After calculating how much money I made in one day, I warmly dreamed of sleeping on the silver, and the next day was ushered in.

Early this morning, Nuan Nuan received a post from Prince An's mansion for a painting banquet.

The post also said that there will be a painting competition at the painting banquet. If you win, Prince An will send a very precious gift!

Prince An mentioned this to himself yesterday and warmly invited him.

I just didn't expect it to be so fast!

I just said it yesterday, and today's post is here!

The painting feast starts tomorrow!

In Nalan Jinnian, he was busy with the longevity festival.

Today, I finally came to Anguo Gongfu for breakfast, and I will be busy in a while.

He glanced at the post in Wen's hands and said, "Go! I'll go with you tomorrow!"

The second emperor has a lot of treasures in his hands!

It's rare for the second emperor to wake up a little, um, it's time for him to give his girl a little greeting!

But if you want to get the treasure in the hands of the second emperor, you have to draw well!

Otherwise you can't get it!

Wen Nuan put away the post and said, "Okay, I promised Prince An yesterday. I just didn't expect it so soon."

Nalan Jinnian: "Second Emperor Brother has always been very casual, whatever comes to mind. For the affairs of Prince An's Mansion, you received a post this morning about what to attend tomorrow, and the next day you get dressed up and get ready to go out, and you may receive another post. Said it was canceled."

No way, because Prince Ann suffers from amnesia anytime and anywhere.

Sometimes when he went to Prince An's mansion, the second emperor would call himself emperor father!

But because Princess An knows that Prince An is a person who loves his face very much, she doesn't want Prince An to wake up and know that he has done such a stupid thing, so Prince An's mansion always refuses to see guests!

In addition to the exclusive imperial doctor, Princess An will not let others see a doctor for Prince An!

Because the imperial doctor who treated Prince An was the head of the imperial hospital, the younger brother of Princess An.

Nalan Jinnian wanted to bring warmth to Prince An to see, but Princess An refused.

Originally, I thought that when Prince An's mansion held a banquet, I would bring warmth there, but I have waited until now.

The warmth is also understandable: "Well, if I have a chance tomorrow, I will help Prince An to take a look!"

A prince who has Alzheimer's is a matter of the royal family's face. It is normal for Princess An to keep a low profile and not accept outsiders.

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "I'm leaving. Xiao Hei should be back today. If it flies back here, let it find me right away."

He still has work to do and can't stay here and wait.

"Well, I know." Warm nodded.

Nalan Jinnian stood up and was about to go out.

At this time, Xiao Hei flew in.

Nalan Jinnian stretched out his hand, and Xiao Hei landed on his palm.

Nuan couldn't help standing up: "Xiao Hei, are you back?"

Xiaohei went to Dongling Country during this time, because Nuan was worried about whether there would be any situation in Dongling Country.

Nalan Jinnian asked Xiao Hei to go there to watch at any time.

Now that Xiao Hei is back, it means that the result of the negotiations in the Tangling Kingdom should come out!

Nalan Jinnian took off the note under Little Black's wing.

Nuan: "Xiao Hei, hurry up and find Aster and ask her to give you something to eat."

Knowing that Nuan was in a hurry, he opened it and handed the note directly to Nuan to make it easier for her to see the content.

Wen Nuan glanced at it, then smiled: "It's done! The negotiation is successful! The two cities are in hand! Fifty million taels of silver are in hand!"

Although it was expected, the warmth couldn't help but be happy!

The corners of Nalan Jinnian's mouth couldn't help but rise: "Yes."

Nalan Jinnian quickly walked to the desk and wrote several letters in a row.

When it was over, he handed Wen Nuan one of the notes: "I'll go to the palace! You ask Xiao Hei to send this note to Uncle Wen."

Wen Nuan took it over and nodded: "Okay!"

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he took the other letters and left in a hurry!

He has many things to arrange!

Now that the negotiation is successful!

Then the safety of the envoy team who came back with the city transfer documents and 50,000,000 taels needed even more attention!

This is much more dangerous than when we set off!

When you set off, there are only one or two enemies, but on the return journey, there may be many unpredictable enemies!

After all, the riches and silks move people's hearts!

Fifty million taels of silver is enough for many people to fight desperately.

Besides, there are also transfer documents for two cities!

It is impossible for the Tanglin Kingdom to be silent, and it is impossible for the other four countries not to be unmoved!

Even if they had already made preparations, Nalan Jinnian was still worried, reminding them to adapt to the situation at any time!

In the days to come, Nalan Jinnian needs to grasp the situation of the return of the envoy team.

He has all these ready.

"The team of ambassadors from Houtian began to return from the border of Dongling Kingdom. After tomorrow, I will set off to meet Uncle Wen."

Nalan Jinnian was worried about the distance of the waterway.

In that public sea area, ships from all countries can come and go.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

Nodding warmly: "Let's go together then."

Going from here to the high seas is faster than the envoy team. They set off the day after tomorrow, just two or three days before the envoy team reached the border of Dongling Kingdom!

"Okay!" Nalan Jinnian hurriedly left after responding.

Warm also hurried to find Xiao Hei!

These things, pay attention to is one step ahead!

It is estimated that in more than ten days, people from the other three countries will know that the negotiation of the team sent by the Nalan Kingdom has been successful.

Because they have Xiao Hei, the news is always one step ahead, and they can make arrangements before the other three countries know about it!

So, poor little black, it's time to live the life of a trapeze again.

After Nuan found Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei was eating the meat on the plate hard.

I ate a lump in my neck!


Looking at the warmth makes me feel a little distressed, how hungry is this!

When Xiao Hei saw the warmth coming, he stopped eating immediately.

It also knew the stakes were high this time, just as it had fought before.

Immediately it spread its wings and let the warmth tie the note under its wings.

It set off to deliver the letter.

Warm read from its eyes: Miss, hurry up!

Warm is a little sad because of its sensibleness.

She touched Xiao Hei's head: "Eat slowly, don't rush."

At the same time, she used purple energy to help Xiao Hei get tired.

Xiao Hei's eyes lit up, but it still quickly finished the meat on the plate!

Warm and wait for it to finish eating, then feed it a digestive pill, and then tie the note under its wings.

He patted Xiao Hei's head again: "It's hard work!"

Xiao Hei turned his head and glanced at the plate, the meaning was obvious, it will eat delicious food when it comes back!

Nodding warmly, he patted its head again: "Make sure to make your favorite food!"

Satisfied, Xiao Hei rubbed his head against the warm palm of his hand, then flapped his wings and flew away happily.

The warmth watched it fly to the high blue sky and waved to it.

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