The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 827 What can't be done now is the future

After listening to Prince An, he praised: "There is such a powerful thing in the future, haha! Wonderful! Lord Hui'an, your head is made of gold, right? You can imagine such a magical thing! The concept of this camera and cinema is very good. If there is such a thing in the future, then everyone will have a lot of fun! This king is not afraid of being bored in the house! Wonderful! Haha... It's wonderful!"

"My son also thinks that Hui'an County Master's idea is wonderful!"

"It's not just wonderful! This painting has depth! Mr. Han can't understand it! Princess Hui'an is indeed rich in five cars, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, brilliant, witty, and talented! Haha" Prince An likes to boast that he doesn't want money.

Senior Han nodded: "Hui'an County Lord is really clever and ingenious! Jiangshan has talents! The old man admires! Admiration! It's better to sigh!"

Everyone didn't speak, and both of them praised the painting of Princess Hui'an to the sky!

Do they still have a chance?

Wen Yu bit her lower lip: she knew it was like this!

Warm this little slut, relying on King Jin's relationship, the entire royal family is extremely biased towards her!

Other people who are not from the royal family talk and do things?

To be fair, she bah!

There is no justice in this world, only imperial power is supreme!

If your status is noble, then the whole world will revolve around you!

Just look at the warm god of plague!

Who in the whole village dared to approach her?

On the man's side, Han Gengmo was very curious about the camera and the movie that Wennuan said, and couldn't help but ask: "Hui An County Lord, dare to ask, do you think there will really be cameras and movies in the future? I feel like I don't know about this kind of thing now. How to do it. Can it really be done in a hundred years?"

The county master Hui'an smiled when he heard the words: "It's unexpected now, and what can't be done is called the future! The future is unknown, so I don't know if there is a future! If I know now and know how to start, then no It's called the future, it's called the present continuous tense, and the future continuous tense!"

Nuan threw out a crooked reason to fool these ancients.

What can't be done now is the future?

on going?

future tense?

Han Gengmo pondered for a while.

Seems to have realized something!

He looked at the warm eyes and said, "The Princess Hui'an is indeed a great talent, with unique insights! Han has learned it, I admire it!"

He smiled warmly and said humbly, "Young Master Han is wrong!"

Prince An stroked his beard and said with a proud face: "You are a good girl! You have a good brain! You don't have to be humble!"

Master Han nodded: "Hui'an County Master is really knowledgeable and talented! He is quite talented in painting! If you practice more brushes in the future, he will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future! Work hard!"

Warm: "Hui An must follow Mr.'s teachings!"

Master Han nodded, then said to Prince An: "My lord, let's look at other people's paintings!"

"it is good!"

Master Han opened another painting and looked at it.

This is a painting by Han Gengyu.

Prince An: "This painting is not bad too!"

Master Han recognized the painting made by his granddaughter at a glance and looked up at Han Gengyu: "Yu'er, is this what you made?"

Han Gengyu nodded: "Yes, grandfather."

Doctor Han didn't say anything else and looked at it seriously.

Prince An had already looked at it just now, and he praised: "Your granddaughter's painting is very good! This painting is quite popular!"

Senior Han nodded: "Yu'er's paintings are really good, but the conception of the future is too formal. Yuer, you have aura, and you are very talented in painting. Now you are in a bottleneck period. In terms of painting, let go of your hands and feet, be bolder, and be more imaginative! Or there will be a bigger breakthrough!"

After seeing the warm painting, he felt that his granddaughter's painting was too rigid.

Less unexpected surprises!

In fact, there has been a new trend in calligraphy and painting now, and the unknown master is undoubtedly the originator of this aspect.

Many people learn the painting style of the unknown master, but they only learn the skin, not the essence.

Princess Hui'an's paintings have the charm of paintings by unknown masters, but the painting skills... this is open to question, it's hard to say!

I'm afraid it's not the real level!

"In this regard, you can learn more from Princess Hui'an!"

"Granddaughter understands!" Seeing the warm words today, Han Gengyu opened the skylight and felt like seeing another world.

She seems to understand something now!

"Granddaughter knows."

Prince An smiled and stroked his beard: "Ling granddaughter's painting is actually very good! It's just that it is not more relevant than the painting of Hui'an County Master! The painting skills are impeccable! Hui'an County Master, you have to practice the basic skills! The basic skills are too bad!"

"My lord's words are wrong. The paintings of Hui'an County Master have a feeling of returning to the original and simple, and the avenues are simple."

What Scholar Han didn't say is that Princess Hui'an is probably hiding.

Regardless of the artist, the most important thing is to attract people.

See the actual chapter for details!

Princess Hui'an's painting skills are probably better than that of Geng Yu's child.

The highest realm of a painter is that no matter what technique you use, you can paint the soul of the painting and what the painter wants to express in the heart?

The less attention paid to the painting but the more attractive the painting, the more difficult it is to paint, right? !

It's just that since the Princess Hui'an intends to hide her clumsiness, he won't expose her.

Prince An said with a smile: "Haha, Mr. Han, although you are telling the truth, don't praise that girl anymore. This prince is worried about her pride!"


Everyone heard the two of them touting the warmth, and couldn't help but look at the warm painting again.

Is it as good as what Dr. Han Dao said?

Senior Han smiled and looked at the next painting.

The next one is a painting of Han Shiyu: "Is this from Yu'er?"

Han Shiyu didn't expect that Han Dashu recognized her painting at a glance, she was overjoyed and nodded: "Please let my grandfather teach me."

"The painter has improved a lot, and he has put in a lot of effort during this period of time, right?"

"Yu'er practices four-hour painting every day!"

Senior Han nodded: "This painting is good as a whole, the only downside is that you have too many things to express, and it is a little bit messy! Some things are also a little exaggerated! You have to remember the things of the soul, The essence is not too expensive! When painting, people's mood is very important."

Prince An also glanced and nodded: "Well, it's a little messy, there are indeed many good things, but don't be greedy!"


Han Shiyu's expression froze for a second, but she quickly put it away, she nodded modestly: "Granddaughter remember the teachings of the prince and grandfather!"

Dashu Han then looked at other people's paintings, and Dashu Han gave a few comments on the next paintings.

They all pointed out the things that everyone did not handle well. Everyone felt that Han Da Shi was right at all and benefited a lot.

The last two pictures are of Huang Hengxi and Wen Yu.

It's finally up to you!

Prince An straightened his waist.

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