The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 811 You are old, you are older, I will let you!

After Nalan Jinnian and the others went out, Prince An seemed to have let himself go. All kinds of regrets and delinquents were simply shameless!

Then Prince An, despite all kinds of regrets and cheating, still found some topics to talk about with warmth.

Warm and patiently let him do it there and answer his questions.

Prince An didn't want to lose either, so he deliberately asked some difficult questions to distract his warm thoughts.

It was just the warm answer that surprised him!

Then the person who was distracted became himself.

However, the unique insights and knowledge of the Hui'an County Master made him feel ashamed!

At this moment, Prince An has completely changed his mind on warmth.

No wonder the Seventeenth Emperor likes this girl, not bad! Really good!

Prince An happily dropped Heizi.

Wen Nuan then fell to Bai Zi: "My lord, you lost!"

Prince Ann: ""


So fast?

Prince An looked at it, and sure enough, within three steps, he would lose!

Back to the sky!

Prince An disrupted the chess game: "This game doesn't count, this king was distracted just now, and this is not this king's strength! Do it again!"

Warm is very helpless, but thinking that this poor old man is not easy, well, she will let him!

Who told me that I would get a greeting from someone in a while!

For the sake of the gift, she let him.

In the next round, the warmth went down very fast, and soon after the start of the round, Prince An's head was big!

My forehead is sweating!

Frequent regrets.

After the tenth repentance, Prince An held a sunspot with two fingers and wanted to land the sunspot at a certain point.

He subconsciously glanced at the warm expression.

The warm left eyebrow was slightly raised.

Prince An's heart skipped a beat!

The left eyebrow moved, indicating that he would lose within ten steps!

He has already lost to summing up his experience from his warm micro-expressions!

Prince An quickly withdrew his hand: "This king think about it again!"

He nodded with a warm smile, and said very patiently, "Okay!"

Prince An watched for a long time and couldn't see why he would lose within ten steps!

The brows are all knotted!

Prince An stared at the chessboard for a while, and suddenly found a certain point!

He grinned.

He stretched out his hand, trying to drop the sunspot on that spot, and subconsciously glanced at the warmth.

Warm eyebrows.


Prince An was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand.

The eyebrows are relieved, and within five steps, you will lose! ! !

"Look at this king again!"

What can Nuan say, she has always respected the old and loved the young, so she could only nod her head: "Okay!"

But if it continues like this, it will be impossible to catch this game of chess even after dark!

Nuan naturally also found out that before Prince An fell, he always looked at himself subconsciously.

Nuan simply put away any of his expressions and looked at the chessboard expressionlessly.

Prince An looked at the time for another cup of tea this time. He stretched out his hand again, wanting to drop Heizi somewhere, but of course he also looked at Wennuan subconsciously.

Warm: expressionless face!

Prince Ann: ""

I have never seen this expression before!

Ha ha

He finally found a way out of his troubles!

"Crack!" Prince An happily dropped Heizi there.

He looked at Prince An with a warm expressionless face: "Is the prince sure to fall here?"

His tone was calm, and he couldn't hear his anger.

Prince An was sure that he had never heard this tone or seen her expression!

If you pick the left eyebrow, you will lose ten steps, and if you pick the right eyebrow, you will lose five steps!

When the eyebrows are raised, three steps must be lost!

None of these!

Ha ha

"It's confirmed! No regrets!"

The corners of Wen Nuan's mouth twitched. In this game of chess, the person who had already regretted 108 moves told himself that he did not regret his move. What was he kidding?

Nuan picked up a piece of white, and neatly landed on a certain killing point that was hidden by her deliberately attacking.

"My lord, you lost."

Prince Ann: ""

"This game doesn't count!"


She knows it!

"My lord, this is already our fifth game of chess!"

Prince An said with a look of surprise: "Really? Isn't it just one game?"

Anyway, he has amnesia, everyone in the royal family knows!

The Princess Hui'an is also considered to be half a royal, and it is impossible for the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother not to tell her.


You are old, you are older, I will let you!

At this moment, a magnetic low voice sounded outside the window: "Brother Huang, are you still shameless? Is that how you bullied your sister-in-law?"

"Father, don't tell others that you are my father when you go out!" He also wanted to see Princess Hui'an paint!

Her father always pestered her to play chess, what did he think?

After a while, the fighting began.

Prince Ann: ""

These two brats!

Prince An said helplessly: "One more time! Last set!"

Nodding warmly: "Yes, but don't regret it, don't think about it for so long, you can only think about it for ten seconds!"

"What is ten seconds?"

"Ten seconds is ten times for me, you have to make a move, or you will be considered a loser!"

"Okay, ten seconds is ten seconds! Come, come, come, one more game!"

After Prince An finished speaking, he drove the people out of the window again: "Fuck you! If you disturb this king's chess game, and this king loses, this king will continue to play! Until you win!"

This is quite powerful!

Nalan Jinnian was frightened after hearing this, so he turned and left.

The second emperor's brother cheated, and it was more terrifying.

Down until you win?

Isn't that down to eternity?

If you are stimulated, you will have amnesia attacks, which is really unbearable!

Prince An looked at the warmth amiably: "Come on, Princess Hui'an, let's continue!"

Playing chess with County Master Hui'an was really enjoyable, she even allowed herself to regret chess without getting angry!

The seventeenth emperor's brother-in-law is a good wife and has a good temper!

Unlike his own princess, she is a Hedong lion!

In the future, when the younger brother of the Seventeenth Emperor and the Princess Hui'an got married, he would go to Prince Jin's mansion every day to play chess with the Lord Hui'an.

The warmth and the look in the eyes of Prince Shang An looked at him, and his heart was not good!

Then in the next chess game, the warm killing was decisive, and Prince An's chess was defeated without an inch.

Lose a piece of armor.

Not giving him any time to think.

When he counted to ten, before he could make a move, he stood up.

Prince An is very depressed!

The Princess Hui'an and the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother have a bad temper!

Not really cute at all!

Less than a quarter of an hour!

He looked at Prince An with a warm smile.

Prince An is dead!

I have to admit that in the future, my chess skills can only be ranked third in Nalan Kingdom!

But he also changed his mind about warmth.

Chess is like a character!

The little girl does not regret her actions, she kills decisively, looks at the overall situation, and takes twenty steps!

Moreover, her chess skills are so bad on purpose, and she has all kinds of backtracking, she is calm and calm, neither angry nor complaining, not impatient at all, and it makes people unable to see joy and anger.

It shows that his character is firm, full of patience, and he is smart enough to behave in the world!

"This king has lost!" Prince An returned to his usual majestic appearance.

He smiled warmly: "Prince An, let it go!"

"No, this king's chess skills are not as good as that of Princess Hui'an!"

He's not someone who can't afford to lose!

Anyway, there is the emperor at the bottom!

The emperor is worse than himself!

He nodded with a warm smile: "Prince An said yes!"

Prince An: "..."

He kind of understands why the Seventeenth Emperor Brother likes her!

Things gather by like, people are divided into groups, this Hui'an County Lord and the Seventeenth Emperor's brother are simply the same kind of people!

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