There are two pavilions side by side by the lake in Prince An's Mansion, named Twin Pavilions.

The pavilion was built relatively large.

It happens that men and women are separated into two pavilions for a painting competition.

Because Prince An mainly wanted to see the warm painting skills, and there were not many people in the capital who caught his eye with painting skills, he invited everyone who could be invited, but not many people.

There are only Han Gengyu, Li Wanwan, Huang Hengxi, Lin Yan, Xie Nirui, Fang Fang, Zhang Xiaoyun and others on the women's side.

In addition, Wen Yu brought by Huang Hengxi and Korean poetry brought by Li Wanwan.

It was barely enough for ten people!

Li Wanwan originally wanted to come with Deng Losan.

But Deng Luoshan's father was demoted long ago, not even a fourth-rank official. For a banquet held by a family like a prince, the daughter of the official family invited is definitely not lower than the fourth-rank.

Unless she's quite famous, like herself.

Otherwise, you don't even have the right to enter.

Li Wanwan is one of the four talented women, so Prince An invited her.

But Li Wanwan didn't want to be alone, so she brought Han Shiyu with her.

Han Shiyu is a girl from a scholarly family, and her grandfather is an imperial teacher. When she comes, no one will refuse her!

She is from the Han family again, and like Han Gengyu, she is quite famous in the capital.

Among these women, Han Gengyu is the leader of everyone in terms of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

She has the title of the first talented woman in Nalan.

It's just that she is relatively low-key, she has never been in the limelight, and she does not admit that she is the number one talented woman, so she is not included in the names of the four talented women in the capital.

But she once had a painting and calligraphy spread out, which amazed the world, even Master Xu, Lin Shanchang and other great Confucians said that it was comparable to the master level!

Lin Honghao praised: "The first talented woman in Nalan!"

She is also famous for it.

At this moment, Nuan Wen walked into the pavilion with Han Gengyu.

Han Shiyu followed behind the two.

Li Wanwan immediately waved to Han Gengyu: "Miss Han, come here quickly! This position is reserved for you to paint."

That is the theme, no matter the status here, only the talent.

Han Gengyu was called the first talented woman in Nalan by Lin Honghao, a great Confucian in the world.

Then she was a girl from a scholarly family again, so everyone left the throne to her.

The other was specially reserved for Han Shiyu by Li Wanwan.

As for Princess Hui'an?

Everyone in Hui'an County thought she was brought by King Jin.


I have never seen Princess Hui'an make a painting. Although she said she has designed a weapon map, can that kind of thing be called a painting?

Just draw it casually, as long as the people in the Military Academy can understand it.

Compared with Han Shiyu, Li Wanwan wanted to be friends with Han Gengyu, but Han Gengyu rarely attended banquets, and she was aloof and seldom said anything.

Besides, she also wanted to see how Han Gengyu painted. She is one of the four talented women in the capital, and Han Gengyu was praised by Lin Shanchang as the number one talented woman in Nalan!

Li Wanwan was a little unconvinced by this, if she were to compare with her in this fight, then she would be the number one talented woman in Nalan!

Then she was spotted by Prince An and became Prince An's apprentice. When Prince An pulled a red line for herself and the seventh prince, she would be able to marry the seventh prince and become the seventh prince's concubine!

Han Gengyu took the warmth and walked over.

She said to Wen Nuan, "County Hui'an, you are painting here."

Then she stood next to the warmth.

Han Shiyu's face changed.

There is no place, so how did she let King Jin notice her?

Wen Yu's face was a little ugly. She was at the tuyere of the bottom pavilion, but the god of plague was respectfully invited to the throne. You said, can she laugh?

Everyone was stunned.

This pavilion is relatively large, with a large round stone table, enough for five or six people to paint at the same time.

There are already four people standing at the round table, laying out canvases, and preparing to paint with ink.

There were originally two places left, just for the two sisters of the Han family.

Now that Hui'an County Master occupies one, Han Shiyu has no place.

We have never seen Nuan Nuan painting, and Nuan Nuan is from such a background, so everyone thinks Nuan Nuan will not paint here.

Li Wanwan frowned: "Master Hui'an, can you paint?"

Nodding warmly: "I understand a little bit."

Li Wanwan: "Since the Princess Hui'an knows a little bit, then the level is probably only a drawing of a weapon design that does not need to pay attention to the artistic conception. This time Prince An is recruiting apprentices, how many people want to become Prince An's apprentices, Hui'an County Master only knows a little bit, so don't take the place of other people who are proficient in painting! Hui'an County Master has always understood righteousness, and he must understand it, right?"

Li Wanwan said this deliberately, the purpose is naturally to win the favor of others from the stand of the Virgin.

I also want to imply to everyone that this peasant girl is always trying to get the limelight.

Huang Hengxi also echoed: "Hui'an County Lord can sit there. When we finish painting, will Hui'an County Lord give us a review of the painting?"

Criticizing paintings is something that only people with status can do. She said this to deliberately elevate her status. Otherwise, as a peasant girl, she can't even paint, so how can she appreciate painting? Not to mention the comments.

It's just that Huang Hengxi was worried that Wen Yu would be squeezed out, so she said this on purpose.

Wen Yu is the man of the third prince and has to be taken care of.

Everyone nodded quickly after hearing this: "Hui An County has a distinguished status, and it is really our honor to be able to comment on paintings for us."

"Yes, it would be a great honor for Princess Hui'an to comment on our paintings!"

Everyone also thought that if Hui'an County Master insists on staying, then he will be the referee!

Miss Wen Yu knew the unknown master, and they all wanted to see if Miss Wen Yu's paintings were taught by the unknown master.

Nuan Nuan was about to refuse, but before she could speak, the Prince An next door immediately said loudly, "The Prince of Hui'an County is waiting to see your painting!"

The faces of the women changed, yes, Princess Hui'an doesn't need to be the referee anymore!

Such a round table would not be able to squeeze seven people.

Originally, five was just right, but six was barely enough to squeeze.

Seven really can't be used.

Li Wanwan bowed and said hesitantly, "Sir, but in this case, Miss Han will have no place, and the table can't hold so many people!"

Nalan Jinnian looked over coldly: "Where can't you squeeze in? It's not just right, if you can't squeeze in, you don't have to paint!"

The seventh prince nodded: "If you don't think you have enough space, why don't you just quit?"

Prince An: "Then stop painting and be a judge!"

Prince Ning said, "You can leave at will! Anyway, Hui'an County will mainly stay."

Li Wanwan: ""

So is she shooting herself in the foot?

A prince and two princes speak, can she not step back?

If I knew earlier, I would not bring Korean poetry!

In the end, Li Wanwan could only retreat.

Wen Yu secretly rejoiced that she almost thought she would be pushed down.

Prince An's son said at this time: "This time, everyone will make a painting with the future as the theme! Whoever can be in the eyes of the father will be rewarded, and they can also worship the father as a teacher!"

I took my mom to the dentist today, only one chapter left.

I'll make it up tomorrow~

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