Nuan Nuan looked at Yang Yue'er, who was in pain, and shook her head. She felt that she might not be good at medicine, so she didn't see anything.

After all, there are so many diseases in this world, it is not surprising that she has not had all of them.

For the illnesses that she couldn't see, Wen Nuan has always been very persistent and tireless, so she started to check Yang Yue'er's head.

To find out the cause of her headache.

Or maybe there is something that she neglected, so the pulse signal just now didn't come out!

Seeing this, Nalan Jinnian held back Wen Nuan: "It's useless."

Looking at him warmly and surprised: "What?"

"It's not that she has a head problem, it's not that she's sick, but the saintess of Southern Xinjiang is changing her soul!"


Zishan: "."

Chen Huan: "."

Wen Nuan blinked, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "What did you say?"

Soul change?

Why she could hear what he said, but didn't quite understand what he meant.

Can there be such a supernatural thing in this world?

"She'll be fine after a while." Nalan Jinnian took Wen Nuan's hand, took her to a chair beside her and sat down, and told Wen Nuan the whole story.

After Nuan Nuan heard this, she looked at Yang Yue'er, who had a distorted expression on the bed, in shock: "So, Miss Yang fell on purpose that day to get my hair?"

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

"Then she replaced mine with her own hair and gave it to members of the Saintess family in southern Xinjiang."

"En." Nalan Jinnian nodded.

"In this case, why did she fall down on purpose and take my hair?"

"She said that she didn't want to act in this scene, and she was worried that the people staring at her would not believe it. Also, she wanted to arouse my suspicion."

The truth is, seeing Wen Nuan's hair and clothes messed up that day, Nalan Jinnian did have doubts.

However, he didn't expect that Yang Yue'er deliberately made him suspicious, deliberately led him into that scene, and then told him her plan.

And fully confessed his life experience.

Nalan Jinnian naturally had reservations about this, but the hair in the purse was indeed not warm, Nalan Jinnian recognized it, and he also asked Da Hui to confirm that the hair in the purse was indeed Yang Yueer herself of.

It's not anyone else's either!

Knowing the whole story, Nuannuan took another look at Yang Yue'er, who was covered in pain on the bed with a distorted expression, and stood up: "I'll help her relieve the pain!"

Wen Nuan knew that her purple energy would definitely stop her from having headaches.

Nalan Jinnian held her back: "Wait a minute, I've arranged everything early in the morning, and the pain will be gone in a while!"

How could Nalan Jinnian let Wen Nuan use purple air to relieve her pain.

The Southern Xinjiang saintess family is too evil.

They must have some kind of sentience.

Ruo Nuan uses Zi Qi to save her.

They must be able to sense it!

Nuannuan also thought of it, her purple aura was known by the Saintess clan in Southern Xinjiang before.

Later, she got a purple bead out and saved the life of Granny Nan's grandson, and then she dispelled their thoughts.

Now in this situation, if you use Ziqi again, the opponent will definitely find out.


Without Ziqi, Yang Yue'er was in such pain.

Nuan thought for a while, then said, "I'll try using silver needles to see if it can relieve the pain."

Nalan Jinnian did not stop it.

He glanced at the sky, and the army should set off after a while, and start to attack the city!

Tonight, Nanjiang Country is destined to be a lively night!


Jiangxin Island, inside a stone house

An old woman performs a ritual at a black wooden table.

She closed her eyes and muttered words.

Her hands didn't stop, she was holding something in both hands, shaking vigorously on the two wooden figures.

Chu Ling was lying on a stone bed, her hands and feet were bound, and at this moment, she was clenching her teeth in pain, her expression was distorted, and her heart was piercing!

Although it was so painful that she felt that her soul was being pulled away alive, she still gritted her teeth and held on!

Because she knew that after surviving this hurdle, she would not only be the most respected saintess in Southern Border Kingdom, but also the most beloved princess in Nalan Kingdom, and the most feared Princess Hui'an in the Four Kingdoms!

However, it really hurts!

She was about to die of pain herself!

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!

This will tremble Jiangxin Island!

Chu Lingtong was able to think that the voice came from his head!

It was her spirit that finally came out of her body!

It's just that she just had this idea!



There was a bang!

The island was shaking violently!

The pharaoh who was working directly spat out a mouthful of old blood!

Her face was extremely ugly, she quickly took out the dagger, and untied the rope binding Chu Ling's hands and feet: "Run!"

Before Chu Ling realized what happened, she was dragged off the stone bed, and then dragged away.

It's just that the two of them just ran a few steps, when the whole stone house collapsed with a bang!


In the big tent

Wen Nuan is using silver needles to relieve Yang Yue'er's headache.

It's just that the distorted expression on Yang Yue'er's face suddenly eased, and she suddenly felt very comfortable.

In fact, it was because it was too painful just now!

Seeing this, Wen Nuan asked, "Miss Yang, is your head still hurting?"

Nalan Jinnian looked at her coldly.

Chen Huan also looked at her nervously.

Just worried, she has changed, they don't know.

Yang Yue'er smiled softly at Wen Nuan: "It doesn't hurt anymore! Thank you, Princess, for your concern."

This voice, this weak expression, the warm feeling, most people can't learn it!

Yang Yue'er's natural temperament is extremely soft!

Nuan Nuan smiled: "As long as it's okay! I'll help you remove the silver needle."

Wen Nuan took off the silver needles on her head one by one.

Chen Huan was a little worried, so he couldn't help but tentatively said: "Miss Yang, it's time for you to drink the medicine, so I'll bring it to you right away?"

Yang Yue'er: "Didn't Miss Zishan feed me just now?"

Chen Huan smiled: "I'm talking about medicine for headache."

Yang Yue'er froze for a moment: "I don't need to drink this medicine anymore, my head doesn't hurt anymore."

After Yang Yue'er finished speaking, she looked at Nalan Jinnian: "King Jin, the ritual has been stopped, right?"

Nalan Jinnian said with a blank face: "If you are still you, then you are."

Yang Yueer breathed a sigh of relief!

Of course she is still her!

Nalan Jinnian didn't say anything else, he took Wen Nuan's hand: "Go back!"

Wen Nuan nodded, she turned to Yang Yue'er and said, "Miss Yang, rest well, let Zishan call me if something happens!"

Yang Yue'er hurriedly said: "The daughter of the people knows, and send off King Jin and the concubine respectfully."

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian returned to their big tent.

Wen Nuan couldn't wait to say: "They are doing tricks on Jiangxin Island, how did you stop them?"

Nalan Jinnian: "Send someone to swim over there, and use thunderbolts to sink the entire island!"

Wen Nuan: "The Jiangxin Island is very close to the shore?"

"not close."

But if you row a boat, you will definitely be discovered by the people on the island.

The only way is to take advantage of the cover of night to go over.

Although Jiangxin Island is far away from the shore, fortunately, there will be many water battles between Nanjiang Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom.

So he once specially selected some soldiers with good water skills for special training.

That distance can still be achieved by a small number of talented soldiers.

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