Seeing Nuan wake up, Lu Ye breathed a sigh of relief. His pace immediately increased, and he enthusiastically stepped forward and said, "Master Hui'an, you are awake!"

If he doesn't wake up, he won't be able to walk anymore.

The master's eyes are too murderous, and whoever makes the slightest sound, he glances over with a cold eye.

The most important thing is that he walks without making a sound, but when he moves, the master looks at him, and he can kill people!

He didn't dare to go anywhere!

If he hadn't been able to hold back his urine, he wouldn't have dared to leave!

Not only him, but the whole ship, the whole day, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

"Well, what about the lord?" Wen Nuan glanced at his posture and knew that he was holding back his urine!

"Your Highness is grilling fish on the deck."

It was the first time he saw the master grilling fish.

The master himself cast a net, salvaged some fish from the sea, and then deliberately went around an island to find a bunch of oysters, and now rushes to another place to find sea urchins!

Those seafood, Lei Ting took care of it himself, and didn't let others touch it! Then the master himself bakes it there.

The fragrant smell made his mouth water.

But he knew that the master didn't bake it for him!

Wen Nuan stepped aside: "General Lu, let's solve it first!"

Yes, why did you forget!

Lu Ye ran away in a hurry!

Wen Nuan glanced at his back, and didn't understand why he had to deal with it when he couldn't bear it!

She shook her head and walked out!

Warm as soon as you step out of the deck!

When everyone saw her awake, their eyes lit up!

He greeted loudly: "Hui An County Master, you are awake!"

Then everyone rushed into the cabin like a swarm.

They have been holding back for a day, and they need to solve their physiological problems!


These people are crazy, why do they all have to hold back?

Aren't you afraid of getting sick?

Nalan Jinnian was grilling fish on the deck, while saury, squid, prawns, scallops and oysters were leaning on the grill.

Of course, there are also some taro, sweet potatoes and chestnuts that are already on board, which are quite abundant.

He glanced back, and the original Ling Lie brows were instantly dyed with warmth: "Come here to eat something, it's just baked."

"Okay!" Wen Nuan walked over and sat down.

Looking at those rich barbecues, Nuan couldn't help squinting his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Finally got a decent meal!

Nalan Jinnian put the baked food on a plate one by one and put it on the round table on the side.

Lei Ting came over: "Master, let me come!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded and left the rest to Lei Ting to bake.

He sat on the deck with Warm, enjoying the sunset while eating barbecue.

The barbecue grill is not very big, but there are a lot of fish caught. The other soldiers have also taken turns to rest during the day, so they are also grilling fish there in good spirits at this moment.

Xiao Hei also ran over to have a meal.

The atmosphere on the fishing boat is cheerful and lively.

From sunset to dawn.

So the ship sailed for a few more days, and encountered two or three pirates, but they were all unfavorable, and it was easy to solve.

Then the 50 million taels of gold finally landed in the middle of the night.

Set foot on the territory of Nalan Kingdom.

In your own territory, there is no fear there!

Even if there are bandits on the land, there are not many bandit gangs who dare to rob when they see the team of the imperial court, unless they want officers and soldiers to go up the mountain to suppress bandits the next day!

After landing, boxes of gold were loaded onto the carriage.

Wen Jiarui watched every box of gold checked by the soldiers, and then lifted it into the carriage.

Wen Nuan said to Wen Jiarui, "Father, you go back to Beijing first, and my seventeenth brother and I will stay here to deal with some things."

Wen Jiarui also knew that Wen Nuan wanted to try to make salt from the sea. Of course, he didn't know if it would be possible to make salt from seawater.

Wen Jiarui naturally wouldn't say a word.

Besides, these two newly acquired cities, and there are many things to do after the aftermath, Nalan Jinnian is much more convenient here.

"That father will go back first! You all go back as soon as possible."

With so much silver, he couldn't sleep peacefully for a day without transporting it back to the capital and handing it over to the emperor himself.

Nodding warmly: "Okay!"

Nalan Jinnian: "Don't worry Uncle Wen, I will take good care of Nuan Nuan."

Wen Jiarui was still at ease: "Then I'll go back first. By the way, Sister Nuan, I brought back the volcanic ash you asked for this time. Do you want to transport it back to the capital together?"

Nuan thought that she should stay here for about a month, she shook her head: "No need, just stay here!"

"That's fine!"

Tens of thousands of people loaded the carriage, and it was soon ready. Wen Jiarui got on the horse, took the mighty carriage team, and 10,000 soldiers to escort Yinzi back to Beijing.

The remaining soldiers returned to the major military camps and continued to guard the territory.

On this mission to escort Wen Jiarui, they will be rewarded when Wen Jiarui successfully returns the cloud of silver to the capital.

After the team was gone, Nalan Jinnian held his warm little hand: "Let's go! Let's go and have a look nearby."

"it is good!"

Nuan wanted to find a place to build a salt-making workshop, so he needed to look around this seaside village to find a good place.

Wen Jiarui made a great contribution this time on his mission to Dongling.

Before they set off, the emperor had already agreed to let the government of Anguo manage the sale and production of salt.

Of course, the salt production workshops really belonged to the imperial court.

She only gets dividends, and only 10%.

But it's also very profitable.

The reason why the Tangling Kingdom is rich, even 50 million taels of gold is willing to take out, that is because the Tangling Country has a lot of salt ponds, and their treasury is very full!

So there are so many thoughts.

The salt tax, that is, the tax on salt, is half of a country's tax!

Not even half of it.

So every salt merchant, every salt official is extremely rich!

The emperor gave 10%, and it was for the sake of watching that the fat and water did not flow into the fields of outsiders.

If it was anyone else, how could he be willing.

Nalan Kingdom has less salt pools, not only Nalan Kingdom, but also the other three countries. They are not bad. Dongling Kingdom donates a batch of salt every year, which eases the salt price in Nalan Kingdom. Most of the other three countries are The real money was bought from the Tanglin Kingdom.

If the warmth can surround the sea to dry salt this time, and can really produce salt from seawater, the problem of salt in Nalan will be solved!

O sea!

Sea water is inexhaustible!

When the emperor heard Nalan Jinnian's proposal, he was so excited that no one was there all night.

If the warmth can extract edible salt from the sea water, within a year, the treasury of Nalan Kingdom will not be empty again!

Within ten years, he believed that all townships and official roads in Nalan Kingdom could be built!

The life of the people will surely be a lot easier.

If the salt making is really successful, the warmth will once again benefit the people of the world!

This is also the most important reason why the emperor will promise to give warmth to 10% of the profits.

Her sacrifice is worth having.

If it is not related to the national treasury and the well-being of the people in the world, the emperor does not mind being a little more generous.

However, a 10% salt profit is really very, very much!

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