Daniu's daughter-in-law looked at the back of the village chief's daughter-in-law and secretly hated, not understanding why the village chief's daughter-in-law recommended so many people in the village to work at Pearl Pond, why she didn't introduce herself!

It's because she escaped hard and was picked up by a big cow and brought home, so she looked down on herself!

But Dachun's daughter-in-law also escaped!

Why can't you just look down on yourself? !

Find excuses all day long to subsidize the Dachun family!

That Dachun daughter-in-law, who has only one son, is still a sick seedling, and she may become an absolute door in the future. What can I do to help?

I have three promising sons, and I don't see her helping me!

Hmph, when my son passes the exam and becomes a high-ranking official in the future, the village chief's daughter-in-law wants to be high on her own, but she can't do it!

Da Niu's daughter-in-law was still filled with anger.

She rolled her eyes, called her six-year-old son, and warned him a few words.

The boy ran out after hearing it.

The Dachun family must not be caught in the eyes of nobles. If they can work in Pearl Pond for many years, then they will be compared with their own family!

the other end

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian walked for about a quarter of an hour under the leadership of the little girl and came to a nearby village.

"Beautiful sister, my house is here!" The little girl pushed open the bamboo door.

This is an ordinary farmyard, with adobe walls, and the walls are covered with loofah vines.

Probably because the season is about to end, and there are not many melons on the melon vines.

Wen Nuan glanced at it and walked in.

Nalan Jinnian also walked in, but the door frame of the courtyard was a little low, only 1.8 meters high, and he had to lower his head to pass.

Little girl: "Beautiful brother is so tall!"

He smiled warmly, then looked at the yard.

The yard is very clean, with a circle of flowers planted along the corner, including wild chrysanthemum, periwinkle, sunflower, rhododendron, etc., adding a touch of color to this small yard.

There was also an old hen in the yard, with a flock of fluffy yellow chicks, foraging around.

In the corner, on the roof, there are bamboo mats, baskets, round dustpans and other things, with some dried sweet potatoes, dried vegetables, dried beans, beans and other things on it.

At a glance, you can see that the hostess of the house is a diligent person, who takes care of this dilapidated courtyard so warmly.

Warm also saw a green vegetable garden behind the house.

The aunt of the Feng family said that she was going to pick vegetables, but it seemed that she was going to borrow rice grain.

She understands.

Feng Zitong said to the two of them: "Pretty sister, pretty brother, come in and sit down!"

"Okay!" The warmth responded.

The people in the room also heard the movement in the yard at this time. A middle-aged man came out and was startled when he saw Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian.

I was intimidated by the style of their body.

Behind the man, stood a little boy, very thin, as long as he was three or four years old, he quietly stuck his head out and looked at the warm two.

The eyes are big and bright, there is no fear, only curiosity.

"Big sister, who are these two?" The man looked at his daughter.

"Father, this is the owner of that pond, I invite them to come to my house for dinner!"

Feng Zitong turned to Nuan He Nalan Jinnian and said, "Sister pretty, pretty brother, this is my father, my father's name is Feng Dachun, that's my younger brother! Lin Lin, call someone!"

The boy named Feng Zilin stood up at this time and shouted like his elder sister, "Pretty sister, beautiful brother!"

The man rubbed his hands on the trouser legs subconsciously: "It turned out to be the owner's girl and the young master. Please come in and sit in the house, the sun is shining outside!"

With a warm smile, he said, "Uncle Feng, take the liberty to visit and disturb you! I hope you don't take offense."

"Don't disturb, don't disturb, please come in!" Feng Dachun said immediately.

Nuan Wen walked in together with Nalan Jinnian.

The house was a bit chaotic because there were a bunch of long bamboo strips on the ground, and there was a basket that was more than half woven.

There are also several woven bamboo baskets, vegetable baskets, round dustpans, dustpans, which should be the fruits of the man's labor this morning.

After he entered the house, he hurriedly packed up these things and said, "I'm sorry, it's too sunny outside, I'll do this in the house today!"

He smiled warmly: "It doesn't matter."

"Sit down, the two of you, and I'll put these things away." The man pointed to the long bamboo bench.

The furniture in the room was all made of bamboo, and it was spotless, and the warmth suddenly thought of the scene she had just passed through.

Wen Nuan sat down with Nalan Jinnian.

Feng Dachun picked up several bamboo products neatly and put them into the house.

Then he picked up a large pile of long bamboo strips on the ground and walked outside the house with an embarrassed expression: "Sit down, two people, I will put these bamboo strips outside."

Nodding warmly: "You are busy!"

Feng Zitong put two bowls of water in front of them: "Pretty brother, pretty sister drink some water!"

"Okay!" He said with a warm smile.

Wen Nuan held the sea bowl in both hands, took a few sips, and put it down.

Nalan Jinnian also picked up the bowl with one hand and took two sips.

She glanced at Nalan Jinnian: "Do you feel familiar?"

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

It's just that this girl stared at herself that day and let herself drink a whole bowl of water!

Stomach is swollen.

He thought he was going to finish it!

At this time, Steward Yuan also came with a cloth bag of white noodles, about 30 catties, a bamboo basket containing some fish meat, two muslin cloths, and a piece of silver.

He put things down.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "I don't need you here."

Butler Yuan: "Yes."

Butler Yuan left in despair.

The woman soon returned with a basket of things, and a big hen in her hand.

Feng Zitong said: "Beautiful brother, beautiful sister, sit down and I will help my mother cook! Brother, please greet the guests!"

After saying that, she ran out immediately.

Feng Zilin: ""

The four-year-old boy looked blank, greeting?

How to say hello?

What did he think of, he ran into the house immediately, took out two candies, and handed them to Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian: "Sister, brother, eat!"

Nalan Jinnian: "!!!"

Sugar again?

He gave a warm look vigilantly: he didn't eat it!

Wen Nuan almost laughed, she smiled at Feng Zilin and said: "Just now your sister has already invited her and brother to eat it, we won't eat it, we will keep Zilin to eat! Is this candy eaten by Zilin after taking the medicine of his hardships? ?"

"Well. The medicine is very bitter, and Lin Lin doesn't want to take it!"

"Then sister will show you what kind of disease you have. Sister knows medical skills. After seeing the disease, you don't need to take hard medicine."

"Good! Good! I don't want to take medicine anymore!" Feng Zilin said happily.

"Then put your hand on the table."

Feng Zilin immediately put his hand on the table.

He has seen a lot of doctors since he was a child, and he knows that the doctors always need to take a pulse.

Nuan put his hand on his tiny pulse, and after a while, he withdrew his hand.

Congenital heart disease, more troublesome!

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