Akagi looked at the direction where they fled just now. At this moment, only the blue sky, blue water, and free-flying seagulls were left, and there were no ships left.

His eyes were red: "Let's go tell the other fleets where those bastards are!"

The military ships of the Nalan Kingdom are much stronger than they were a few years ago!

Those giant arrows were able to blast their ships directly out of a big hole, which was really terrifying!

Fortunately, those arrows didn't go far, otherwise they would have been wiped out this time.

Chimu knows that there are many fleets at sea, all looking for the fifty million taels.

I informed them that those fleets and the Nalan National fleet would lose both, and they would take advantage of the fishermen themselves.

The materials on the ship are limited, so many fleets are fighting against them, so I don't believe it and they can't be consumed to death.

As a pirate for so many years, his greatest ability is to judge the situation, and the most important thing is patience!

Since they were guarding the sea area to intercept them, it meant that the fifty million taels would definitely pass by there.

They were not looking in the wrong direction.


the other end

At this moment, Lu Ye looked at the warm eyes with fiery eyes, and his tone was full of admiration: "Master Hui'an, you are really amazing! You really deserve your reputation!"

Not only can he calculate the number of people on the boat, but he can also understand the language of those foreigners. The most powerful is the archery.

It's too difficult to shoot such a giant arrow far, but the Princess Hui'an shoots farther than him, even like the master!

Wen Nuan shook his head: "It's not that I'm good, it's that the other party is too bad! Still a pirate at this level? And you've been on the sea for decades?"

First of all, the ship will not pass.

No ship looks like a pirate ship.

Lu Ye, who is similar in strength to the opponent: ""

Well, his compliments can't go on!

I feel despised too.

Lu Ye quickly changed the subject: "Tonight is probably even more dangerous. From what I know about Chimu, he is a shameless person. He will definitely inform the other fleets to deal with us, and then take advantage of the fisherman himself."

Night is the best time to strike!

The dark night can hide all the sinister and give those dark people infinite cover.

And there are only one hundred giant arrows on their fleet, and a dozen have been used just now.

Lin Feng also nodded: "In the battle just now, there was a lot of noise. It is estimated that the nearby enemies have already noticed it and are rushing over here."

Nuan didn't care too much: "Our news is one step ahead. If you can avoid it, you can avoid it. If you can't avoid it, let's fight it! Let's see who is afraid of who!"

Everyone nodded: "Yes, see who is afraid of who!"

Nalan Jinnian said to Lu Ye, "Leave a few people to follow and let the other soldiers rest!"

This afternoon, there should be nothing to do, and it is estimated that we will fight until dawn at night.

"Yes!" Lu Ye ordered immediately.

Nalan Jinnian took her warm hand and took her to the cabin: "Go to sleep too."

Nodding warmly, he really needs to keep his spirits up, he's too tired these days.


Warm wake up again, it is sunset time.

Nalan Jinnian was in the next room, flipping the pages of the Ying-Han dictionary, and Xiao Hei's sharp claws clicked from time to time.

Nuan did not go out immediately, she came to the window and sat down, opened the window, and looked at the sea outside.

In the distant sky, a golden sunset kissed the horizon, seabirds hovered above the sea, their wings brushed the fiery sunset, and half of the sea was dyed golden by the sunset.

The golden light reflected on the wave peak is dazzling!

In this world, everything is beautiful!

It is completely unexpected that the killing is coming!

After Nalan Jinnian got the news from Xiao Hei, he went out, explained everything, then went to the galley of the ship to get some food, then came back and knocked on the warm door of the room.

Just now he heard the sound of pushing the window next door, and knew that the little girl had woken up.

Warm walked over and opened the door.

Nalan Jinnian walked in holding a tray: "Eat something, I'll be busy soon."

Wen Nuan stepped aside: "Is there any news from Xiao Hei?"

She was sitting by the window just now and saw Xiao Hei flying out.

"Well, Shikoku's fleet disguised as pirates is converging, and it is estimated that it will approach us when it gets dark! But don't worry, the distance is still a little far, and besides, they should wait until it is dark before starting."

Nodding warmly, he went back to the table by the window and sat down.

Nalan Jinnian put down the tray with two dishes and two bowls of white rice on it.

The dishes are very simple, a plate of bacon fried with garlic sprouts, and a plate of garlic steamed pumpkin.

Although it is simple, it is not dry food, which is already very good.

Moreover, the warmth of pumpkin and rice has been nourished with purple energy, so it tastes very fragrant.

Both of them are picky and not people, and they are not picky at all when they get up casually, and they quickly fill their stomachs.

Always beautiful things, dull time is short.

Soon the horizon engulfed Ugin, and the sunset turned from red to bluish-gray. The night fell in the expectation of some people and the worries of some people.

The food-carrying team, led by Xiao Ben, sailed at the fastest speed on a route that was farthest from all dangers.

At this time, under the cover of the night, there were four fleets of ships sailing from two directions at full speed towards the direction where they warmed.

At that time, they will attack from left and right, and attack together, so the odds of winning will be great.

These four fleets are the four fleets of Beiming Kingdom, Dongling Kingdom, Xihua Kingdom, and Nanjiang Kingdom dressed as pirates.

And on this sea, there was a fleet of ships that followed them from a distance. It was a pirate fleet that planned to take advantage of the fishermen.

They also put down their small fishing boats and looked around for fifty million taels!

It is not Nalan Jinnian's character to sit still and wait for the death. Quick decision is what he likes to do.


Flanking left and right?

How could Nalan Jinnian allow them to flank from left to right!

At this moment, their ships are also approaching the fleet of the enemy closest to them at the fastest speed.

In the dark, no lights, no moonlight, no one can find anyone!

Just when the two fleets were about to approach.

Xiao Hei flew back and landed on Nalan Jinnian's shoulder.

Nalan Jinnian immediately ordered: "The diver goes into the water."

Dozens of soldiers with excellent water, wearing black shark skin special mallard water jackets, quickly jumped into the sea and wandered in a certain direction.

They have a pointed hammer tied around their waists!

In the dark, their posture is very vigorous, like a big black fish.

And the night was good enough to hide their figures.

They swam silently to the bottom of the enemy's ship, clinging to the bottom of the ship like leeches, pulling out the hammers around their waists and hitting them hard!

One more time, one more time!

A big hole was cut in several places!

At night, the sea breeze whistled, and the sea drowned out the beating.

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