The village chief's daughter-in-law immediately said, "Yes, why not! There is no rush for money, just pay it back when you have more money!"

The village chief's daughter-in-law immediately put down the wooden basin, wiped her apron with her hands, walked into the kitchen, and took out a clean cloth bag from the wooden cupboard nailed to the wall.

"I'm going to make white noodles for you. Are your grandma and uncle here?"

"No, it's the owner of the pearl farm. They said they were hungry and wanted to go to my house for a quick meal before leaving."

She also wondered how they would go to her own house for dinner.

Is it because the eldest sister gave them two candies?

The village chief's daughter-in-law lifted the lid of a tile jar under the cupboard, reached in and scooped a large bowl of white noodles. After hearing this, she put the bowl of white noodles back into the jar: "Oh, that's a noble man! White noodles can't be made. I heard that those noble people are used to eating polished rice and white rice!

It just so happened that the child's father received a bundle of repairs from the students yesterday, including a bag of polished rice. I'll pack two pounds for you! You give others a pot of white rice to eat! "

She opened another rice jar and scooped a few jars of rice into the bag.

This kind of bamboo rice tube has eight taels of rice in one tube.

"Two catties, I'll give you ten cents a catty! I'll go get you an old hen! That chicken hasn't eaten recently. I suspect it's too old to eat, and I'm about to kill it today! "

The village chief's daughter-in-law put the rice bag into the hands of Feng's aunt.

Aunt Feng took the cloth bag: "Sister-in-law, there are four or five kilograms of rice!"

She clearly saw the village chief's daughter-in-law spooning five tubes of rice.

That rice tube was made by her family's man, and a tube of rice was just eight taels!

"My rice tube has been replaced, and it's only two pounds! Do you believe me? Let me weigh it for you?"

Aunt Feng: ""

The scales in the village chief's house are different from those in his own, and I don't know what's wrong!

The scales in my own house always weigh more than those in the village chief's house.

The village chief's daughter-in-law said: "It's your scale that is faulty!"

The village chief's daughter-in-law walked out of the kitchen and went to the chicken coop in the backyard.

In a group of chickens, she saw the fattest and fittest chicken at a glance!

She stepped forward with a few strides, and with a backhand grab, she caught the plump big hen.

The big hen fluttered a few times in her hand and then stopped.

She turned the chicken upside down and brushed its butt hairs for a look.

It is about to lay eggs in the past two days, but it has never laid eggs. This kind of hen that has been raised until it is about to lay eggs and has not yet laid eggs is the best!

She walked out of the chicken coop, picked up a few straws from the firewood stack, tied it around the chicken feet, twisted the remaining straw head into the middle of the chicken feet, and handed it to the Feng family aunt: "Here, this is The chicken is about three pounds, and I will charge you fifty cents!"

Feng's aunt took over the chicken, which weighed more than five kilograms. She glanced at the chicken's buttocks: "Sister-in-law, this chicken is about to lay eggs! Just catch me one that is too old to lay eggs. Old hen make up!"

The village chief's daughter-in-law also knew that he couldn't make it through: "Okay, the old hen is tonic, but if the meat is not stewed for a long time, it won't bite! When people come to eat, do you want them to wait for your meal for an afternoon? My family doesn't. Such a hen that lays eggs! Chickens are the best at this time. Take them back! Say hello, and strive to be a long-term worker in their Pearl Pond in the future. If it is possible, He Chou will not have the money to see Lin Lin in the future. right?"

She knows that the real rich people eat chicken and eat those old hens that can't lay eggs!

repair? Make up the fart! The body's nutrients are absorbed by the eggs! What else to make up for?

People only eat chickens that are about to lay eggs but have never laid eggs.

The chicken at this time, the chicken is smooth and tender, chewy, not chewy, and has a sweetness.

"Then this chicken is more than fifty cents, take it out and sell it for two hundred cents a piece"

The village chief's daughter-in-law picked up a fat and thin pork belly from the vegetable basket, cut a waxed duck under the porch, and put some mushrooms that she had soaked and prepared to stew the chicken at night, and put them in a bamboo basket. , and then took a bowl with a little oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, fearing that her home would not be complete. This thing is expensive, she is worried that it will spill out too much, and it will be wasted.

She handed her the two-tier food basket: "Oh, where did you come from so much nonsense, this money is collected by me, I can charge as much as I like! Hurry back and cook! Don't worry about these things, If you make money in the future, you will pay me back, okay?"

After that, the village chief's daughter-in-law drove her out of the house with a half push and a half drive!

An aunt who lived diagonally across from the village head's house saw all this in the yard.

Her eyes looked back and forth on the things in the hands of the Feng family aunt: "Dachun daughter-in-law, just now I saw your eldest sister brought two young masters and young ladies who dress better than gods and look better than gods. Entering the house. This looks like a noble person in the city. It looks more noble than the lady of the landlord's family in our village! Is it the person from Pearl Pond? I heard that he has a big background!

Hey, are you not afraid to invite people to dinner? ! Is this noble person so easy to greet? In case you eat something from your house and have diarrhea, it is possible to beheaded at that time!

I advise you to send people away quickly! Don't be greedy for that little gift from others! Otherwise, I don't know how to die! "

When she came back just now, she saw that the steward of Pearl Pond entered Feng Dachun's house with a lot of things!

There are two more cloths! It's worth five or six hundred articles anyway!

See her eyes are red.

The village chief's daughter-in-law pouted, "Bah! Don't listen to Daniel's daughter-in-law, it's not just a meal, and it's not poisoned! How can you have diarrhea! If you really drive people out, that's not offending people? Go back and cook!"

If she didn't have to cook for her father-in-law, she would want to help her, for fear that Dachun's daughter-in-law would not be able to do it alone!

Aunt Feng nodded, she was also afraid of making the guests wait for a long time.

He hurried back with his things.

Get the wages at night, and then pay part of the money.

But for so many things, one hundred and fifty cents is definitely not enough, and the polished rice is forty or fifty cents per pound.

But don't be afraid, she has one hundred and fifty clerical wages every day. I heard that she can do it for twenty days. She can't calculate how much she can earn. In short, it is a lot!

The money for the medicine is enough for several months.

The child's father can also earn some household income by selling things like bamboo baskets.

This work was introduced by the village chief's daughter-in-law.

At that time, I will give 600 wen to the village chief's daughter-in-law.

"The kindness is not rewarded, I'm telling the truth! How rich people are! They eat delicious food from the mountains and seas. Will they get used to eating your poor food? Maybe you will have diarrhea!"

"Bah! People may have diarrhea after eating your family's food. Dachun's daughter-in-law has clean hands and feet, but she's not like you!" Sloppy and delicious!

The village chief's daughter-in-law turned around and went back to her yard, picked up the wooden tub and continued to wash rice and cook.

Da Niu's daughter-in-law wanted to say something, but she didn't dare to argue with the village chief's daughter-in-law.

Her son is still learning to read with the village chief!

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