The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 805 The harvest of Yongan New Street

Late at night

The warm sisters are checking the income of the newly opened shops today.

The shopkeeper and account room of each store in the ledger have been checked and counted.

They only need to check it, and then count the profits of several shops.

The abacus in the room rattled. After a long while, the gentle check was completed, and he said with a smile: "Today, Siji Rou Chang has made a total of 100,000 taels after removing all the costs! There are several foreign merchants who brought a large amount of fabrics back! Some The merchant has paid a deposit, and the balance of 100,000 taels has not been recovered."

New Year's wear new clothes, the end of the year, this is the best time for garment shops and cloth shops.

Warm is also over, her bakery and snack shops, as well as some snack shops. These are small businesses, but these things are not expensive if you can't stand them, and children can't move their feet when they see them. Accumulate small into a lot, gather sand into a tower, the harvest is quite good.

"Today, the bakery and snack shop, the snack shop made a total of more than 1,000 taels."

For this kind of small business, more than 1,000 taels a day is already a lot. That is because there are two foreign merchants who have ordered 100 catties of candied dried fruit each, so this sales volume is only possible.

Lin Tingya: "Our flower shop also made more than 50,000 taels! Many people have ordered flowers for the New Year, and the balance of nearly 100,000 taels has not been recovered! The flower farmers in the flower farm have been busy recently!"

Warm: "It's almost New Year's Eve, and there will be more merchants coming to the capital to buy goods recently, and the business of our shop will get better and better! We have to make a good profit at the end of the year! We will earn back all the money we invested!"

Wen Ran: "The pharmacy has made 334,000 taels! The ten health-preserving 100-year-old ginseng, 100-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, 100-year-old Polygonum multiflorum and other precious medicinal materials that were launched today have all been robbed!"

It’s just that these century-old precious medicinal herbs cannot be taken out often, otherwise they will make big profits every day!

Pharmacies are very profitable!

Because the cost of Chinese herbal medicine is low, and Wen Ran is made into pills, the efficacy is better than that of ordinary pharmacies. Ordinary wind-cold medicine can be cured by others after three days, and the medicine of Yangshengtang pharmacy can be cured after one day of consumption, and the price is a little more expensive than others. But in general, because the amount is small, it is cheaper.

Therefore, those essential medicines for home travel will be sold out as soon as they are put on the shelves!

Needless to say, the warm health series of medicines are not many in quantity, and they will be on the shelves in seconds! And most are made to order.

These health-preserving medicinal materials can be said to be a huge profit, and many rich and powerful businessmen are vying to buy them.

At this time, Nuan also calculated the money earned from the health building, silver building, inn, department store, tea house, noodle shop and other businesses!

"Health Building earned 99,903 taels today!"

Gentle: "This is much more profitable than when the health building in Ningyuan County opened."

He smiled warmly: "That's for sure, here is the foot of the sky, and besides, the signboard of our health building has been opened in the entire Nalan country! Before this opening, the word and opening time of the big health building were linked. In that building for a few months, many people have come here!"

Besides, the price of health building is still a civilian price, and many people in the city can afford it.

The dishes inside do not contain delicacies of mountains and seas, they are all home-cooked dishes, and they are launched in a series of health-care packages, so one dish and one soup only cost one or two silver. Vegetables are healthy vegetables. The soup is a healthy soup, but there is only one bowl, which is made of healthy ingredients. Guests can choose any healthy soup according to their physical conditions.

Ordinary minor ailments and pains, such as toothache, anger, and runny nose are really effective in a bowl of soup!

Two dishes and one soup cost three taels of silver, one dish and one meat, and one healthy soup (two bowls).

And so on, four dishes and one soup cost six taels of silver.

Five dishes and one soup cost ten taels of silver!

Ten dishes and two soups cost fifty taels of silver!

Anyway, it's quite a bargain compared to Tao Ranju!

Then there are some snacks, sugar water and the like, all of which have health benefits. The price is not expensive,

Many ordinary people in the capital can eat three times a month.

The health building is very big, and the shop occupies one third of the street.

But today it was full all day long!

Those wealthy people know that Yangshengtang meals have the effect of strengthening the body, and many of them directly set two meals a month!

People with a little background will also set a half month for their frail children to recuperate their bodies!

Warmly believes that the business of the health building will be the same every day in the future!

So she has to buy a variety of vegetables and raise poultry from Zhuangzi again!

"Today, the silver building made 500,000 taels! Because all the treasures of the town store were sold, they made a full 190,000 taels there!"

Because of that yellow diamond, the people of Nalan Jinnian bought it when they bought the rough stone overseas.

At that time, I spent a tael or two to buy a lot of low-quality rough stones.

The cost can be said to be gone!

In addition to being large enough, the rough stone is not clear enough, there are too many impurities in it, and the color is not pure enough. It can almost be said to be a waste rock!

Overseas diamond merchants are meant to be discarded, but Nalan Jinnian knew that Wennuan planned to open a jewelry shop, so he let those who went out to see the poor quality rough gemstones brought back!

So, there is such a big yellow diamond.

Then warm and purify it with purple air many times before purifying all the impurities inside.

Although it was said that the cost price of the yellow diamond was not even a tael of silver, but the yellow diamond has been purified by warm purple air for many times, and it is actually much more valuable than the normal yellow diamond. It has a health-preserving effect, so Li Wanwan bought it It's not a loss.

I just don't know if Prime Minister Li's family property can be kept.

And there are also jade jewelry, ornaments and other jade articles. You must know that all the jade articles you buy in Ruian Yinlou are better than the first-class products outside!

Therefore, they all sell well. At the end of the year, there are many happy events. Naturally, there are more people buying gold and jade articles.

Therefore, the warm silver building, as soon as it opened, made money that others earned in a month during the off-season!

"There are relatively few people staying in the inn. There are only 20 rooms, and they don't make much money. And because the department store is a business investment, the customers inside said that today's business is much better than that of the stores in the city.

So all the merchants ran to renew the lease at noon!

There are thirty-two shops of different sizes on the several floors inside, the small one is fifty-two, the medium one is one hundred and two, the large one is three hundred and two, and the extra large one is five hundred and two. A total of 5,500 taels of rent was received!

The business of the teahouse is good, earning 7,000 taels, and many people buy tea leaves after drinking tea in our teahouse. As long as the teahouse encounters tea merchants from other places, the business will definitely go up a level. Then the noodle shop, the milk tea shop, and the barbecue shop also all have a profit of about one hundred taels, which is already very good! "

The gentle sisters nodded: "It's much better than I expected! I didn't expect to earn so much!"

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