Congenital heart disease, more troublesome

But for warmth, it is a matter of using the purple gas a few times.

"Beautiful sister, can my illness be cured?"

Warm nodded, smiled, and affirmed: "Of course it can be cured! Do you have a pen and paper?"

Feng Zitong: "Yes! Pretty sister, I'll borrow it now!"

Feng Dachun and Feng Zitong just came in at this time, and they were both driven into the house by the Feng family's aunt to greet the guests, and she could cook the meal alone.

Can not neglect the guests!

The two saw Wen Nuan give Feng Zilin a pulse and heard her words.

Feng Dachun was a little suspicious, this girl looks so young, is she really a doctor?

But he thought of the pearl farm again, and heard that the owner of the pearl farm was a high-ranking official in the city, a royal relative or something!

Looking at the style of the two of them, they are very powerful at first glance.

Maybe it can really cure Lin Lin's disease? !

Thinking of this, I was a little excited!

Feng Dachun walked into the room, he pressed his heart and asked excitedly, "Girl, can you really cure Xiao Lin's disease?"

But the village elder father said that the disease was brought from the mother's womb and could not be cured, so he could only raise it carefully.

He took his son to the hospital in the capital to see it, and the doctor said it couldn't be cured!

You can only take medicine, take care of it, don't be stimulated, don't get excited!

Wen Nuan nodded: "Congenital heart disease is a heart disease brought from the mother's womb. If it is cured well, Lin Lin is still young, so it is easier to treat. However, it needs to be combined with injection. Taking medicine and injection, it takes about half a month. It's alright."

For a four-year-old child, his body is still developing and his growth ability is strong. With the help of purple qi and heart-nourishing medicine, half a month is enough!

Can you actually see that your son has a heart disease brought from his mother's womb? !

This girl's medical skills are amazing!

In any case, he didn't want to believe that his son could not be cured from the bottom of his heart!

For so many years, even if countless people have said it, he will not give up!

Always thinking, maybe there is a more powerful doctor who can cure it?

Now he has finally found it!

He hurriedly knelt down: "Thank you girl, your great kindness, our family will never forget it! We must repay the girl when we are both cows and horses!"

When Feng Zilin saw his father kneeling down, he quickly knelt down too.

Wen Nuan hurriedly said: "I can't, Uncle Feng, you get up first, if you want to repay me, you can do me a favor, you don't have to be a cow or a horse!"

Feng Dachun hurriedly stood up: "Girl, please say, as long as it's not illegal, such as murder and arson, I, Feng Dachun, can't help but define it!"

Warmth: "Actually, it's not a big deal, that is, I saw that the bamboo baskets woven by the uncle are very good.

I have a restaurant and need a lot of bamboo food baskets, fruit plates and other items, so I would like to ask you to help me weave something out of bamboo and rattan. I will draw it for you, you can just follow it. "

Now the restaurant has been built, and when the road is paved, the warm will open.

Although the outer city has not been expanded yet, she is opening a health building. Even outside the city, as soon as the health food comes out, everyone will go out to buy it overnight!

After all, healthy dishes are always available in limited quantities.

And people who have eaten it can't wait to eat it every day!

After all, the richer people are, the more they desire health and longevity.

Feng Dachun immediately said, "This is a trivial matter. Don't worry, girl, as long as you can draw it, I can make it for you! I will do as much as you want. As long as the girl needs it, I will do it for the girl for free for a lifetime!"

What to do for free for a lifetime, he doesn't have to live?

Wen Nuan was made laugh by his sincerity: "I want more, uncle, you can do it for me for a lifetime, you can't even support the family. I estimate that I need more than a thousand a month!"

At present, there are nearly 100 bamboo products lost every day in Jianghuaifu Health Building.

Especially the small bamboo sieve used to decorate the tea shrimp, dozens of them can be broken every day.

Because the food boxes brought by the guests are also woven with bamboo strips, after all, the cost is lower than that of wood, and bamboo grows faster, which is relatively environmentally friendly, and it is also simple to make, yet beautiful.

Hundreds of food boxes are provided to guests every day, but this requires an additional fee of twenty or thirty cents apiece.

Those who are willing to go to the health building to eat are not short of twenty or thirty food boxes.

Of course, there are also people who bring their own food boxes to buy takeout.

Anyway, restaurants consume a lot of these bamboo products.

The third uncle is too busy alone, and has invited many people to do it together, and it has become a workshop.

Feng Dachun: ""

Thousands per month? I have to make dozens of them that day!

I'm afraid he really can't do it alone!


But he has already boasted.

Feng Dachun bit the bullet and said, "Girl, I can make up twenty of one food basket every day, no more!"

Warmly smiled: "Twenty is already very fast! Come on! I'll ask Uncle Feng to make a large round dustpan and other ten papers, and a small fruit plate and other five papers! It's a bit more complicated. The food basket is fifteen cents apiece. There are also some very small, very simple ones, which cost one cent. When the time comes, I will draw them and set a price."

"I want a lot of quantity. If you are too busy, you can ask someone with good craftsmanship to help you, but it must be exquisite and not thorny! I will only receive the goods."

Feng Dachun was shocked when he heard it. The price was higher than if he sold it!

Who is this helping?

"Girl, is this you helping me, or am I helping you?"

He wanted to repay this girl!

Now that she has given her family such a large amount of business, she owes even more favors!


Warmly smiled: "You are helping me by making these bamboo products."

Feng Dachun "Girl, your price is too high! Half of it is enough! You help Lin Lin see a doctor, I can't charge you such an expensive unit price!"

He said with a warm smile: "I'm a doctor, it's right to see a doctor for Lin Lin, you only need to pay the consultation fee, and today's meal will be considered a consultation fee. And you do those things well, and pay them on time and according to the quality. Goods, it's helping me! In fact, the things I draw are not easy to do, and the price is not high."

At this time, Feng Zitong came back panting with a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. This was borrowed from the village chief's house.

"Pretty sister, here comes the pen and paper!" She put the things on the table and took a deep breath.

Wen Nuan picked up a pen and paper and began to write a prescription: "This is a prescription, one dose a day, decoct in the morning and evening, take a small half-sea bowl of juice, and fry it directly at night. I have a bottle of pills in my carriage, and those pills are when I get sick. For food, half of each time is enough, and I will bring it to you when the time comes."

Feng Dachun took a look at the prescription and couldn't help but praise: "The girl's handwriting is so beautiful!"

Feng Zitong said anxiously from the side: "Father, I will go to the village chief's uncle's house to get the medicine, and you will give me the prescription! Now that I get the medicine, my brother can eat it after dinner, and he can take another dose at night. Good day!"

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