As soon as the three entered the restaurant, the shopkeeper saw their clothes and immediately came out of the counter to receive them in person: "Welcome to the girls, there is a private room upstairs!"

Nuan thought that the restaurant is a good place to listen to gossip and spread rumors, she looked at Lin Tingya: "How about we just eat in the lobby? There is a storyteller in this restaurant."

The shopkeeper's words immediately said: "Yes, Mr. Storyteller will start telling stories in a while. Our Mr. Storyteller in this restaurant is very good at telling stories, and everyone loves listening to them!"

Wen Wen and Lin Tingya naturally have no opinion: "Okay!"

The shopkeeper immediately arranged a window for the three of them, and a relatively hidden position, so as not to be bumped into them.

This location is separated by a screen, and you can hear stories from the storyteller, and you can see the busy traffic outside, which is very good.

"What do the three girls want to eat? Our signature dish here is Dapan Chicken," the shopkeeper reported a list of dish names.

Warm ordered three signature dishes, a braised eggplant, a fish head tofu soup.

Because they came early, the food came quickly.

At this time, the lobby of the restaurant was already full of people.

The crowd was full of people.

Everyone was discussing the fact that General Guo's Mansion and the First Prince's Mansion were surrounded by heavy troops.

"Heavy troops have surrounded the two mansions for a day, why hasn't there been any movement!"

"Who knows, it's probably still searching for evidence!"

"Why did this queen harm the emperor?"

"Have you heard that the queen is probably out of love and hatred? You don't know the emperor and, and... maybe not the son of the late emperor?"

The person at the next table didn't dare to say his name, but just made a gesture.

And he spoke very little, and the warmth could not be heard fully.

"Don't talk nonsense, who's not the son of the late emperor? How can the royal blood be mixed up!" Another voice sounded.

"No confusion, just not the son of the late emperor, but he is still the blood of the royal family."

"What do you mean by that? Do you know something!"

"No, I don't know anything, I just want to ask if you have heard of it! If you don't know, let's not talk about it! Drink tea, drink tea!"

Warm frown: "Nuan Nuan, who are they talking about?"

Why did she think they were talking about Brother Seventeen?

Although not named.

Wen Nuan lowered his eyes, covering the coldness at the bottom of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a sneer: "Don't worry! Let's go!"

Warm stood up and walked out.

Wen Wen and Lin Tingya also stood up and walked out.

When walking around the screen to leave, Wen Nuan glanced at the person at the next table.

I remembered the appearance of the two before leaving.

On the way back, Wen Wen couldn't help thinking about Wen Yu's words.

Wen Yu can't hide things in her mouth. There must be a reason for her to say so!

Why does she say that the warm backer will fall? Said that the warmth will be beheaded?

What will happen to the seventeenth brother?

Wenxin glanced at Wennuan and hesitated.

The officialdom is dark, and there may be no one who wants to frame Brother Seventeen!

Seeing her like this, Wen Nuan said, "Second sister, don't worry, it's okay."

Wen Wen Yan is no longer entangled. Brother Seventeen and Sister Nuan are so powerful. They said it's fine, so they should be fine!


Wen Yu covered her mouth, clenched her teeth, and hurried back to the capital. She wanted to find an imperial doctor to help her put her teeth back!

It's just that she was a little dumbfounded when she saw that the First Prince's Mansion was surrounded by heavy troops!

"What's going on? Why is the First Prince's Mansion surrounded by officers and soldiers? Is it an assassin?" Wen Yu stepped forward to inquire.

Wen Yu's words were seriously leaking, and the soldier glanced at her mouth.

Wen Yu quickly covered her mouth: "What are you looking at, believe it or not, I will let the great grandson chop your head?"

The soldier sneered when he heard the words: "Are you from the First Prince's Mansion? You also chopped my head off? The First Prince's Mansion is surrounded by the emperor's heavy army, and the first emperor's grandson can't protect himself! Who are you from the first emperor's grandson, hurry in!"

Wen Yu's face lost blood when she heard the words: "I'm not from the First Prince's Mansion! I'm just passing by!"

Wen Yu hurried away after speaking!

How to do?

Why is the First Prince's Mansion going to be raided?

Shouldn't it be Shichanghou's house that was raided?


Wen Nuan returned to the mansion, Feng Xiaojian had asked the gardener in the mansion to plant all the flowers.

Warm found the orchid, and the gardener has found a very beautiful flower pot and planted it.

She raised it directly with purple gas.

Then I drew the portraits of the two people I saw in the restaurant today.

In the evening, Nalan Jinnian came over and gave him the portrait.

"do you know it?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at it and rolled up the portrait: "Did you go to Liuweizhai for dinner?"

"Yeah." As soon as Wennuan heard it, he knew that he had also arranged for someone in Liuweizhai.

did not say anything.

Rumors are starting to spread, the sooner the better!

"I went to the pharmacy to prepare some pesticides."

This will be taken to the Dream Flower Farm tomorrow to kill insects.

"What pesticide?" Nalan Jinnian realized that Nuan was busier than himself.

The two walked to the pharmacy laboratory.

Warm to start formulating pesticides.

He stood by the warm side to help: "These things can kill the pests of flowers, so can they be used on crops?"

Crops are often reduced due to pests.

Insect pests are the most troublesome thing for people every year!

Because it really affects the harvest.

Especially when encountering a plague of locusts, there is no harvest!

Wen Nuan nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, yes, but if it is used and produced improperly, it will pollute the environment. Use it with caution!"

Of course, the pesticides she uses are all plant extracts, so there is little pollution.

"polluted environment?"

Warm then explained what is polluting the environment, as well as the role of protecting the environment, and how to protect the environment.

"However, the environment has the ability to purify itself. Human beings should not do anything beyond its self-purification ability, so don't be afraid!"

Nalan Jinnian shook the pesticide in the bottle: "Everything has pros and cons. It's like medicine is three-poisonous, but medicine can cure diseases. People need to take medicine when they are sick! We can't just because it is three-poisonous. Don't take medicine! Just don't overdo it!

In the same way, plants also need medicines when they are sick, as long as they use them rationally!

Excessive drugs will kill people and pollute the environment, but rational drug use can cure diseases, heal plants, and beautify the environment! "

A little warmer: "That's the reason. This pesticide is really serious in pests, and it seriously affects the harvest of the season's grain. Farmers who don't use pesticides may lose their crops, so they must be used at that time. And it is best to be produced and distributed by the imperial court. , limit the amount of use. Usually, I do not recommend using a small amount of pests, and you can use the method of raising natural enemies of pests to control pests."

However, warm-cultivated grain seeds have the ability to resist pests. When the entire Nalan country has promoted those grains and vegetable seeds, there should be no serious pest damage. There will always be a small number of them. After all, species will evolve, and some will always adapt. The pests of the environment stay.

That small amount of pests using natural enemies to prevent and control pests is enough!

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

After warming up with pesticides, she went to take a bath and was ready to sleep.

Explosion, ask for votes~

I have been preparing for more than half a month. Last night, it was two o'clock. I got up at six today. I am exhausted baby!

Good night everyone~

These fifteen chapters will be updated tomorrow, so they will be updated earlier!

Take a rest tomorrow, my ribs hurt and my chest hurts too~

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