"We'll pick up some that haven't dried out yet to see if they'll survive. These are rare varieties on the market."

Wenxin went directly to pick up those chrysanthemums and rose branches that had not been completely dried and went back to cuttings.

"Okay!" Lin Tingya felt that there were so many manors, how many flower seedlings did she have to buy?

It's not too bad to try anyway!

The warmth saw a few leaves of orchid grass under the half-dead flower branches.

She carefully opened the flower branches above, revealing an orchid grass that was more than half withered and had rotten roots.

The whole orchid, the leaves are all withered, the roots have rotted away, and only a little bit of green remains on the head!

Su Guan He Ding!

There is nothing wrong with this Suguan Heding!

And it is a lotus petal crown and a lotus tripod.

Although it hasn't bloomed yet, she likes orchids because of the warmth, so she recognized it at a glance as a lotus petal and a crowned lotus tripod.

The lotus-petal orchid is very, very difficult to cultivate!

It combines the characteristics of the three major orchids of lotus petals, plain heart and leaf-shaped grass. It is rare, rare and precious.

Worth millions!

A gentleman is like orchid, a person from Nalan country is Ailan, and the orchid complex is very deep.

From the king to the literati, there are many people who love to be obsessed with Ailan.

They not only love to raise orchids, but also like to write poems, sing songs, and paint for them.

So in each garden, orchids are the most profitable.

Because if it is cultivated well, its price is immeasurable.

Every year, there are many orchid appreciation poems and orchid appreciation conferences held by literati and writers, and they are all over the place.

Warm picked it up carefully, and then cleaned up the dry and rotten heel leaves, leaving only one head.

If it can live, this orchid can earn back a Zhuangzi's money!

Wen Nuan glanced at whether there were any other precious flowers and plants, but found nothing.

She also picked up some roses and chrysanthemum branches and went back.

Anyway, no money is needed, and for her, there is not much difference between buying seeds and direct cuttings like this. They can be planted alive. Buying seeds for planting may take longer.

And cuttings like this will bloom faster!

Several people walked back with a large bundle of dead branches talking and laughing.

When passing by the entrance of the Royal Garden, several people walked out.

"Yo! Isn't this the Princess Hui'an of our Nalan country? How did he become a rubbish picker?" Wen Yu was the one who spoke.

Wen Yu has come to the garden to learn how to draw orchids for several days.

Today, she felt that she finally understood all the postures of orchids.

In a few days, there will be an orchid poetry party. At that time, many scholars and writers in the capital will come out to show their talents.

She wants to take this opportunity to become famous and let everyone know her!

Wen Yu looked warm and couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes.

King Jin is a wild breed, and this god of plague is about to suffer bad luck!

Maybe they will be hacked and beheaded!

This is retribution!

Wen Nuan looked at Wen Yu and sneered: "Be bold and make trouble for the people, since you know that the county master is the Hui'an county master, it is still rude!"

Wen Yu: ""

Warm the god of plague, has he forgotten something? No respect for the eyes!

She is her sister, she will always be older than her in this life, and she will always be crushed!

Why do you salute her?

Speaking of dying people, what is she afraid of?

Wen Yu looked up and down the warm and warm people with a look of disdain, and shook her head: "The county master? What happened to the county master? I am still your county master's sister! I am not only the county master's sister, I'm still the younger sister of the concubine's grandson! Why do I have to salute you?

What's wrong? Is this because he knew that he would soon be out of business in the capital, so he started to pick up rubbish?

I tell you, you are kneeling on the ground now, kowtow to me and apologize, and say second sister, I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong, please let me go! Then give me the jade pendant on your waist and the pearl hairpin on your head as an apology! I will forgive you for being disrespectful to my sister! When the backer of your county lord falls that day, you, the county lord, will not be able to get along anymore! When you are beheaded, I will save your life! "

Wen Yu stayed in the flower garden for a few days, not knowing that the First Prince's Mansion was surrounded by heavy troops.

Wen Wenxin laughed angrily: "You are sick! Don't recognize relatives! Who else has been beheaded and still don't know!"

Warm but more direct and neat, she kicked with her toes, and a stone flew straight up, hitting Wen Yu's knee.

Wen Yu's knee hurt and she knelt down!

Warmly smiled: "Is this right? Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Wen Yu's face was twisted in pain, she felt her knees were broken!

"Warm, you bitch, how dare you?"

Warm toes are another kick.

A stone flew out and hit Wen Yu in the mouth.

Wen Yu felt a pain in his mouth, two more stones were in his mouth, and then he tasted a bloody smell.

She spat out the two stones in her mouth and found that they were teeth!

Wen Yu's eyes widened:

Teeth, she has no teeth!

Isn't that ugly?

Wen Yu's eyes darkened, and she fainted from fright!

Warm shook his head: "I said it, don't talk nonsense!"

"Miss!" The maid beside her quickly protected her.

Wennuan turned to Wenxin and Lin Tingya and said, "Let's go!"

After he was warm, he lifted his feet and walked forward.

Wen Xin glanced at Wen Yu: "Deserved!"

Lin Tingya didn't know who Wen Yu was. It was the first time she saw Nuan Nuan so sturdy, and she was a little lost. She thought: No wonder Nuan Nuan became a female general!

The three of them left like this, and no one dared to stop them.

Wen Nuan returned to the Zhuangzi that she had just bought. The three of them put the half-dead flower branches on the carriage, and then while the two of them went to wash their hands, when they were not paying attention, she nourished the flowers with purple energy, and then went to wash their hands.

By the way, I brought a pot of water back and sprinkled it on the flower branches.

After the three of them washed their hands, they returned to the carriage and headed home.

Lin Tingya looked at the flower branches in the carriage: "Why do I think these flower branches seem to be more energetic?"

Warmly glanced at it: "I think so too!"

Warm: "Probably because I spilled some water on it!"

The two didn't think much about it, they both thought it should be.

On the other end, Wen Yu was woken up by the maid and couldn't help crying. She scolded as she cried, "Wait you, god of plague, wait. When you are beheaded, I will pick up your head and feed it to the dog!"


After the warm three returned to the city, they went directly to a few flower shops and bought some flower seeds.

I bought some seeds of all kinds of flowers.

Nuan also picked up two pots of cheap peonies at a low price, all of which were sparse and sparse, and looked like they were about to die.

Out of the flower market, this time is already lunch time.

Lin Tingya's eyes fell on a restaurant opposite.

When she was very young, she ate in that restaurant, and her elder brother took her there.

After that, she never had a chance to go out.

Warming her expression, thinking that Lin Tingya may have never been to a restaurant before, she said, "Sister Tingya, let's eat something outside today and then go home."

"No, the flowers on the carriage must be planted quickly."

In such a hot day, I am afraid that it will be dry!

"Don't worry, Xiaojian will bring it back to be planted." He said warmly.

These things do not need to be ordered at all, Feng Xiaojian knows how to do it.

Before Lin Tingya could say anything, Wenxin took her across the road and entered the restaurant opposite.

The fourteenth update

The little cuties are not happy, are they sour, they wanted to be sentimental, but they found that they didn't have this talent, so they would only ask for tickets weakly.

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