The people of the Nalan family have an advantage in protecting their shortcomings! There is a disadvantage, it is revenge!

Just now, these two people suspected that he was unfair and wanted to show favoritism, right? Prince An's eyes widened!

He wants to take a serious look at this Huang Hengxi's painting.

Prince An did not speak for a long time.

Huang Hengxi's heart was lifted.

Why did Prince An see it for so long?

Does he think he draws the best?

Just when the hope in Huang Hengxi's heart was growing, King An Qi looked at the crowd with a serious face: "Who painted this painting?"

Huang Hengxi immediately stepped forward: "Hui Wangye, it is the work of the minister's daughter!"

King An Qi glanced at her, frowned, and criticized mercilessly: "What did you do? Is the Minister of Works short of money and didn't ask a painter to teach you how to paint?"

Huang Hengxi was stunned for a moment.

"What kind of painter are you? Look here! Look here! And here! Is it reasonable to draw like this? These are basic common sense, and even a three-year-old child can draw well! Even basic skills can't be mastered well. What kind of fight are you participating in! It's shameful!"

Everyone poked their heads forward: is it so bad?

"Also, today's theme is a hundred years in the future, why are the things you painted all the things in "The Future" by the unknown master? Do you think that if you change clothes and colors, this king won't be able to see it? Your brain is made of tofu dregs? You don't have any illusions about the future, do you!" Prince An criticized repeatedly.

Huang Hengxi's face turned red at the beginning of Prince An's second sentence, and at the end, his eyes turned red, and his whole face turned into the color of pig liver!

I almost cried like that!

Han Da Shi was really afraid that she would cry directly, so he coughed: "Cough... The color of this painting is still good, and the overall tone is very good. It's just that the painter is average, and the overall composition is not reasonable. The concept of the future is quite satisfactory, and everyone I can think about it, so I lack some new ideas. I suggest you go to the study and buy a copy of Master Xu's "Painting Skills" to have a look and improve your basic painting skills."

Huang Hengxi opened his mouth and almost choked up!

This is the first time someone has been criticized so mercilessly!

She pinched herself secretly, preventing herself from crying, and then said, "The minister and daughter will follow the teachings of the prince and Mr. Han!"

Senior Han nodded.

Next, it's Wen Yu's turn to paint!

Because Huang Hengxi was criticized for being useless, Wen Yu couldn't help but feel uneasy.

But soon she thought again that Prince An had spoken to her kindly just now.

Prince An must have felt that he was the apprentice of the unknown master.

She also has confidence in her own painting!

She draws like everyone else!

The style of his own paintings is so similar to the paintings of the unknown masters, and I think he will be praised by him.

Thinking of this, Wen Yu's heart was relieved!

"This is the future? Oh, is the future world the world of monsters? This pig has wings and flew to the sky? This chicken is bigger than a sheep? What does that man look like? Is it as tall as a mountain? People haven't changed?!"

The seventh prince looked at Wen Yu's painting, and actually saw a flying pig with wings!

Shouldn't this person burn out his brain, and he still has a three-year-old tooth in his head?

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is simply illogical! Did the painter use her brain when she painted? Or does she have no brain at all?" Prince An had an unbearable expression on his face.

Only then did Wen Yu know that when Prince An criticized Huang Hengxi's paintings just now, those words were considered polite!

Now what he said was even more insulting!

Wen Yu's face followed Prince An's words, red and white, white and red, it was more colorful than the palette!

She squeezed her hand tightly, so she didn't cry!

It must be something warm that bitch said to Prince An, making him prejudiced against himself!

Sure enough, as long as she gets close to that god of plague, all her good things will turn into bad things!

Master Han didn't understand why Prince An was so stern to these two girls. He glanced at Wen Yu's painting and pondered: "The painting is good! The girl's painting must have worked hard, she is very skilled! The color is also good, look at It's comfortable and soft, but the girl's fantasies are too strong! The old man thinks that in the next hundred years, this pig may not have grown wings! This chicken can't be raised as big as a hundred catties! It's a bit out of reality! A hundred years Not too far."

Wen Yu was angry and hated at the moment, and she had never been able to swallow her anger, so she couldn't help defending herself: "There are animals in the paintings of Master Wuming that have evolved into adults. After a hundred years, these animals have changed and grown wings and flew to the sky. What's weird? Maybe it evolves even more!"

Hearing the words, Han Daji shook his head: "The evolution of the people in the paintings of the unknown master is a very long process, it is estimated to be tens of millions of years, or even longer! The Nalan Kingdom has been established for more than 100 years. Nothing has changed with the pig! This girl, in the five thousand years of historical records on this continent, people are still people, and pigs are still pigs! So even if animals change, it will not be as short as a hundred years. !"

Others couldn't help but nodded when they heard it. Indeed, some long-lived people lived to be in their 90s, which is almost a hundred years!

They are just getting old, but they can fly without growing a pair of wings!

When they saw Wen Yu's paintings before, they also thought of the evolution of human beings in Wuming Master's paintings.

But I haven't thought about it, these evolutions can never be formed in a hundred, thousand, or even ten thousand years! Maybe hundreds of millions of years!

A hundred years sounds like a long time, but for a person with a long life, a hundred years is just one person's life!

Wen Yu said unconvinced: "The camera, the cinema, which the county master Huian painted, can it be made in a hundred years? Isn't that even more impossible? Is there anything in this world that can record the picture? This is fundamental It's impossible to make!! It's just an imagination for the future!"

Prince An: "That's something that hasn't appeared before, something that doesn't exist now, it can't exist in the future! And it's more reasonable for you to draw a big change from the original animal!"

Master Han also said: "Things are different from animals! Anything is invented by human wisdom! In this world, we have many things that we don't even know how to use, just like thunder and lightning in the sky! Since If it exists, it can definitely be used, but we haven't figured out how to use it! So the camera, someone will invent it in the future, it is also possible! It is not impossible! But the existing creatures will not change too much! "

Doctor Han patiently explained to Wen Yu.

This child is a little bit on the horns. If he doesn't correct it, he will go the wrong way in the long run.

Being able to practice painting skills so skillfully is considered a hard-working child, so I gave her pointers.

Can you come out and see her fortune!

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