The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 806 Is it okay to marry yourself?

Wen Wen: "We have invested so much money in the street in the outer city. Let's work harder and try to earn back all the money we have invested in the peak season of the end of the year and these months!"

Lin Tingya: "That's right! The Longevity Festival will be in a few months. At that time, people from all over the world will come! Guests from all walks of life will also come to the imperial capital, and all business will be prosperous by then! We should buy more people Come back for training and prepare more goods. Then we can take advantage of the opportunity to make more and more money.”

Warmly nodded! "Yes, my snack workshop is really ready."

Nodding warmly: "That's right. By the way, I plan to take half of the money I earned today and use it to build the bridge. Do you have any opinions?"

The outer city of Nalan Jinnian has now been fully constructed and the ground has been broken.

He plans to build it all before giving it to the warmth, which is considered to give a city to the little girl.

Therefore, the warmth has the money to build bridges and pave the way.

The gentle sisters naturally have no opinions, no warmth, and they can't make money!

Gentle immediately said: "No, this is what it should be! The bridge is built as soon as possible, and the people over there can come easily!"

Warmly nodded: "Yes! The sooner this happens, the better!"

Wen Ran: "I have a little money myself. If I don't have enough time to build the bridge, the third sister can ask me to get it!"

Because Wen Ran is a medical student and can make medicine, she collects medicine for half a month and refines medicine for half a month. The output of pills she makes is still very high!

So she is already the richest little rich woman among the sisters, except for warmth!

Besides, there are so many brothers and sisters above, all of them love her, so on weekdays her money is only in but not out!

Wen Wenwen said: "Oh, did the sun come out from the west today? The iron roosters are all plucked!"

Wen Ran kicked Wen Wen with her little foot: "You are the iron cock!"

Everyone in the room laughed.

A few warm sisters here are counting money.

In other places, there are also people who are calculating how much money Wennuan earns today.

The Mansion of the Three Princes

Today, the third prince also went to Yongan New Street in the outer city.

Moreover, he found a private room in the teahouse, and sat by the window with a staff member for a whole day.

He also arranged for many people to stay in various shops.

The purpose is to keep an eye on the business of each store.

At this moment, he is in the study room of the Third Prince's Mansion, and he is estimating how much money the shop in the new street of Wennuan has earned with a staff member who is good at arithmetic.

"The Health Building has earned at least 40,000 taels today! Because the health ingredients all require precious medicinal materials to grow and feed, the subordinates are calculated according to the method that ordinary businessmen do business and earn half.

Ruian Yinlou is also the owner of Hui'an County, earning at least 250,000 taels.

There is also the rent of the department store. The subordinates have inquired about it. One month's rent can earn 5,500 taels!

The business of the inn is almost at a disadvantage, only the owner of the other shops has not been found out, but the rent is not cheap, and the smallest snack shop costs 320 rooms! It's as big as a tea house, with several storeys high, 10,000 a month! This street shop collects rent, and Hui'an County Master takes almost 100,000 taels every month! "

Listening to the numbers reported by the staff, the third prince squeezed the teacup tightly.

The originally calm and calm expression was no longer calm.

Hui'an County Master can be said to be a gold medal every day!

According to her income today, she earns nearly 300,000 taels a day, which is already more than two months of income from his shop!

How can the three princes not be jealous!

Thinking of that beautiful and beautiful woman, he felt more and more that he couldn't kill her in the future.

Stay by your side, that is a lucky boy!

Why does he have no money?

If she followed him wholeheartedly and helped her make money, he wouldn't mind rewarding her with a title and a son!

The children born by Princess Hui'an should also be very smart.

The appearance of the daughter of the master of Hui'an County is definitely not bad. When the time comes, I will send her to Beiming Kingdom to have a relative, collect information on Beiming Kingdom, and it will also be convenient for me to rule the world...

The son that Hui'an County Master gave birth to for himself is responsible for making money and unifying the world, but it needs a lot of money.


Thinking of this, the third prince loosened the clenched teacup.

However, now the money earned by Hui'an County Master is cheaper than Uncle Jin!

The third prince thinks of this, and the whole person is not well!

I can't wait to send a sedan chair to bring Hui'an County Master back to be my concubine!

What should be done?

The third prince expressed his concerns. After all, one person is short, and two are long.

"The Princess Hui'an is so good at making money! This is another great help for King Jin!"

The third prince was annoyed because he didn't know how to marry a peasant girl before.

Anyway, in order not to be wary of the father and emperor, when he married the third emperor's concubine, he also took the daughter of a relatively low-ranking military general.

The third prince is virtuous and virtuous, and she has helped him a lot over the years. Originally, the third prince was quite satisfied!

It's just a comparison with Princess Hui'an, it's really not a little bit worse.

"It is undeniable that with the appearance of Hui'an County Master, King Jin is even more powerful.

It's been very bad for us in the long run.

Without eating, our only solution is to break these wings! "

"I saw today that most parts of the outer city are now breaking ground, digging foundations, digging foundations, and planning. These are all words from the master of Hui'an who spends money to build..."

Having said that, the god operator hooked his lips, and continued: "Even if Princess Hui'an is very good at making money!

It is impossible for such a large local treasury to spend so much money to build it at the same time.

There is no way that there is no silver from the previous treasury!

If the third prince is worried that King Jin is too strong to resist, his subordinates think that they can start from this aspect and pull down Hui'an County Lord as soon as possible. "

The third prince shook his head: "But the money in the former treasury, we secretly investigated the An Guogong family, and after so long, there is no news at all. If not, it will make the father unhappy! This prince does not want to Uncle He Jin, Princess Hui'an tore his face! This prince thinks that because Princess Hui'an has so many skills, it would be great to be able to pull her into our side. Sir, is there any way?"

"Bring the Hui'an County Master to our side? This is of course the best. If you want to bring a woman over, the best way is to form a marriage! The third prince and the fifth emperor's grandson are also grown up! It's also time to start a family and start a business. already."

The staff is on point.

There are many ways to become in-laws.

Let's see how the three princes arrange it!

He is not good at expressing these.

After all, Princess Hui'an and her sister seem to be engaged!

Third Prince: "..."

The grandson of the fifth emperor?

Let your son marry the Princess Hui'an?

Can you marry yourself?

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