After the old woman tied her hair, she wrote a few more blessings

Stick two wooden figures with their hair tied up and engraved with the character of birth date on the back, and put them in a

By the time Nalan Jinnian led the soldiers to set up a protective formation in the distance, it was already midnight.

He rode his horse first and led the soldiers towards one big tent after another.

There is a bonfire there, and in this dark night, it gives people a kind of warmth for no reason.

Looking at the scattered bonfires, the soldiers felt no longer tired physically and mentally after a busy day.

Suddenly, there was a black shadow in the distance, approaching quickly!

Some soldiers quickly took up their bows and arrows to be on guard.

Nalan Jinnian saw the shadow sprinting and recognized it as Da Hui.

He raised his hand: "It's Big Hui!"

The soldiers put away their bows and arrows when they heard it.

Nalan Jinnian said to the soldiers behind him, "Go back and rest first!"

Then he tugged on the rein lightly, and ran in the direction of Big Hui.

A horse and a wolf stopped firmly in front of each other.

Da Hui shook the kit around his neck.

Nalan Jinnian got off his horse, untied the bag from Da Hui's neck, and took a look.

Jiangxin Island?

Nalan Jinnian thought of a river he had seen before, and there was indeed a small island in that river.

If the person who wants to return the little girl is in Jiangxin Island, it will be more troublesome to deal with.

Because as long as there is a ship approaching, it will definitely be discovered by the people on the island.

The martial arts of the Saintess clan in Southern Xinjiang are not very high, but they know a lot of weird things, and they are more difficult to deal with than those with high martial arts skills.

Because those things are hard to guard against.

Nalan Jinnian patted Da Hui's head: "Da Hui, go and have a rest."

Da Hui nodded and ran away!

Nalan Jinnian didn't leave for a while, he looked at the words Jiangxin Island on the note with deep eyes.

After a while, Nalan Jinnian's thin lips curled slightly, revealing an extremely cold smile.

Do you think you can ignore her when you are on the island?

Nalan Jinnian crushed the note into powder, let go of his hand, and let the spring breeze blow away the powder in his palm.

He got on his horse and headed for the camp.


In the early morning of the next day, Nalan Jinnian arranged for a group of soldiers with excellent water skills, led by Da Hui, each carrying a backpack, to go to Jiangxin Island.

Just in time, Xiao Hei sent a letter back this morning.

Nalan Jinnian asked Xiao Hei to go to Jiangxin Island together.

With the cooperation of Da Hui and Xiao Hei, Nalan Jinnian felt relieved.

He originally wanted to go there in person, but he never dared to leave Wen Nuan too far.

It will take a day to go to Jiangxin Island from here.

If something happened here, he would definitely not be able to come back after receiving the news. He never wanted to take the risk again.

Another day passed, at noon, Wen Nuan was taking a nap, and Xiao Hei flew back.

Seeing Xiao Hei flying back so quickly, Nalan Jinnian knew that Xiao Hei must have heard very important information.

Nalan Jinnian directly took out an Eagle Dictionary and flipped through the pages one by one.

Xiao Hei stretched out his paw and occasionally tapped on it.

In the end, Nalan Jinnian came up with a sentence: "The old woman said that she will change the soul of the little sister in four days."

Soul change?

Is this the idea that Nanjiang Country actually made?

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were full of violent storms, and his whole body exuded a sinister aura, as if he wanted to destroy everything!

Xiao Hei was so frightened that he flapped his wings subconsciously and flew into the air.

Nalan Jinnian looked at Xiao Hei: "Fly back and keep staring at them."

Xiao Hei immediately flapped his wings, swept his body, and flew out!

Someone is going to be unlucky!


Four days later, this morning, Wen Nuan woke up and found that Nalan Jinnian hadn't woken up yet. She was slightly surprised: "Why didn't you go to military training today?"

"Let them rest today, there is a task tonight."

"Siege the city at night?" Nuan Nuan saw that Nalan Jinnian was very busy these two days, so he guessed that he must have made a big move.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would choose to attack the city at night.

At night, it is not convenient.

Because the Southern Border Kingdom is good at using poison, the surrounding area is dark at night, and the direction of the poisonous powder and poisonous smoke will not be visible.

"Yes. In addition to besieging the city, we also need to destroy a small Jiangxin Island."

Strictly speaking, he wants to wipe out the saintess clan in southern Xinjiang!

"Oh." Nuannuan was not very interested.

Anyway, she can only stay in the big tent and wait for the news, and she can't go into battle to kill the enemy.

Why are you listening so much?

Nalan Jinnian originally wanted to talk to Wen Nuan, but when she saw that she didn't want to hear it, he forgot it.

Well, let her raise her baby with peace of mind and know nothing, that's fine.

"Wake up? After dinner, I'll play the piano for you and the child?" Nalan Jinnian gently touched his warm belly and asked gently.

"Okay! You play the piano, and I draw!" Just in time, she was about to finish a painting.


So, throughout the day, Nalan Jinnian first played the piano for Nuannuan, then played two games of chess, and in the afternoon, after waking up from a nap, he painted with her again.

After spending most of the day in a rare leisurely time, a burst of chaotic footsteps disturbed the tranquility of the two of them.

Nuan put down the pen and looked outside the curtain.

Nalan Jinnian also put down his pen.

Outside, Zishan said anxiously: "Sister Chen Huan, tell the prince and princess quickly, Miss Yang suddenly has a headache, I think she seems to be in pain!"

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were icy cold!


Chen Huan opened the curtain and walked in: "Master, Wangfei"

Before Chen Huan finished speaking, Nuan Nuan had already left the table and walked to the door: "I'll go and have a look."

Nalan Jinnian walked around the table and came to Nuannuan: "Let's go together!"


Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan came to the tent where Yang Yueer was.

Yang Yue'er hugged her head in pain and was rolling on the bed.

Wen Nuan stepped forward quickly: "Miss Yang!"

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts so much! My head hurts so much." Yang Yue'er grabbed her hair vigorously, and was afraid of hitting her head again.

Not only that, but her body is rolling around!

Even the feet kicked around.

Nalan Jinnian held Wen Nuan back: "Wait a minute."

In her state, Nalan Jinnian was worried that Yang Yue'er would accidentally kick Nuan Nuan's stomach.

He glanced at Chen Huan.

Chen Huan immediately stepped forward to touch Yang Yue'er's acupuncture points.

Yang Yue'er couldn't move her body anymore, but her head still hurt.

She shouted with a distorted expression: "Ah!!! It hurts! It hurts me to death! Ah"

Wen Nuan was extremely surprised, what happened, why did he suddenly have such a headache?

She gave her pulse every day, and she didn't find that there was a problem with her head!

Wen Nuan walked over, grabbed her hand, placed her fingers on her pulse, and gave her pulse.

Nalan Jinnian stood beside Nuannuan, looking at Yang Yueer who was distorted in pain on the bed, with a solemn expression.

If his girl had to bear all of this, how could she bear it with two bodies?

Nuan Nuan called for a long time for Tianmai, but did not diagnose the cause, only found that he was mentally unstable.

But if your mind is unstable, you won't have a headache like this, right?

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