Lin Feng nodded: "Yes! Look at it seriously, you can see that Princess Hui'an is very capable! Look at it!"

Nalan Jinnian: "The Princess Hui'an doesn't have much time to do the same thing over and over again. I'm optimistic this time."

In the future, the salt farm will produce salt, and the secret recipe for salt production will be kept secret. He will be responsible for the operation of the entire salt farm.

Yan Han immediately straightened his waist: "Yes! This subordinate will definitely read it carefully and keep it in his mind."

Being able to make salt from sea water is simply the blessing of the whole world!

With so much sea water, why would they worry that Dongling Kingdom would not pay tribute to them in the future?

Why did the salt merchants in Dongling State deliberately raise the price to sell them salt?

With their own large saltworks, they can be on their toes!

Frigid has been dealing with the salt merchants of the Tanglin Kingdom for many years, so he is often adrenaline pumped by the arrogant attitude of the salt merchants in the Tanglin Kingdom.

Recently, because Dongling Kingdom compensated Nalan Kingdom a lot of money, it also lost two cities.

Deliberately find all kinds of faults, do not sell salt to them.

He was so angry that he pulled his shoes and slapped them!

But not! All had to endure.

Otherwise they really don't sell salt to themselves!

Many people in Nalan Kingdom can no longer afford salt.

Because of this, he is almost out of internal injuries!

After all, there are not many salt mines in Nalan.

This is the misery of living a life of snoring.

right now! Once the salt field is built and the first catty of salt is produced, he will use it to smash the mouths and faces of those Dongling salt merchants!

Fill their mouths with salt!

Damn, the salt mine is amazing!

So Yan Han took out the pen and ink, widened his eyes, looked at the warmth, and had a vague expectation in his heart, but of course he was a little worried.

After all, there is salt in seawater, everyone knows it, but this salt cannot be eaten, it is poisonous!

Throughout the ages, no one has been able to think of a way to separate the toxins from sea salt. Can Princess Hui'an really do it?

The warm poured the brought back brine into several beakers and began to boil the salt.

While boiling the salt, watch and record the changes in the seawater in the beaker.

Seeing this in the cold, he made a registration on the side.

Several people patiently watched the seawater in the beaker gradually evaporate, slowly crystallize, and then obtain a fairly white brine.

From sunset until it was dark, it was finally cooked!

Looking at the white crystals slowly released from the beaker, Yan Han clenched his fists.

It's done, it's done!

"This sea salt is quite white." Lin Feng praised.

Wen Nuan dipped his finger in a little salt and tasted it, and then beckoned to Yan Han: "Strict management, try it and remember this taste. This is the first boiled brine, it is poisonous and cannot be used!"

Yan Guanshi couldn't wait to step forward, dipped his hand with a little salt, tasted it, and wrote down his feelings on a piece of paper.

"Now I'm starting to purify! It's to extract the poisonous things in it. This step is the key. It may take a few more attempts to get the best formula and extraction method. You have recorded it!"


Without measuring tools, everything can only be gained by doing it a few times.

Warming will evaporate the salt, saving a portion.

Then weighed it and divided it into five equal parts.

Then she began to dissolve one by one, filter, and dispose of those Ca and Mg ions

She has registered every one.

Being so busy, it was not until the dawn of the day that she succeeded in purifying five-point brine, and then boiled it again.

Wen Nuan tried their tastes one by one, and then said to Nalan Jinnian and the three: "Come and try them, and tell me which salt you think is the best."

The three of them still stepped forward, dipped their chopsticks in a little salt, and tasted it.

Looking at them with a warm smile, he asked expectantly, "How is it? Which salt do you think is the purest?"

Nalan Jinnian's tongue is the most critical, he pointed to the middle part: "This part has almost no bitter taste!"

Lin Feng nodded excitedly: "Yes, this one has no bitter taste at all. Lord Hui'an, are we successful?"

Yan Han also nodded: "The third and fourth parts are relatively pure, especially the third part, which tastes better than the salt of the Tangling Kingdom! Haha. I will take these salts tomorrow to block the salt. Shang's mouth! Tell him that Lao Tzu will not buy his salt in the future."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Haha, don't! We'll talk about this after the Longevity Festival! This workshop hasn't been built yet!"

Nodding warmly: "Then the third formula is the formula for purification of sea salt! Strictly manage things, do you remember? If you don't remember, I copied some formulas here, you can copy them."

Yan Guanshi nodded: "Don't worry, Princess Hui'an, I remember it all!"

Hearing this, Nuan Nuan stood up: "That's fine, come and refine it once and see if you can make it! The rest of the seawater will be handed over to you to practice."

"Okay!" Yan Han was eager to move.

It is not difficult for people with good memory to copy this thing.

What's more, Yanhan took detailed notes on every step.

All day and night he was there smelting salt!

And after a warm sleep, I went to the second beach with Nalan Jinnian to see, it was indeed not as good as yesterday.

In the days that followed, Nuan and Nalan Jinnian visited many seasides.

The same is not suitable for the beach that I saw for the first time.

Every time I go to a sea area, I will take some seawater back, and use the method of evaporation to make some salt to see how the quality is.

In the end, I found that there is still a beach, which can be used as a small salt field.

After choosing the place, Wen Nuan began to plan the salt field.

Draw the design of the salt field, and let Yan Guanshi recruit people to start the construction of the salt field and workshop.

When the news of the recruitment came out, the people of Changning Town were shocked!

"The imperial court wants to build a salt field workshop by our seaside? Use seawater to make salt? Is the salt made from seawater edible? That's poisonous!"

"The court should have a way to solve it! Otherwise, what are the workshops for?"

"Oh my God! If this is the case, then it's really a good thing! There is so much sea water, and it will be made into salt in the future, so the salt can't continue to sell so expensive! If the salt is cheap, then we will get the fish we pull up. , marinate it with salt, it won't stink so fast!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter if the court can produce non-poisonous sea salt! The important thing is that this workshop is hiring! And the wages are high! Twelve taels of silver a month! You can't find this kind of wages with a lantern, it's better than going out to sea to catch people. The fish will make more money! And don't worry about losing your life! Hurry up and sign up!"

"Yes! Hurry up to sign up! Now we only recruit 200 people, slow down, if we recruit others, we will have no chance!"

So everyone rushed over to sign up.

This time, we are looking for people in several batches.

The first were those who built salt fields and workshops.

The second group is the people who manage the Yantian, which needs training.

The third batch is for those who purify sea salt, which needs to be kept secret, so the selection of this batch of people will be stricter!

Moreover, a confidentiality agreement must be signed, and anyone who leaks the purification method will go out, whether intentional or not! They all have to pay a lot of money, go to jail, and even be punished by the court!

Salt is the top priority of the country!

When everyone heard that they would be fined money, many people were discouraged!

Only those who are truly sincere and believe that they will sign up

Because the money really gives a lot!


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