Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan quickly ran over on horseback.

Wen Jiarui's eyes lit up when he saw Nuan Nuan, and he immediately waved to Nuan Nuan: "Sister Nuan! Sister Nuan! Come and save this old man!"

Jia Jingxuan looked over and squeezed her hands.

It's the Princess Hui'an again!

Why did she go there by herself, and her grievances still haunt her?

Wen Nuan came to Wen Jiarui's side, turned over and dismounted, and looked at Wen Jiarui up and down: "Dad, are you alright?"

Xiao Hei sent a letter that there was an avalanche and someone was buried. Although Wen Jiarui and the envoy's team were fine, Nuan still worried that another avalanche would happen again.

Wen Jiarui waved his hand: "I'm fine, hurry up, Sister Nuan, look at that old man! See if you can wake him up!"

Wen Jiarui pointed to his carriage.

Now it's freezing cold, the old man is old and is placed in Wen Jiarui's carriage.

The maid in Tsing Yi sneered after hearing this: "My girl is the future owner of the Valley of Magical Medicine. She can't even be saved. Can the person who always takes credit for others be saved?"

Jia Jingxuan glared at the maid in Tsing Yi: "Don't be rude!"

Jia Jingxuan looked at the warm smile and said: "Hui An County Master, we meet again!"

Nodding warmly and politely, with an estranged attitude: "Hello. Please allow me to save people first."

The maid in green looked at the middle-aged man: "Who are you asking to save your father? If you ask her to save him, we'll leave! My lady has something to deal with, so I don't have time to stay here!"

Middle-aged man: "."

He looked at Wennuan, and then at Jia Jingxing.

This girl who is too beautiful to be human seems to be younger than the master of the magic doctor Valley. Does she know medical skills?

Wen Jiarui said at this time, "Brother Li, this is my daughter. Her medical skills are very good. Let her see if she can save your father!"

Maid in Tsing Yi: "It can be a big or small injury to the head, and if you are not careful, you will die!"

Middle-aged man: "."

Jia Jingxuan glared at the maid: "Don't talk nonsense, the master of Hui'an County is very skilled in medicine, maybe he can really save the old man! Uncle, let the master of Hui'an try it! I don't leave, if the master of Hui'an can't save him Living old man, I can do it again! The big thing is not as big as saving a life, Hui'an County Master, right?!"

Nodding warmly, he said modestly: "I don't dare to be too skilled in medicine, but it's true that it's better than you. It's not a problem to wake people up."

Jia Jingxuan's expression froze, but she quickly returned to normal and smiled: "Hui'an County Master is right, so I should stay and learn from Hui'an County Master."

The injury to that part is so serious, the man is so old, and judging from the pulse, there is no help!

And she can save his life is already very powerful, and she will definitely not wake up!

She has seen many cases like this, and she doesn't believe that Princess Hui'an can save her.

And if you are not careful, you can even lose your life!

Medicine is better than yourself?


In any case, she is waiting for Hui'an County Master to slap herself!

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: "The girl is really a bodhisattva with a heart, and a doctor with a benevolent heart! There is Princess Lao Hui'an!"

Just now, he was really afraid that the future owner of the Magical Medicine Valley would leave!

Since she doesn't leave, there will be more hope for one more person to heal her father.

Besides, he doesn't have to reject his benefactor's daughter.

It's not that he doesn't believe the words of his benefactor, but, in the eyes of parents, his children are always the best!

The benefactor believed that his daughter was normal.

The people of Divine Medicine Valley are famous for their medical skills.

This makes anyone choose the person from the Valley of Magical Medicine!

Well now, there is no need to choose between the two, he is really relieved!

Just hurry up and save his father.

Nuan didn't talk nonsense anymore, she quickly climbed into the carriage, and saw that the old man was covered in blood and his clothes were dyed red.

Apparently there was a lot of blood.

Now that the wound has been stopped with the first-class Jinchuang medicine, there is no need to use it anymore.

She quickly took out the gold needle and began to apply the needle.

Nalan Jinnian walked outside the carriage: "Do you need help?"

Nodding warmly: "Give me something."

"Okay." Nalan Jinnian basically memorized the warm set of golden needles and some medicines.


Here, warmth is saving people.

The people in the caravan on the other side looked at the warmth of saving people in the carriage, and could not help but curiously asked Liu Kai in a low voice:

"General, that girl is the Princess Hui'an? She is so young, is her medical skills better than those of the Imperial Physician and the Divine Physician Valley?"

Liu Kai said proudly: "Of course, regardless of her young age, she can pick up the broken hand! And after the hand is healed, she can move freely!"

Princess Hui'an is not very powerful, who is powerful!

In the battle to quell the rebellion of the King of Huainan that day, the medical skills of Hui'an County Master to be able to live and die have been spread throughout the army!

"Oh my God, it's so powerful! It can be connected even if the hand is broken? This is simply amazing!"

"However, I heard that Jia Shenyi has excellent medical skills, and it is because of her that he saved the entire people of Dongling! Is the medical skills of Hui'an County Master more powerful than Jia Shenyi?!"

Hearing this, Liu Kai rolled his eyes: "Bah! How can the genius doctor Jia be compared with the county master of Hui'an! She is not worthy to carry shoes for my county master! That person surnamed Jia is also worthy of being called a genius doctor? You know who robbed our county master. Credit! She is a fake genius doctor! The plague in Dongling Kingdom was clearly discovered by Hui'an County Lord first, and he reminded Dongling Country that the remedy for Dongling Country to cure the plague was when Hui'an County Lord bought medicinal materials in Dongling Country The prescription left behind! That shameless fake genius doctor took that prescription as if he had prescribed it! Shameless!"

Liu Kai also knew that the old man's illness was cured by warmth, although everyone rumored that it was cured by Jia Shen, but he didn't think so!

If the master of Hui'an County was not very skilled in medicine, King Jin would not have brought the master of Hui'an County to see the dying old man!

In the end, everyone thought that the false god from the Valley of Divine Medicine had healed her. Just because she was from the Valley of Divine Medicine, everyone thought she had healed it!

The people in the caravan were very surprised when they heard it: "Really? That genius doctor Jia really took the credit of the Hui'an county master?"

"Nonsense, of course it's true, more true than pearls!"

Among the soldiers who were rescued just now, some of them heard about it from the soldiers and generals who were envoys that day, and they hurriedly said: "Yes, otherwise our Nalan country's envoy team came back from Dongling country that day, why didn't there be a single one? People are infected with the plague? It's because the county master Hui'an bought a lot of medicinal materials and decocts them every day to prevent them! That genius doctor Jia shamelessly took our county master's prescription and transformed it!"

"Speaking of this, I am angry! If our county master found out that they had plague in Dongling, reminded them, and then left a prescription in the pharmacy, the people of Dongling might have died! So shameless, to actually take advantage of our civil strife to send troops to help the rebels secretly, is simply a white-eyed wolf!"

"No, I have never seen such a shameless person! The money for compensation this time was deliberately released, causing us how many pirates attacked us at sea!"

When it comes to the matter of Dongling, the soldiers are full of resentment.

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