Prince Ann: ""

What son of a bitch always puts his book upside down! ! !

He wants to catch him to play fifty big boards!

Hit him to cry father and mother!

Prince An cursed frantically in his heart, and then his expression was not obvious, he squinted Nalan Jinnian: "No big or small, you don't know that this chess book has been smashed by this king, and now I just want to memorize it! "

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "The studious spirit of the second emperor is really worth learning. Is the second emperor familiar with me? Do you need the emperor to test you?"

Prince Ann: ""

What kind of brother did his father give birth to?

How dare the younger brother in this world be so disrespectful to his elder brother?

Prince An was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "When is it your turn to take the exam? No big or small! What are you doing here?"

Nalan Jinnian took Nuan and walked in, came to the desk, and let go of his hand.

Wen Nuan gave Prince An a salute: "The Princess Hui'an has seen Prince An, Prince An is blessed!"

Warmly looked at Prince An, Prince An's appearance was a bit similar to the emperor, especially the forehead and nose, which were printed from a template.

And Nalan Jin looks somewhat similar to the emperor's eyebrows, and he is more like the queen mother.

Prince An saw the interaction between the two, and could not help but look at the warmth seriously: "Are you the Princess Hui'an?"

He smiled warmly: "Back to the lord, the servant girl is exactly."

Prince An just looked at her like that and didn't call her up.

He had also heard Princess An say before that the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother was engaged, and he was a county master from a peasant girl.

I don't know much, because just as he was about to check it out, he fell ill again in the afternoon and was stupid.

In this way, this little girl's bearing is indeed extraordinary, and her behavior is also generous and decent.

However, this Princess Hui'an is really too beautiful.

It's even more beautiful than the queen mother.

It can be said to be unparalleled!

Since ancient times, there have been many disasters for the country!

His father, the emperor, was a little addicted to women's lust, so the entire Nalan Kingdom was bureaucratically corrupt and smoky before the current emperor took over!

Fortunately, when he was old, after he married the current queen mother, the most beautiful woman in the world, he reflected on it and realized how absurd he was in the past.

Otherwise, Nalan will be in chaos!

Of course, Prince An knows that there is a subtle contribution from the Queen Mother. Although the Queen Mother is beautiful, the Queen Mother is a real model of motherhood in the royal family!

If it is in an ordinary family, it is a typical good wife and good mother!

Although she was younger than their brothers, and she was more than enough to be her own daughter at that age, their brothers, including the current emperor, respected her very much.

But not all beautiful women are queen mothers!

The Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother is the one who will inherit the throne in the future!

The father's widow is still in his hands!

His princess will be the queen of the world in the future, but she can't have no stomach at all, so Prince An deliberately embarrassed and warmed.

See if she is angry.

Prince An wanted to be embarrassed and warm, but he never asked Nalan Jinnian if he was happy.

Nalan Jinnian took her warm hand directly, pulled her to the armchair, and pressed her on the chair: "What are you still doing, sit!"

Prince Ann: ""

What kind of stinky imperial brother, married a daughter-in-law and forgot his brother!

Nalan Jinnian then lifted up his robe and sat down on the armchair beside Wennuan.

Prince An secretly despised his father, and he really didn't have the style of being an imperial brother at all!

In front of his son, he knew how to pretend to be a boss!

Prince An did not expect that Nalan Jinnian would protect a woman like this.

In his heart, he felt that he should be more careful about warmth.

It's not impossible to spoil your daughter-in-law, but you have to see if the spoiled daughter-in-law is worth it.

They are not ordinary people, their own preferences, even their words and deeds, may involve the entire national fortune!

Of course, as the emperor's brother, he would not lose face as his own emperor's brother, so Prince An just glared at Nalan Jinnian and let it go.

No more embarrassment for Nuan, he looked at Nuan: "Can County Master Hui'an play chess?"

Looking at a person's chess pieces, you can also see her character.

In order to be able to go to An Guogong's mansion for dinner every day in the future, the heir to Prince An hurriedly said, "Father, Princess Hui'an can paint."

My father likes people who can paint the most.

Prince An was not surprised when he heard it. The girls nowadays can draw a little, but it's far from being able to draw well.

There will be a painting competition in a while, so he can see the painting skills of Princess Hui'an in a while.

Not urgent!

After a country in the future, he has to take a good look at everything.

The emperor's father gave him the edict for safekeeping, and the throne was inherited by the emperor's brother, which also had many aspects to be considered.

It is to let them take a good look at whether the seventeenth emperor's younger brother has the ability to inherit the throne in the future.

Now, the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother is undoubtedly capable, but he is also worried about him and his father's statue, indulging in women's lust, and then making Nalan Kingdom go downhill again.

Nalan Country finally climbed up again, but could no longer slide down.

Now the four countries are eyeing the tigers, and their strength is constantly increasing.

It was not easy for Emperor Taizu to conquer this country back then, and it was all earned by the blood of many people!

Their descendants will not be able to open up the remote areas of Xinjiang, nor can they destroy the country!

And in his current situation, he is really worried that one day he will even forget who he is.

Therefore, he must hand over the edict to the Seventeenth Emperor as soon as possible.

But he married a princess who confuses all living beings. What if he is addicted to women's lust and has no intention of state affairs?

Prince An was not at ease, so he naturally had to take a good look at the warmth.

If she is of good character, sensible and reasonable, and cares about the people of the world, then his imperial brother will marry a beautiful princess, and he will agree with both feet.

Prince An glared at Prince An's heir.

This son is not his own!

Prince An touched his nose and felt bitter in his heart: Father, one day you will understand the suffering of your son!

Warmly smiled and said modestly: "Playing chess, ministers and daughters know a little bit."

Prince An nodded: "How about Princess Hui'an playing a game of chess with this king?"

"It is an honor for a minister and daughter to be able to play chess with Prince An." Nuan also sees that Prince An intends to study himself.

Warm doesn't care about these, after all, it's not an embarrassment, it's just an expression of a brother's love for his brother.

Prince An's servant immediately prepared the chessboard.

Soon, the chessboard was taken out.

Wen Nuan and Prince An each hold a piece, and Go is respected by the black piece, Prince An holds the black piece, and Nuan holds the white piece.

Prince An casually placed a black spot on the chessboard.

Warm to keep up.

As soon as the warm Baizi fell, Prince An followed.

Warmth also followed Prince An's chess piece as soon as he dropped it, as if he didn't need to think about it.

This is just the beginning, no need to think or surprise.

Nalan Jinnian sat warmly beside her and looked at her imperial brother: "Brother, if Hui'an County Master wins, will there be a reward? You haven't given your sister-in-law a gift yet!"


She was embarrassed to ask for a gift in front of her.

Prince An glared at him: How could he have such a brazen imperial brother?

"There are rewards for winning, but penalties for losing! How?"

In this way, if Hui'an County Master can't pass his own test, he can use this to propose to break off the marriage!

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