it to the old woman.

The old woman opened the purse and saw that there were two thin strands of hair inside, both with roots.

"Are you sure it's Princess Hui'an's hair? How did you get it?" A hoarse old voice sounded.

The woman in black repeated Yang Yue'er's words.

Chu Ling smiled and said to the old woman, "Yang Yue'er is quite smart. Although our Southern Border Kingdom suffered heavy losses because of her unreasonable assertion this time, and His Majesty is dissatisfied, if we can successfully replace Princess Hui'an Hun, such a small loss is nothing!"

"It's not that easy to change the soul! I can't guarantee that it will be successful." The old woman said indifferently.

This is an ancient secret method, because it is too heaven-defying, it has long been banned by the saintess family, and almost all the books about this secret method have been destroyed. It is she who accidentally saw the records about this secret method from the relics of her ancestors.

This secret technique can exchange the souls of two people and obtain all the memories of the other party!

The targets of the soul change this time are Chu Ling and Wen Nuan, if they can succeed.

Chu Ling will be Princess Hui'an in the future. In the future, she will give birth to the Lord of the World. When the Lord of the World grows up and takes over the world, and then destroys him, the world will not belong to their Southern Border Kingdom?

"I know, Master will definitely succeed! Besides, even if he can't succeed, with Princess Hui'an's hair, with Master's ability, it's not easy to kill her, isn't it?"

Although, she hopes to be able to revive successfully.

To be honest, a few years ago, she met Nalan Jinnian once, and at that time, she was deeply attracted by his unparalleled handsome appearance.

All these years have not forgotten.

She had always hoped to marry him and become his princess.

However, she is a member of the Saintess family of the Southern Border Kingdom, which is impossible!

But this time, there is a chance!

So when the master said to change the soul, she said without hesitation that she was willing to change!

The old woman's wrinkled face showed a gloomy smile after hearing this: "It's a pity! Otherwise, the resurrection would be very convenient for us! Princess Huian has too many secrets! Only one purple bead!"

The old woman felt that it would be a pity to destroy her!

If the resurrection is successful, there will be a very big harvest!

Why didn't Chu Ling know, she couldn't help saying: "Master, when do you plan to do something?"

The old woman glanced outside: "It's not too late! Lest you have long nights and dreams!"

She stood up: "I'll find a date, and I have to get ready! And you, before reviving, you must fast and bathe for seven days. The longer you bathe, the better! Only when the body is purified can the soul exchange be more successful. "

"Yes, the apprentice will do what Master An says!" Chu Ling said excitedly.

After the soul change is successful, she can become King Jin's concubine.

She is still the Princess Hui'an who is famous all over the world!

"Give me a strand of hair!"

Chu Ling immediately tore off a strand of his own hair and handed it to the old woman.

The old woman hurriedly took the two hairs and walked into a dark room with many paintings on the walls.

She took out the two strands of hair from her purse, and then picked out one strand of Chu Ling's strands and tied them to the two wooden figures respectively.

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