Nalan Jinnian raised his eyebrows: "No way! If you lose, you will be punished. You don't need to punish me! My girl won't lose!"

Prince An almost rolled his eyes: "You won't lose, so what are you afraid of?!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Prince An and said with a worried look for his IQ: "Brother Huang, Brother Huang is worried that you will be punished!"

Nalan Jinnian gave him another one, look how much I care about your royal brother's eyes!

You have no sense of your own good intentions!

Prince An's mouth twitched: worried that he lost?

He believes that he is a big head!

This person is clearly reluctant to punish Hui'an County Master!

Maybe he has seen his mind.

Prince An still knows how shrewd his brother is.

"This king is not afraid of being punished! As long as you don't pay a thousand dollars! If you lose, you are not allowed to go back on your promises!"

"Oh!" Nalan Jin snorted softly, leaning back on the armchair and said lazily: "You don't need to be afraid! What does the emperor think of the emperor's brother?! It's always the emperor's brother who goes back on his promises. ."

Prince An stared at the blowing beard: "Nonsense! When did this king go back on his promises?! Who wouldn't say this king's words in the whole capital?!!!"

Prince An said, and gave another son.

Nalan Jinnian continued shamelessly: "When the emperor was three years old, the emperor said that he would take the emperor out of the palace to play, but he always coaxed the emperor! I have never brought him once, just talking about it! Does this count as renegade?

When the emperor was four years old, the emperor said to take the emperor to go hunting, but you went alone! Is this a renegade?

When the emperor was five years old, the emperor said to take the emperor to the racecourse to race horses, but the emperor went to the painting boat and did not bring it! Do you think this is a renegade!

The emperor said that he would give the emperor 100,000 taels of silver for the New Year every year. As a result, when the emperor was six years old, the emperor lost a bet with others and only gave 10,000 taels. Do you think this is a renegade?

The emperor is seven years old"

"Stop!" Prince An was going crazy!

What is this stinking emperor brother doing with his face in front of outsiders!

How could this stinky boy remember such a small thing so clearly? !

Dare to say anything!

If the princess knew that he was going to paint the boat, he wouldn't have to sleep in the house tonight.

Besides, he went to draw a boat to investigate a case!

Let him go on, don't know what to say? !

Prince An couldn't afford to lose this person, so he gave Hui'an County Master a stern look.

Naturally, Nalan Jinnian didn't say any more.

Prince An looked down at the layout of the black and white pieces on the chessboard.

It was found that the white pieces looked very scattered, and there was no pattern or layout at all!

This is a chess piece played by a person who can't play chess!

Totally messed up.

Knowing a little bit, it seems that it is really too modest!

I just don't even know one or two!

Prince An despised in his heart, he won without ten black spots!

So Prince An quickened his pace.

The warmth also accelerated.

Prince An's mouth twitched.

Except for the Seventeenth Emperor Brother, no one has ever played chess with him. He didn't even have to think about it, he just played it!

The Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother is because his chess skills are superior to him, so he doesn't need to think about playing chess with himself.


The Princess Hui'an was too exaggerated. She said she wouldn't, and he looked at her highly!

But when she messed around like this, Prince An really had no good feelings at all.

To tease him, the emperor's brother of the seventeenth emperor, didn't he take himself seriously?

Prince An looked at the warm chess play and couldn't help covering his face!

Hui'an County Master playing chess, this is too unruly!

It's just appalling!

No wonder Uncle Seventeen just said that there is no need to punish him if he loses.

He knew that it was false to say that he was worried that his father would be punished if he lost!

Prince An can't wait to step forward to help the warmth, if he helps, he can go to An Guogong's mansion to eat every day!

Prince An was angry, but looking at Nalan Jinnian's face, he didn't show it at all and continued to play chess.

Prince An lost another three sons, and Nuan followed without thinking.

Prince An picked up a black word again, just as he was about to drop it, his pupils shrank!

Prince An's eyes widened, and his whole body leaned forward.

I can't wait to drop my eyeballs on the chessboard!

How is this possible? ! ! !

Looking at this chess game, the moves are exquisite, unpredictable, and there is no way to solve it!

He, he, he actually lost!

Yes, he lost!

Within ten steps, he will definitely lose!

Prince An also rubbed his eyes.

Nalan Jinnian looked at Prince An with a light in his eyes, which was the light of pride: "Brother Huang, you lost!"

Prince An sat up straight, and said solemnly: "I was careless just now! Do it again!"

As a chess player who considers himself second in the world, only Nalan Jinnian dares to recognize the first in the world, how could he possibly lose? ! !

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him with contempt: "Brother Huang, you said everything you said!"

Prince An blew his beard and stared again: "What this king said is the truth! I didn't play well just now, how can it count! It's all your fault for being long-winded in this king's ears!"

Prince An said here, as if he had discovered Nalan Jinnian's conspiracy, his eyes widened, bigger than bull's eyes!

Nalan Jinnian gave Nalan Jinnian a ruthless look: "This king understands! You were talking to this king on purpose just now and disrupting this king's thinking! You spy! This game doesn't count, let's do another game! Hui'an County Master , let's play another game! Three sets and two wins!"

He nodded with a warm smile: "Okay! Prince An, please!"

Nalan Jinnian sneered: "With your chess skills, you will lose ten more rounds!"

Prince An: "Don't look down on people!"

He didn't believe it, he lost to the Seventeenth Emperor Brother!

If even Princess Hui'an loses, where will his face go!

The game begins again.

This time, Prince An was more cautious.

He thought for a while every time he took a bite of warmth.

A quarter of an hour later, Prince An was defeated like a mountain!

Prince An couldn't believe what he saw!

Nalan Jinnian tidied up his sleeves and smiled: "Second Emperor, you lost again!"

Prince An didn't believe this evil: "You spy, you kept drinking tea just now, and the fragrance of tea made me think of nothing! You must be doing it on purpose! You sit farther away from this king!"

Prince An unceremoniously told Nalan Jinnian to get out of the way, and then he looked at the warmth with an amiable face: "County Hui'an, let's play another game?"

Prince An covered his face, he did not have such a father!

This is not his biological father!

What a shame!

He nodded with a warm smile: "Okay! Prince An, please!"

Prince An picked up a sunspot again, but just when he was about to fall, he glared at Nalan Jinnian: "Go away!"

Nalan Jinnian stood up: "Of course, the emperor is also worried that you will lose, and he is looking for an excuse to renege on the debt!"

Prince An was so angry that he fell backwards: "Get out!"

He glanced at Prince An again, and wanted to say that you should get out too, but thought of something and shut up.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Prince An's son: "Let's go out! Otherwise, your father will use you as an excuse for a while, and will not admit it! You also know that he will not go back on his promises and keep his promises!"

Prince Ann: ""

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