The ship kept moving forward in the sea, and the sky slowly lit up.

Because the soldiers who were slightly injured can apply some wound medicine, and then the soldiers who are not injured can help to bandage it, so the bandages are quickly completed.

There are only a few dozen seriously injured, and it is more troublesome to deal with and takes a little more time.

But no matter how slow it is, it will be dealt with. At the moment when the face of the sun shows the horizon, all the serious injuries of the soldiers are finally dealt with.

Although more people were seriously injured this time, fortunately, no one was injured!

All are back on the boat.

Wen Nuan took care of the last person's injury, pulled out the golden needle, and said to Lei Ting, "Wrap up the wound and give him a healing pill to eat, that's all."

"Yes!" Lei Ting responded immediately.

Wen Nuan stood up directly, but felt a little dizzy, she hadn't exhausted the purple energy for too long.

Nalan Jinnian quickly supported her.

He smiled warmly: "It's okay, my feet are numb."

Seeing Nuan's tired face, Nalan Jinnian hugged her directly: "Go to sleep."

Nuan did not refuse. She used purple energy too much. She didn't sleep all night last night, and she was very nervous. Now that she relaxed, she felt exhausted.

Nalan Jinnian carried her back to the room in the cabin, and had two pots of hot water come in.

He first poured a bottle of medicinal juice into a basin of hot water.

Then she wiped her face clean with a cotton towel, and wiped her hands carefully, finger by finger.

Warmth was about to be wiped off a layer of skin, so he hurriedly rushed out: "Okay, you go out, I'm going to sleep."

Nalan Jinnian put the pot of water with the medicinal juice next to her warm feet: "Feng Nianchen's foot soaking prescription can relieve fatigue and numbness in the feet. Take a soak and I will help you press the acupoints to help you sleep."

After all, he held her ankle and helped her take off her shoes and socks.

Last time her feet were numb, he asked Feng Nianchen for a prescription.

Feng Nianchen said that it is normal for his feet to numb sometimes, and he does not need to take medicine. Of course, if he is worried that he can soak his feet, he gave him a few bottles of medicinal juice for soaking his feet and a massage manual to relieve fatigue, which he has studied for a long time.

The little girl follows her, either rushing on the road day and night, or fighting from dawn to the next dawn!

After dozens of hours, I didn't even have to sit down!

too tired.

Warm shrank his feet, but he couldn't shrink back: "No, no! My feet are no longer numb, really! Hey, just soak it by yourself!"

Nalan Jinnian clenched her ankle and took off her shoes and socks directly: "Don't be shy, it's very effective. You can treat me as a doctor and help you relieve fatigue."

Otherwise he will be distressed.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, he is not a real doctor!

She is a doctor herself, she knows how to relieve fatigue!

Nalan Jinnian tried the water temperature and poured a little water on the back of her feet: "Is it hot?"

The warmth couldn't beat him, so he shook his head: "It's not hot."

Nalan Jinnian just put her feet on the water, still a little worried: "Will it be too hot?"

I have practiced martial arts all year round, and I have also practiced the matter of taking chestnuts from fire. I have long been accustomed to the perception of heat by rough skin and flesh, and no matter how hot it is, it will not feel hot.

The skin of the little girl's feet is delicate and easily scalded.

Warm shook his head: "The temperature of the feet is just right."

When Nalan Jinnian heard the words, she put all her feet in the water, and helped her take off the shoes and socks of the other foot and put them into the water.

"I'll press it for you, it may all hurt a little, it may be a little itchy, just bear with it."

Warm nodded.

Nalan Jinnian squatted on the ground, lowered his head, and carefully pressed the acupoints that warmed the soles of his feet.

This can relieve fatigue very well, and you will not feel tired if you press the whole person.

Wen Nuan looked at the top of his head, the silver headband was set with a purple dragon wind auspicious cloud jade pendant.

The dragon pattern is very complicated, you can't see it if you don't look closely.

It's a status symbol.

The symbol of dragon son and phoenix grandson.

Nuan looked at the top of his head in a daze.

The acupuncture points on the soles of her feet hurt a little, but her heart was warm.

About a quarter of an hour later, Nalan Jinnian used a towel to help her dry her feet: "Okay! Have a good night's sleep! I'm going out."

"Well." Nodding warmly, he replied softly: "You also have a rest."

"Okay!" Nalan Jinnian took away the two basins of water directly, lest someone come in and take it away and disturb her.

He put two basins of water on the ground and turned to help her close the door of the room.

Lu Ye happened to pass by: "..."

He looked at the two basins of water on the ground, and then at Nalan Jinnian.

The master actually poured water for the feet of Hui'an County Master!

This simply refreshed his understanding of Nalan Jinnian.

Princess Hui'an is amazing!

She was actually able to ask her master to pour water for her feet!

As for the master washing the feet of Hui'an County Master?

I'm sorry, but Lu Ye didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing!

how can that be!

He immediately stepped forward, bent over, and picked up two wooden basins on the ground: "Master, let me come!"

Of course!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him, do you want him to come!

He said directly: "Please don't make any noise, so that the Princess Hui'an sleeps! And let someone prepare a big fishing net."

He wants to salvage some fresh sea fish and bake it for the little girl.


After Nalan Jinnian walked out, she warmly changed into clean clothes, lay on the bed, and fell asleep with the pillow.


The military doctor was worried that the seriously wounded soldiers would have a high fever, and dutifully went to give each seriously wounded soldier a pulse.

The first thing he saw was Yuko.

After all, Yongzi can be said to have died just now, even if he didn't, it was just a breath of relief!

As soon as he put his hand on Yongzi's wrist, he was very surprised, and there was a pulse!

Weak, but not a death pulse!

And after so long, there is no fever at all!

Lu Ye is also paying close attention to Yongzi's situation. With two cities, I don't know how many people who have been saved by gold, but they must not die!

He asked nervously, "Master Zhang, how is it?"

The military doctor let go of his hand: "I'm alive! As long as there are no accidents and you can take care of it slowly, you will be out of danger in a few days. Princess Hui'an is really rejuvenating!"

One-handed golden needles are no exaggeration to live and die!

Lu Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

He whispered to the military doctor: "Do you know what medicine Yongzi used?"

Military doctor: "What medicine?"

Lu Ye said Lin Feng's words, and added at the end: "The money that so many of us are desperately protecting is not enough for the brave boy to drink! That boy is lucky! When he met the Princess Hui'an, he drank it. A bottle of fairy potion, can you die!"

Fortunately, he also tasted some, and even the bottle was stained, he also flushed and drank it!

Do not seek immortality, but seek longevity!

Military doctor: "."


The black gold is like fire, and the red clouds fill the sky.

Warm wake up, it is already sunset time.

She went out and found it was quiet all around.

Everyone walks and works very lightly.

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