The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 818 What did the emperor just say?

Prince An thought for a while and then added: "Let's take the next hundred years as the title!"

Prince Ning: "It's a good topic for the next hundred years! If anyone's paintings are caught in the eyes of this prince, this prince will be rewarded again and again! I will reward them"

What does Princess Hui'an like?

Prince Ning paused when he said this, and looked at Nalan Jinnian subconsciously.

Nalan Jinnian: "Ten thousand taels!"


Nalan Jinnian silently added two words in her heart.

Prince Ning: ""

His father gave him only 20,000 taels a month! ! !

Of course, the mother-in-law will secretly subsidize it, so it is calculated that there are 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per month.

Prince Ning gritted his teeth, forget it, anyway, save money, it's okay to have less than 10,000 taels next month, at least one or two times to visit the painting boat!

"The prince will reward you with 10,000 taels!" Prince Ning said in a arrogant manner.

Seventh Prince: "This prince is also rewarded a lot, so I will give you a set of jade pots and tea sets worth ten thousand taels!"

Prince An's heir: "Then the prince gave a half-meter-high coral bonsai!"

A half-meter-high coral bonsai is not only worth ten thousand taels.

After Prince An finished speaking, he looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Uncle Seventeen, what are you rewarding?"

Nalan Jinnian: "One hundred thousand taels of gold!"

Just had the opportunity to give some silver to the little girl.

As soon as Nalan Jinnian said these words, the audience was in an uproar!

One hundred thousand gold taels!

That is one million taels of silver!

King Jin is really arrogant!

If you can win, that's a real deal!

Li Wanwan couldn't help clenching her fists, she could finally win back the money from her dowry!

There was a faint desire and excitement in everyone's eyes.

At this time, the emperor happened to bring Prince An and a few people over.

He originally went to An Guogong's mansion for a meal, but unexpectedly, Hui'an County Master and the others came to Prince An's mansion, and then he moved over.

I happened to hear what Nalan Jinnian said.


So it's great not to be the emperor, all the money you earn is spent by yourself!

He obviously also has a private library!

But his money was used to subsidize the state treasury!

depressed! ! !

However, is this a fighting game?

Can you earn money if you win?

I would love to participate!

If he participates, he will see who dares not to say that he wins!

One hundred thousand taels of gold is in hand!

The mouth moves faster than the brain, and the emperor blurted out: "I also participate!"

Oops, how can I say what's on my mind!

The emperor subconsciously raised his hand to cover his mouth. He raised his hand halfway before realizing that it was not right, he couldn't do such a silly action. He quickly put down his hand and crossed his hands behind his back.

One hand was still tightly gripping the wrist of the other.

He was worried that his hands were like mouths and had ideas of their own.

As soon as the emperor said this, the audience was silent for a while, and everyone turned to look at the emperor with disbelief: What did the emperor just say?

Am I also participating?


Participate in what?

The emperor wants to say that he will also reward him! !

Seventh Prince: ""

The father has changed! Why are you getting more shameless?

Is this kind of young man's game played by an old man?

In front of outsiders, Nalan Jinnian is still very good to the emperor. He didn't say that the emperor is crazy if you want money!

Instead, he smiled and said, "Brother Huang, you also want to add a reward!"


No, he doesn't want to! !

How could he possibly think!

But can this be said?

The emperor has a majestic face and doesn't want to speak!

Prince An helped him and said, "Of course, does the emperor still want to participate in the painting competition?"


Doesn't he want to participate?

King Ning: "The seventeenth emperor will give out 100,000 taels, and this king will also give out 100,000 taels! How much is the emperor's brother? We can't be more than the emperor's brother! The emperor's brother must be more than us!"


What's going on, Qin Tianjian!

Didn't tell him that he would go broke today if he went out?

He decided to go back and sack him! ! !

Prince An nodded: "Then the king will also give out 100,000 taels of gold!"


Why didn't he know that one or two had so much money?

This emperor is wrong! !

Whoever loves it should go!

He has no money! !

dead poor!

Eunuch Li: "Your Majesty, it's time to go back to the palace to review the memorials. Wasn't there a rush for 800 miles just now, did you come here on purpose to ask King Shang Jin to enter the palace to discuss matters?"

Eunuch Li knew that at this moment, the emperor might have a thousand knots in his heart, if he didn't rescue him again!

The emperor is so pitiful!

The emperor's heart felt like a pardon, and he said solemnly: "You guys have fun! I have to rush back to the palace! Princess Hui'an works hard, if you win, I will reward you with a box of rare treasures! Seventeen Brother Huang, you enter the palace with me!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he turned around and left.

The back is a little rushed!

It's like worrying about someone collecting debts!

Prince An looked at Scholar Han: "Brother Huang just said that he was fine and just came out to walk around?"

Senior Han nodded: "That's what the emperor said just now!"

It seems that the state treasury is worrying!


It was not until he turned a corner and left everyone's sight that the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

so close!

Almost broke! As for the Huian County Master who just said that she won, he rewarded her with a box of rare treasures, of course it is true!

Who is the Princess Hui'an, his sister-in-law!

What a caring sister-in-law, more reliable than a son and a younger brother!

He was very happy to reward Hui'an County Master, and he was only willing to reward her alone!

That is also considered to be fat and water that does not flow into the field of outsiders.

As for the others winning, why did he reward others?

Are his rare treasures blown by the wind?

no way!


Nalan Jinnian was called into the palace by the emperor and was helpless, but it would be good if the little girl could have an extra box of treasures from the emperor.

He glanced at the warmth in the opposite pavilion, and when he saw the warmth, he looked at himself with a half-smile, he reluctantly pointed to the direction where the emperor left, indicating that he had to follow the emperor into the palace.

Warm nodded.

Nalan Jinnian said to the crowd again, "This king's glory will remain the same!"

Then he lifted his foot and left.

After Nalan Jinnian also left, Prince An continued: "Okay, everyone, hurry up and paint, and win the lottery!"

Everyone was overjoyed, but no, it is the kingly way to hurry up and make it!

Three hundred thousand taels of gold!

If you win, it's a real deal!

on the future

Because of the nameless picture "The Future Can Be Expected", who hasn't thought about the future in private? !

And I tried to draw some pictures about the future.

So this is not difficult for everyone.

Everyone picked up the pen one after another, wanting to draw the future they imagined, but just as they were about to write, they moved again.

It seems that the future he imagined and the future drawn by the unknown master are not even a star apart!

In other words, the future drawn by oneself is based on the unknown master.

If this is drawn, will it be laughed at?

Little cuties, the Double Ninth Festival is coming soon~

There will be an update tonight

This chapter is for last night~

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