Guo Mingyan hummed a song all the way back to the General's Mansion!

Just returned to the General's Mansion and got off the carriage.

Li Wanwan, Deng Luoshan... and others just arrived.

Several people met outside the gate of the General's Mansion!

"Mingyan, are you alright?!" Deng Luoshan worried.

Guo Mingyan doesn't know why, what's wrong with her?


"Mingyan, you don't have to be sad! How can someone from that kind of background match!!"

The emperor is simply a mess! Tan Shiwan slandered in her heart!

Guo Mingyan is even more inexplicable!

"Sad? What am I sad? I don't know how happy I am!"

The emperor has already agreed to her request!

Soon the dream of becoming Princess Jin will come true!

Several people:"……"

"Mingyan, you don't like King Jin anymore?!" Deng Luoshan said in surprise.

"Mingyan, didn't you know that the emperor gave Princess Hui'an the marriage to King Jin?" Li Wanwan asked anxiously.

Boom, boom, boom!

Guo Mingyan only felt a thunderstorm falling from the sky!

You heard it wrong!

Must have heard it wrong!

"What did you say? What did you say? What did you say!" Guo Mingyan couldn't help but ask crazy three times!

Several people:"……"

Deng Luoshan and Guo Mingyan have the best relationship. Seeing her like this, I can't help but feel a little unbearable!

However, the matter of giving marriage is said again!

"This imperial decree is an announcement at home and abroad, and everyone knows it! It has been posted on the imperial list! Everyone knows it!"

Guo Mingyan shook her head: "No! It's impossible!"

After she finished speaking, she pushed Deng Losan away and ran frantically to the bulletin board of the emperor list!

This is impossible!



"Ming Yan!!!!"

A few people quickly chased after them!

There were many people in front of the imperial list, Guo Mingyan pushed them away one by one, and then looked at the content above.

I just felt that the words above Hui'an County Master and Nalan Jinnian hurt her eyes!

She reached out and wanted to tear down the imperial list!

Deng Losan was scared to death!

Quickly grab her and pull her away!

"Ah!" Guo Mingyan let out a piercing scream, and then burst into tears again!

The people in the capital looked at her like a lunatic: "Whose girl is this? Is she sick? Even the imperial edict dares to tear it up!"

"It seems to be a girl from General Guo's mansion!"

"It is rumored that the girl from General Guo's Mansion has admired King Jin for a long time. Now that King Jin has been given a marriage, it is no wonder that she is heartbroken!"

"Isn't this girl Guo married to the grandson of the nine emperors? It's shameful! It's insulting! It's against the law of women!"


Deng Luoshan quickly pulled Guo Mingyan and ran away!

Guo Mingyan can hardly accept this huge gap!

Just now she was so excited that the emperor agreed to her request! !

Feeling happiness is knocking on her door.

Unexpectedly, when the emperor agreed to her request, the emperor had already passed down the decree to her most hated bitch!

Announcement at home and abroad, everyone knows it!

This is an announcement to the people all over the world, including five countries in the mainland!

Back then, her imperial decree was not announced at home and abroad, and everyone knows it!

Such a decree is absolutely impossible to withdraw and absolutely impossible to change!

She recognized the writing on the draft edict.

That dragon flying and phoenix dancing, the free and easy words of immortality, were written by someone she thought about!

He was so fascinated by that fox who wrote such an imperial decree!

Guo Mingyan's stomach hurts from anger!

Stomach pain!

Spleen pain!


It hurts to breathe!

I knew she would have brought it up first!

In that case, the emperor would not issue the imperial decree to appease her!

When Guo Mingyan thought of this, she was so sorry that she couldn't breathe, her heart became more and more painful, her whole body became more and more painful, her breathing became more and more difficult, more and more difficult, ...

It was dark in front of me, and I was unconscious!

"Ming Yan!!!!"


Shichangbo Mansion

After receiving the imperial decree, the three Wen Chun brothers returned to the study.

Wen Chun said: "In the future, we must study harder and strive to achieve a good grade in spring."

Gentle nodded: "The third sister's husband is the seventeenth brother. The seventeenth brother is King Jin! No matter what the three brothers have, there must be a very personable official, so that the third sister will not be easily bullied in the future. The royal family The only people who don't look down on her! Those noble nobles won't look down on her!"

Wen Luo: "Leave this important task on me!"

Gentle: "Stop talking nonsense and read books quickly! Otherwise, do you want your third sister to wait for you to support her until her hair turns white?"

Although they feel that the seventeenth brother will not bully the warmth.

But the seventeenth brother will not, it does not mean that the royal people will not! Doesn't mean others won't!

Although life is lived by oneself, whether it is good or not is also one's own business.

You should go your own way, no matter what others say!

But that being said, who can really ignore the words and opinions of others?

They all say bad words to hurt people in June cold.

If the parents' brothers are successful, Sister Nuan's waist will be worth more in the future!

The three brothers silently picked up the book again.


Wen Nuan sat under the flower shelf in her small yard, with the imperial decree in front of her, and a simple white porcelain vase with an early-blooming plum blossom on the table.

The little girl propped her chin with one hand and put the other hand on the stone table. She didn't know what to think, and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised.

Nalan Jinnian climbed over the wall from Prince Jin's mansion and saw her looking at the imperial decree with a look of joy and stupidity.

The afternoon sunlight penetrated the flower stand, and mottled shadows fell on the little girl, her small face that became more and more delicate after it opened.

It looks even more beautiful than the white plum on the table.

The girl he raised is slowly growing up!

Nalan Jinnian's heart moved, and the nervousness and uneasiness suddenly disappeared, leaving only a heart full of joy.

With a heart-warming smile, it seems that his girl is also happy to be engaged to him!

Nalan Jinnian sat down beside Wennuan.

This is a swing hanging chair that just fits two people.

After Nalan Jinnian sat down, the chair shook.

Nuan came back to his senses and moved to the side to make room for him: "Brother Seventeen, why are you here?"

"What makes you so happy? Well, I guess, you're thinking of me, right?"

With a warm face, he blurted out: "How can I have it!"

Nalan Jinnian laughed in a low voice: "Well, you didn't, I'm very happy! I miss you! You look at our marriage decree and secretly rejoice, it's definitely not me!"

Fortunately, he still has eyes and knows how to see for himself!

Wen Nuan couldn't help but turn into anger and glared at him!

Since this person made his confession, he has become more and more impolite in his words and actions!

Nalan Jinnian smiled and didn't tease her any more. He took out a phoenix tail and a green hairpin from his arms and inserted it into her bun.

Warm subconsciously wants to reach out and touch: "What?"

Nalan Jinnian pulled down her restless little hand, placed a promise-like solemn on her forehead, and gently kissed:

"Girl, I will give you the hairpin, the hair will be with you, and the long hair will be with you in this life. I will never leave you."

The voice is swaying, swaying with tenderness like water, and it is exciting.

The warm sun of winter, sprinkled on this small courtyard, warm, flowing through my heart...

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