On the pirate ship, some ships were on fire, and some pirates were hit by rockets and fell to the ground.

But these pirates have experienced real wind and waves, fighting with nature every day, and licking blood on the edge of the knife to live.

In the face of danger, they fought the fire without chaos, and threw the companion who was burned by the arrow into the sea!

Their ship is still approaching at full speed!

No slowdown at all!

At the same time, those pirates also shot arrows at the ship that warmed them up!

For a while, on the sea, a rain of arrows gathered.

The soldiers and pirates of the ships on both sides fought hard against the arrows.

The sea is very lively.

Akagi has been staring at the depth of the other's boat's water.

Looking at the number of people on their boat, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Not right!

The water for these boats is wrong!

There are only people on these ships, no cargo! ! !

He has been across the sea for decades. For some large ships, how much cargo is loaded and how deep the water is, he has long had experience!

Even with strong winds and waves, he could say that at a glance, he could see how much the ship was carrying in the wind and rain!

It is because he has this ability that he can become the leader of pirates all the way, traversing the sea for decades, making the merchant ships of all countries terrified!

Nine times out of ten, his judgment is not wrong!

These ships are here to intercept them!

How did they know their whereabouts?

I can't handle that now.

There is no need to waste time and life here at night for a ship without cargo!

Akagi said loudly:

"Withdraw! There is no cargo on these ships! Quickly withdraw!"

After Akagi gave the order, he quickly ran to the stern and jumped directly to the bow of the ship behind!

At this time, the ships on both sides were relatively close.

Some ships even have boards attached to connect the two ships, making it easier for teammates to board the target ship.

Suddenly they heard the leader say that the target ship was out of stock, they quickly retracted their actions and retreated with all their strength!

On the other end, Nuan could vaguely hear Akagi's cry. He spoke English, but she still understood.

"They know that our ship has no goods and will be withdrawn!" Wen Nuan said immediately.

As soon as the warm words fell, those pirate ships did not come forward.

Instead, start evacuating quickly.

Akagi has experienced many moments of life and death at sea, and has long had an indescribable hunch about the danger!

Then he suddenly shrank his neck.

"Qiang!" With a sound, Nalan Jinnian's sharp sword was about to penetrate his neck, but now it hit the armor on top of his head. He only felt his head shake and his ears buzzed.

But it didn't affect his movements at all, he successfully flew and jumped to another boat!

Without any real skills, how can you stay at sea for many years?

Compared with the whistling of the sea and the big waves of the sea, this little bit of wind and waves is simply nothing.

Akagi jumped several boats all the way, and came to the last boat, directing everyone to retreat quickly!

The other leaders and pirates of the ships in front also quickly fled to the ships behind.

When escaping, the ships in front often suffer, and they already have experience!

Lu Ye glanced at the warmth, with surprise in his eyes: Princess Hui'an can actually understand the words of those pirates!

He is because he is active at sea all year round. I knew some overseas businessmen and learned a few sentences before I understood!

Nalan Jinnian looked at his Chimu figure and shot a sharp arrow.

Lu Ye immediately ordered: "Giant bow! Sink their ship!"

After Lu Ye finished speaking, he immediately bent down and picked up a giant bow on the deck.

This giant bow was newly researched by the imperial court and was specially used to sink ships at sea. He had not tried its power yet.

Nuan and Nalan Jinnian, Lin Feng, Lei Ting and others picked up a giant bow one after another.

There was a long arrow on the giant bow, and a gunpowder cartridge was tied to the arrow. After they set up the bow and arrow, a soldier took a fire hand and ignited the gunpowder primer on the gunpowder cartridge.

With this speed, there is no time difference of 0.01 seconds.

After the gunpowder rope was lit, everyone drew bows and fired arrows.

Aiming at the pirate ship that was quickly retreating on the opposite side, the hull shot.





A loud bang sounded on the sea.

There was a burst of splashes!

The strong impact made the waves even bigger.

The ship on the sea shook violently.

After Nuan shot an arrow, he immediately picked up the second arrow and shot it out.

The hand speed was astonishingly fast.

After she and Nalan Jinnian finished shooting the third arrow, the people around her set up the second arrow and shot it out.

Lu Ye: "..."

He just shot the second giant arrow!

Wen Nuan put down the giant bow in his hand.

At this time, most of those pirate ships had already escaped from the range, and it was useless to shoot arrows.

These arrows are a bit heavy, and their range is not very far.

The pirate ship was shot, and a large hole was blown out of the hull.

Sea water immediately drilled into it.

Pirates are panicking!

"The boat is in the water!"

"Ah! The boat is about to capsize!"

"Why is the power of Nalan's weapons so infinite?"

"Evacuate! Evacuate! The ship is sinking!"

"Oh my god! It's sinking! Fast! Fast"


The pirate ship was escaping quickly and slowly sinking.

Nalan Jinnian's thin lips, coldly spit out two words: "Come on!"

The ships of the Nalan Kingdom moved forward quickly, chasing after the victory.

Those boats that didn't get hit, run faster!

The enemy's firepower is too great.

Nalan's fleet did not pay attention to those sunken ships.

The boats are sinking, how long can people live!

And those pirate ships that were blown through, the pirates on board, struggled to keep the ship going. But the ship has a big hole in it, and it is moving slowly!

Soon most of the ship sank.

The pirates on the ship jumped.

Every pirate is familiar with water, otherwise they would dare to mix in the sea.

They were now waving their arms, floating themselves above the sea.

However, because the ships of the Nalan Kingdom pursued their victory, those pirate ships that were not shot, only focused on fleeing, and kept getting farther and farther away from them!

"Damn it!" One of the pirate leaders who fell into the sea, looked at the distant ship, scolded lowly, and then said to his partner: "Climb on the enemy's ship! Occupy their ship!"

It's the only way for them to survive.

The pirates who fell into the water swam to the nearest warship of Nalan.

Otherwise, in the vast sea, no one who understands water will be able to swim ashore!

But by swimming, you can't catch up with the boat!

The ships of the Nalan Kingdom were just chasing after them, so that they had no chance to save the pirates from the sunken ships.

After sailing a distance, it slowed down.

They still have to stay in this sea area to protect the transport team of fifty million taels of gold at any time.

There can quickly kill those pirates, or else they will lose sight of one another.

After the pirate ship left, the pirate leader looked at the remaining nine ships with anger!

Although there were about three boats who escaped quickly and came to the latter boats.

But with the ships, they lost half of their strength!

This is unprecedented!

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