After a night of rest, Nalan Jinnian took her to a beach early the next morning according to the location selection conditions proposed by Wennuan.

The carriage is inconvenient to enter the beach and cannot walk.

The two got off the carriage in a fishing village and walked hand in hand on the light yellow sandy beach.

Warm directly took off his shoes and stepped barefoot on the fine sea sand.

"Aren't you going to take off your shoes and step on them to feel it?" Wen Nuan asked him, looking at him.

Those apricot eyes that are agile, the waves are flowing.

Nalan Jinnian held her little hand with one hand and her shoe with the other, looked at her white little feet and shook her head: "No! What's so good about this? Be careful not to step on the shells. Injured feet. If your feet are too hot, put your shoes on."

"I can't wear it, I have to feel the temperature of the sand! The sea is surrounded by salt, which has requirements for the temperature! The temperature is higher, can the sea dry faster? You also take it off and step on it. , let's go a few more places and feel it!"

It seems like such a crooked reasoning, but Nalan Jinnian believes that she is just what she wants.

Feel the temperature, can't you touch it with your hand?

Not wanting to spoil her interest, he also took off his shoes and held them in his hands.

Wen Nuan took it directly and put the two pairs of shoes on the beach side by side: "Okay, why are you carrying them? Just leave them alone! Are you afraid that someone will steal them?"

Nalan Jinnian smiled: "I'm afraid you won't have to wear it when you want to!"

It's uncomfortable to walk on the sand. Besides, they had to walk for two hours before they arrived. It was noon now, and the sand was so hot that the sun scalded the feet.

The two kept walking towards the beach, leaving a long series of footprints on the calm and traceless beach.

Nalan Jinnian looked back, her heart softened, and she pulled her hand tightly.

This feels good!

It seems that from now on, they will continue to walk side by side like this until the end of each other's lives.

Wen Nuan came to the beach, took a little seawater with his hand and tasted it: "It's salty, and it's a little bitter!"

The first basic condition for building a salt field is that the water quality of the seawater is good, the salinity is high, and then the beach area is broad and flat.

The second basic condition is that the temperature is high, the precipitation is less, and the wind is sunny, which is conducive to the evaporation of seawater.

He looked around at the beach with warmth: "The salinity of the sea water here is enough, it would be nice if it could be flatter and wider!"

Because there is no modern equipment, the tide can only be absorbed by nature.

And the salt can only rely on the sun!

The advantages of using the sun drying method to produce raw salt are energy saving and low cost!

The disadvantage is that due to the influence of geography and climate, it is impossible for all coastal mudflats to build salt fields, and it is impossible to dry salt all year round.

Anyway, if the air is dry, the sunshine is long, the sun is big, and the amount of evaporation is large, the yield of salt will be high, otherwise the yield will be low, or even no yield!

Therefore, salt can only be made from March to November in a year, and the warmth naturally means that the bigger the beach, the better.

Only in this way can more salt be produced and refined.

It just so happened that there was no shortage of labor in Nalan now. There were too many idlers. Building a big Yancheng would allow more people to work.

Nalan Jinnian didn't expect the warmth and still felt that it was not big enough: "In terms of flatness and vastness, this beach is the largest in this area. We can also go further south, away from the sea near the border of the Southern Border Country, where the beach is It will be wider and wider. But the water there, I don’t think it’s salty enough here.”

Otherwise, he wouldn't take her here to see it first.

Nodding warmly: "Well, let's build a salt field here first! Let's take a look at the south side later. If it is suitable, we will build another there! In the future, we will have two large salt fields in Nalan. It can be two or three cents a pound! Then we sell it to other countries at the current price, and the treasury will be filled soon!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

When the country is rich, the life of the people will naturally be better!

In this way, the cohesion of the people will be stronger.

The richer the country, the more powerful the soldiers can be trained!

If anyone dares to destroy their own country and the current prosperity, the people will be the first to disagree!

Why worry, Nalan can't stay safe for a long time?

Then Wenwen took out a kettle made of gourds and filled it with sea water: "I'll take it back and try cooking salt tonight."

What is obtained by drying the seawater is only coarse salt, which cannot be used directly and needs to be purified.

This is more troublesome if it is produced in large quantities. It has to be dissolved, filtered, and chemically removed from the Ca and Mg ions in it.

However, the hardest things are done by people.

It is impossible to achieve the scale and output of modern times!

That is delusional!

Warm only does its best.

Nalan Jinnian took the gourd from her hand: "Well, shall we go to the next beach? It's not as big as this, but there are some places that are relatively flat."

Nodding warmly: "Okay! Let's go and see tomorrow to see if there is another beach where a salt field can be built."

It can't be as large as in modern times. It can only build a few more and less in various places.


The two returned to the carriage, and said to Lin Feng warmly, "Lin Feng, go get a bucket of seawater and bring it back."


Lin Feng immediately went to the nearby villagers to buy a wooden bucket, then filled a bucket of water and brought it back.

When we got back to town, the water had been shaken in half.

This seaside town is called Changning Town, where Nalan Jinnian has a three-entry mansion.

It was nearly evening.

When they entered the mansion, a housekeeper immediately said, "Master, strict management is here!"

A steward respectfully stepped forward and saluted the two of them: "Yan Han has seen the master and the master of Hui'an!"

This person is from Nalan Jinnian and will be in charge of the management of the saltworks in the future.

All Nalan Jinnian's salt business was managed by him.

Very faithful.

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Strictly go to dinner beforehand, I will tell you something later."

"Yes!" Yan Guanshi respectfully retreated.

Wen Nuan went back to his room to freshen up, then had dinner with Nalan Jinnian, and went to a laboratory specially arranged by Nalan Jinnian.

Before Wen Jiarui's mission, she had long thought of building a salt field because of Wennuan, and she had already drawn a set of tools and asked Nalan Jinnian to find someone to make them.

Although they set off in a hurry this time, Nalan Jinnian told his subordinates to bring the set of tools.

So while they were still at sea, this set of extraction tools had already been delivered.

Yan Han walked into the house, looked at the bottles and jars in front of him, and asked Lin Feng curiously: "Lin Feng, the master said to use seawater to make salt, are these tools used to make salt?"

It was hard for him to imagine how Hui'an County Master got rid of the poisonous substances in the sea salt, after all, it was dissolved in the water!

And that thing dissolves in water and can't be seen.

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