The third prince also received the post that Prince An's mansion was going to hold a painting banquet.

After all, the third prince is also a scholar who likes to dance and play with words.

The third prince looked at the post in his hand, and he hooked his lips: "Are you sure you saw that the Duke of Anguo also received the post?"

The maid in front of the third prince asked, "Yes, the person who sent the message said before leaving that she would also go to Prince Jin's Mansion and Duke An Guo's Mansion to deliver the post."

Prince An's mansion held a painting banquet, and would not invite many people.

Prince An is fond of flowers, so he will only invite some people who really know how to paint.

Among the royal relatives, the three princes, Prince Ning, and Prince Ning are such people.

So they all get the post.

King Jin naturally understands!

Is it just the Princess Hui'an also invited?

The third prince smiled, the more this Princess Hui'an really got to know her, the more surprising it was!

What the third prince thought, he rode out of the third prince's mansion and came to a compound in the city where the rich merchants gathered, and he walked in.

Passing through a garden full of autumn chrysanthemums and a few moon gates, he came to a courtyard somewhere.

In the yard, a woman in yellow is painting.

The chrysanthemums on the painting are lifelike, and they are as close to the ones in front of them, as if they are taking pictures, so that people can't see the difference.

The woman looked at her painting with satisfaction and smiled.

"Yu'er's painting skills are really getting better and better!" The third prince commented behind the woman.

Wen Yu was startled when she heard the words, she turned around and saw the person who came, her eyes lit up, she quickly stood up, blushed, and saluted: "I have seen the third prince!"

The third prince stepped forward to help her up, and took her into his arms: "Didn't you say you don't need to be more polite?"

Wen Yu snuggled in his arms, playing with his clothes with her little hands, and rubbed her body against him intentionally or not: "I dare not!"

The evil fire of the third prince was quickly aroused by her.

He picked her up and walked into the house.

A quarter of an hour later, the third prince was lying on the bed, and Wen Yu knelt on the edge of the bed, wiping his sweaty body.

The third prince closed his eyes, rested on the jade pillow, opened his mouth and said, "Tomorrow, you can go to Prince An's mansion with the daughter of the minister of labor to attend a painting banquet!"

Wen Yu's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she said happily, "Yes!"

The third prince is finally willing to take her out!

"Good performance, Prince An intends to accept apprentices. If he falls into the eyes of Prince An, this prince will be able to make you a concubine in the future!"

"The concubine will definitely work hard!"

She has confidence in her current drawing skills!

Since the third prince took her in last year and knew that she was good at painting, the third prince often came to teach her how to paint, and even invited a famous master to teach her!

Her paintings can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds!

Now her paintings are signed in Yu'er's name, and they can be auctioned for thousands of taels!

In the painting and calligraphy world, she has the title of "Little Nameless"!

That is to say, people in the world feel that their paintings can be compared with that of unknown masters!

The third prince was very satisfied with her well-behaved, and continued: "Tomorrow, Hui'an County Master will also participate in the painting banquet. You and her are cousins, so you should be able to have a few words with her. Hui'an County Master is a versatile person. Blood is thicker than water sisters! You should take the initiative to befriend her and learn from Princess Hui'an! Of course, there is no hurry, just take it step by step!"

The third prince didn't tell Wen Yu too much.

Wen Yu is more than clever, lest she be self-defeating.

So he planned to see if Wen Yu could complete this task.

Let's draw the others slowly!

Although he is in a hurry, his patience has always been very good!

It's the warmth of the plague god again! That bitch!

What did she do to seduce the third prince?

The third prince said before that she obviously didn't have this attitude.

This time, she clearly noticed that the third prince's tone had changed!

There was a deep appreciation for that bitch, the God of Plague in his tone!

That bitch has everything now, why seduce her third prince!

King Jin is young and handsome, and the third prince is in his thirties. Although he is handsome and does not look old, he is also a man who can be his own father!

She can only follow someone who can be her father!

Why does the warm bitch still want to ruin her happiness!

Wen Yu's heart is ferocious, but she has no relatives and no support, and she has long been frightened by the head on the guillotine!

She is not the impulsive she used to be.

So although my heart is jealous and hateful.

Wen Yu's face didn't show at all.

She smiled and said, "All the concubines and concubines listen to the third prince! Sister Nuan is my younger sister. I have no relatives. I will try my best to get along with her! Learn from her!"

The third prince nodded with satisfaction, and he pulled her again.

Wen Yu's face was shy, she only hoped that she could be pregnant with the dragon's son and the phoenix as soon as possible.

But she has been with the third prince for so long, but her stomach has not moved at all!

Wen Yu is also worried!


The next day, Nuan Wen and Nalan Jinnian went to Prince An's mansion to attend the painting banquet held by Prince An's son.

Prince An's Mansion opens

Today, Prince An's Mansion is no longer as quiet as it used to be. Instead, it is rather lively. Of course, this liveliness is relatively normal.

Compared with other mansions, it is still very quiet.

Although the number of guests is not counted, after all, Prince An did not dare to invite too many people over.

The people invited were all taken to the Garden Warm Pavilion by the servants.

So as not to disturb the rest of Prince An.

It's not too late for Nuan and Nalanjin to come, and Prince Ning, Prince Ning's son and others haven't come yet.

Prince An came out to greet them in person. When he saw them, Prince An gave King Jin a salute and said happily, "Uncle Jin, Princess Hui'an, you have come! Uncle Jin, my father was still missing you just now! "

Of course, Prince An is not missing, but scolding!

He scolds Nalan Jinnian for having no conscience, and he hasn't come to see him for so long!

Nalan Jinnian also knew, he nodded.

The three first went to the study to visit Prince An.

In the study, Prince An was examining his collection of paintings.

Hearing Nalan Jinnian's request to see him, he immediately glanced around, and then hurriedly hid all the treasures!

Don't let Nalan Jinnian see it!

This Seventeenth Emperor Brother is too bad, every time he comes, he will cut off his heart!

Caused him to miss tea and rice for a month every time!

After Prince An hid his things under the table, he sat at the desk seriously, picked up a chess manual, and pretended to read it, and then he said, "Come in!"

Nalan Jinnian and Nuan walked in.

At a glance, Wen Nuan saw that the chess sheet held in Prince An's hand was reversed!


Prince An's mouth twitched.

Why can his father turn the book upside down every time?

Nalan Jinnian was used to it, he saluted calmly, and then opened it up: "Second Emperor, your book has been reversed again."

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