The caravan listened to the soldiers complaining about Dongling Kingdom. They were also from Nalan Kingdom, and these soldiers saved their lives just now, so the people of the caravan naturally believed it.

"It's really shameless! Why didn't the emperor send troops to pacify the country of Dongling?! All slaves are bullying the master!"

"Dongling country is so shameless, they should make them pay for ten and eight salt mines in our Nalan country, so why do we have no salt in Nalan country in the future?!"


"I thought that Jia Shenyi was a good doctor, but it turned out to be a fake doctor! A person who makes a name for himself! Hui'an County Master must save Uncle Cai!"

Liu Kai listened to everyone's words, and occasionally said: "Don't worry, Hui'an County is mainly unable to wake up, no one in this world can wake up! Rely on fake doctors? She didn't say that, you can't wake up! You can only be a living dead. ?!"

He firmly believes that the person who County Master Hui'an can't save is really destined to die!

"However, is the Hui'an County Master the same as the Hui'an County Master who has grown thousands of kilograms of rice per mu? She still knows medicine? She knows a lot at such a young age!"

Soldier: "Hui'an County Master is omnipotent, what is medical skills? Her archery skills are the most powerful! The giant bow that I can't even pull, she pulls it effortlessly!"

"Also, Princess Hui'an..."

Caravans and soldiers, you speak every word.

The soldiers all praised the warmth.

In the past, they worshiped Nalan Jinnian, but now they are all replaced! Admire the warm worship!

Jia Jingxuan and her maid were standing on the side, and they were so angry that they said they were fake doctors.

"It's really a top, but it's not black and white!" The maid in Tsing Yi rolled up her sleeves and wanted to go up to the theory.

Jia Jingxuan held her back and said indifferently: "The mouth is on others, let them say it! Those who cleanse will cleanse themselves! Besides, I am not doing medical treatment for these reputations. Let them say Go!"

Hmph, it's not too late to say anything after waiting for Hui'an County Master to save the old man.

Now the more they step on themselves, the more they slap in the face, and even feel more guilty!

The maid in Tsing Yi couldn't help but gave Jia Jingxuan a heartbroken look: "Miss, you are too kind-hearted! Kindness is bullied by others!"

Jia Jingxuan smiled.

That smile is light and airy, indifferent to the world, like seeing through the red dust.

Jia Jingxuan saw that these hundreds of people were caravans that traveled south and north.

If Princess Hui'an loses her reputation in front of these people, a word from all over the world will be enough for her to drink a pot!

And you don't have to do anything, lower your status, and look like you don't care about anything.

This is what she learned when she returned to Beiming.

When the caravan's people saw Jia Jingxuan's appearance, they were embarrassed, so they stopped talking, and someone changed the subject.

People in the Valley of Divine Medicine, it is not easy to offend!

Seeing people like that, you don't get angry when they say that, how open-minded is this?

Not like the bad guys either.

"Hey, thank you for this Avalanche! If it weren't for you, we would..."


Liu Kai glanced at Jia Jingxuan, but felt a little aggrieved in his heart. He wanted to take the opportunity to seek justice for Princess Hui'an, but he didn't expect that the other party wouldn't be blushing or angry when he said this!

This bitch is so good at pretending!

He glanced at the carriage worriedly: My princess! You must save people!

on the carriage

Wen Nuan gave the old man acupuncture, and at the same time used purple qi to heal his wounds, and after dressing his wounds, she jumped out of the carriage and asked the middle-aged man, "Are you his son?"

The middle-aged man immediately stood up: "Yes, I am! I am! I am his son!"

Nodding warmly: "Your father's injury is a bit serious, and he has to have a few injections. Is it convenient for you to go to the capital with him for a month or so? I will try my best to make him return to normal a year ago."

The middle-aged man was overjoyed, so excited that he couldn't say anything: "Recovery...back to normal,..."

Before she could finish speaking, the maid in Tsing Yi glanced at the old man in the carriage. The old man's eyes were still tightly closed, and she couldn't help sneering: "Didn't you say that it can be rescued? What? How many times does this need to be administered? Ten times? A hundred times, or... um"

Nalan Jinnian waved his hand, and the cotton ball that was helping the old man to wipe the blood was stuck in the mouth of the maid in Tsing Yi.

The maid in Tsing Yi tasted a fishy smell and the bitter taste of medicinal materials in her mouth: "vomit"

She ran straight to the side and vomited.

Jia Jingxuan frowned and looked at Nalan Jinnian with a look of grievance: "What does King Jin mean? We are the envoys of Beiming Kingdom. This is how Nalan Kingdom treats guests?! What did my maid do wrong? She also cares about that old man!"

Nalan Jinnian put the tweezers back into the recycling box in a good time, he tidied up his sleeves, and said with a calm expression: "I'm really sorry, I threw the cotton ball, the wind was too strong, I didn't expect it to blow into her mouth. The direction the king threw was not in the direction of her mouth, did you see it?! Did you see it?"

"I! I saw it! Master Seventeen, you threw it in the direction of the top of the tree! It's just that the wind blew into her mouth! I think she has bad breath!"

"I saw it too! Master Seventeen didn't throw the cotton ball into her mouth at all. The wind was too strong to blow it in! You can't blame our Master Seventeen for your bodhisattva heart! If you want to blame God for not growing Eyes!"

"What God doesn't have eyes, don't blame God, I think God has eyes!"

"Yes, yes, I can also testify."

Soldiers, you speak my word.

Motherfucker, here is a bitch bullying their Princess Hui'an!


Keep going!

Jia Jingxuan was so angry that Nalan Jinnian waved her hand just now, and the direction of the cotton ball was indeed not the direction of her maid, but it bounced back inexplicably and shot into her maid's mouth!

But if she said that Nalan Jinnian didn't do it on purpose, she wouldn't believe anything she said.

It's just completely ruthless bullying!

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She looked at the warmth and smiled gently: "Has the Lord Hui'an rescued the old man? I entered the Valley of Magical Doctors at the age of three and practiced medicine by the master's side for many years. Seriously injured, basically can't survive! But I have a way to save his life, to be alive, even if I can't wake up, this is the best!

Hui'an County Lord just said that he could save the awakening, but now he said that he would need to give more injections. But the injury of the injured can't be delayed any longer, you must know that human life is at stake!

If this is delayed for a while, even if I take action, I will not be able to save his life! "

After speaking, Jia Jingxuan looked at the middle-aged man again, and said with a solemn expression: "The head injury is very serious. If it is delayed any longer, even the real gods will not be able to save it! I am a doctor, and the doctor is benevolent, and I don't want to be with Hui'an. The county master competes for a superiority, but the master often teaches me, and I can't see death without saving."

The middle-aged man was embarrassed, he looked at the warmth: "this"

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