The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 330 It turns out she was playing this idea?

After Nalan Jinnian helped Nuan Nuan put on the hairpin, he pulled her to stand up: "Let's go, go to Duke Huguo's mansion to see his great-grandfather."

Wen Nuan said yesterday that he will go to Lao Huguo Gong for the pulse in the past few days.

He knew that she wanted to use Zi Qi to treat Lao Huguo Gong, and he would not expose her.

Warm face was still a little hot, she suppressed the strange throbbing in her heart, and nodded calmly.


The two came to the Duke Huguo Mansion.

The warm eyes of the people in the entire Protector's Mansion are different.

Future Princess Jin!

How precious is this identity?

They never imagined that Princess Jin would come from a peasant girl in the future.

No matter what their hearts were like, they all bowed respectfully.

Nalan Jinnian ignored them and went directly into Mrs. Xu's house with warmth.

Duke Protector and others also followed.

Xu Chulin's eyes fell on the warm hand held by Nalan Jinnian. When she saw the blood-red jade bracelet on Wennuan's wrist, her pupils shrank: it was the back bracelet, a jade with the same meaning as the jade seal of the country. bracelet!

The queen mother actually gave it to her?

The queen mother came over early in the morning, and she only knew about the imperial decree just now.

At this moment, see how warm it is and how satisfied it is.

Alas, it would be better if Nuan Nuan was older.

That way, you can get married right away and give her a grandchild to play with!

Now have to wait two years!

No, she has to go back to the palace and let Qin Tianjian quickly find a date, and she will get married as soon as Nuan Nuan arrives.

Nuan was greeted with more and more satisfied eyes by the Queen Mother. She looked a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "Queen Mother, how is the old man's health today?"

The empress dowager said with a smile: "The imperial doctor said it was great! Thanks to you! My grandfather ate half a bowl of porridge this morning more than usual."

Generally speaking, people who are dying can't eat anything.

I could only feed two mouthfuls of porridge before.

Now that he can eat something, it means that his body is really starting to improve.

Those porridges are warm and hand-cooked so that people can send them over. It is a healthy medicated diet, and eating it is very beneficial to the body.

Duke Protector and others also followed, standing behind everyone.

Hearing this, he secretly pursed his lips, and murmured in his heart: Where is her credit!

Fortunately, my father did not drink her medicine.

Otherwise, Dad might die!

But he didn't dare to say anything in front of the Queen Mother!

Elder Xu is here today.

Last night, Mrs. Xu calmed down and slept soundly.

Mr. Xu also slept well on the soft collapse, so he didn't have to go back to the house to make up for sleep during the day: "Warm girl, I didn't expect you to know medical skills!"

He smiled warmly: "I just know a little bit."

Old Xu's mouth twitched.

The little girl also said that she only knew a thing or two about painting, and then he found that she knew a thing or two, better than him, cough, cough, and almost better than his master!

It is said that there is a specialization in the art industry! Painters are either good at landscapes, flowers, birds, fish and insects, or portraits!

But this little girl is good at everything, she is not a human being!

Madam Huguo rolled her eyes secretly: Do you treat people with a little knowledge? Don't be afraid to kill people!

"I'll give the old man a pulse first!" said warmly.

Xu Chuheng twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, speaking so modestly, today Shenyi Jia doesn't need to come, why is she here!

Pulse again!

Xu Chuheng suddenly thought of something:

If she comes every day to give her grandfather's pulse, then her grandfather will be fine!

Is the credit hers?

So she was playing this idea?

This is a repeat of the same trick, and you want to take the credit of Jia Shenyi?

Xu Chuheng despised warmth even more in his heart!

I didn't expect this girl to have such a deep mind at such a young age! Amazing!

The Queen Mother hurriedly said: "Okay, then Aijia will go back to the palace to find a day."

Warm didn't care what the queen mother said to find a day.

Nalan Jinnian walked to the queen mother's side, supported her, and escorted her out of the house: "mom mother, walk slowly!"

The queen mother was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry!

This stinky boy has been so filial to himself for the first time in so many years!


After sending the queen mother out of the room, Nalan Jinnian drove the others out.

Warmth gave Mr. Xu a pulse.

Mrs. Xu is feeling much better today.

He smiled warmly and said, "The old man is in much better spirits today."

Mrs. Xu smiled and said, "It's because of your blessing that people feel refreshed at happy events!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Nalan Jinnian again: "Seventeen, you are lucky enough to marry such a lucky girl!"

In the eyes of outsiders, this is actually inappropriate, because the most fortunate is naturally the royal family.

Warming a village girl from a farm family, even if she is conferred by the emperor as the county owner, but she has a shallow foundation and can marry into the royal family, she is lucky for three lives!

However, Mrs. Xu said that Nalan Jin was lucky in his third life, which meant that the warm blessing was greater than his!

But Nalan Jinnian didn't feel anything wrong when he heard it.

He smiled and couldn't help pulling up his warm little hand: "I have been begging for tens of thousands of years before the Buddha in my previous life!"

A hundred generations of cultivation can cross the boat together, and a thousand generations of cultivation can sleep together. Isn’t it true that he has been begging for tens of thousands of years before the Buddha?

"Ha ha"

The indifferent Seventeen was actually joking, and Mrs. Xu was even more happy.

Wen Nuan's face got a little hot by the words of the two, so he quickly changed the subject: "Old Grandpa, let me take your pulse first!"

"Okay, number pulse" The little girl was thin-skinned.

Nuan first fed Mr. Xu a pill, and then began to give Mr. Xu a pulse.

After a while, she frowned slightly.

Nalan Jinnian kept looking at her, and then glanced at Mrs. Xu again, but did not disturb her.

Warming and using purple energy to restore his aging body to life again.

After eating the pill, there will be a warmth in the body, enough to cover up the warm current produced by the purple air flowing through the body.

After a long while, the warmth took back his hand.

After taking the pill, Mrs. Xu felt a little hot all over, but his body relaxed a lot, so he couldn't help falling asleep when the pulse was warmed up.

Sleep is great for physical recovery.

The two walked out lightly.

After leaving the room, Nalan Jinnian asked, "How is your great-grandfather's health?"

Nuan took a look at the Duke Huo family and said, "It's much better, but not as good as I expected. Did you increase the weight of the prescription?"

It is a three-part poisonous medicine, and an overdose will also cause a burden on the internal organs, so it will naturally slow down.

Nalan Jinnian looked at Duke Huguo: "What's going on!"

The cold air on the soles of Duke Huguo's feet rose straight up: "The prescription prescribed by Hui'an County Master, the Taiyuan Hospital said...the weight is too light."

There was a cold sweat on his forehead in the hospital of the Taiyuan Hospital, and he bravely said: "The medicine prescribed by the lady Jia of the Magical Medicine Valley is exactly the same as that of the Princess Hui'an, but the dosage is different. We have discussed with all the imperial doctors in the Taiyuan Hospital, the old man of the country. There is also vomiting, and the dose is not enough, I am afraid it will not have any effect, so I think Miss Jia's prescription is more suitable."

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic votes and blessings~~

Thank you @the aria of guilt, @1/7 rainbow, @wenqingyue-, @水思亭, @玉儿~~? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , @apple, @eyo ho~d's reward~~

Also, I wish Nan Xiangzi a happy birthday, eternal youth, and dreams come true~~

Thank you all the cuties~~

very happy~~

However, I still owe a chapter today~

Continue to code for a while, and try to make up as soon as possible!

I'm sorry~

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