The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 850 These people are so deceiving!

He folded his hands on his chest, leaned against the wall of the carriage, and watched Jia Jingxuan's performance with a half-smile, and only then did he speak: "Jia Shenyi, which ear did you hear or which eye did you see, the old man didn't wake up? You? It's the future owner of the Valley of Magical Medicine, and you can't even tell if the patient's condition has improved?"

Jia Jingxuan: "..."

woke up? !

how can that be!

Such an injury will never wake up!

Jia Jingxuan looked in disbelief, she took two steps forward and looked into the carriage.

The old man in the carriage moved his eyelids slightly, opened his eyes slightly, there was only a small slit, very small, and soon closed again, but his eyes were still moving, letting people know that he was indeed awake.

The middle-aged man rushed over with ecstasy: "Dad! You're awake!"

Nuan Nuan hurriedly stopped and said, "Don't disturb your father, he is too injured to stay awake for too long. Sleeping more will help him recover faster."

In fact, the most needed thing for a head injury is drowsiness, so that the brain can get better rest and self-recovery, but it is not impossible for the warm to wake up for a while.

So when he wakes up, he immediately falls asleep.

The middle-aged man hurriedly withdrew his hand and did not dare to move. He was worried that if he touched him, his father would die.

Nuan Wen continued: "I will need to apply needles five times next, once every three to five days, and it will return to normal in about a month. Wake up.

When he wakes up, he may forget how he was hurt, some people and events, but he may not.

Can you take your father to live in Beijing for a while? "

The middle-aged man nodded immediately: "Yes, my family lives in the capital. Besides, as long as I can save my father, let alone take my father to the capital, I will take him to the ends of the earth!"

After he finished speaking, he knelt down and kowtowed to Wen Nuan: "Thank you Hui'an County Master, Hui'an County Master's life-saving grace, Xiao Xiao remembers it! If there is any need to use Xiao Xiao in the future, Hui An County Lord just tell me! Xiao Xiao Going from the south to the north, if there is anything you want to eat in Hui'an County, or if you want to buy something from a certain place, you can tell the little one, and the little one will try his best to help the Lord Hui'an find it! Even the ends of the earth!"

Hui'an County Master has a noble status, and he knows that the possibility of needing his help is rare, but what he said is sincere.

And he and his father have been in business for many years, and people from various countries know some.

Warm and polite: "Okay, I will ask you to help me bring something if I need it in the future."

Jia Jingxuan clenched her fists. With such a severe head injury, she would be in a coma for a hundred years if she didn't die. How could she be rescued?

The medical skills of Princess Hui'an.

No, Jia Jingxuan didn't want to believe that Princess Hui'an's medical skills were better than her own!

Maybe it's a flashback!

Jia Jingxuan clenched her fists, loosened them again, and smiled: "The chief doctor of Hui'an County is really good. This will save people."

He smiled warmly: "Gao Ming doesn't dare to be, he is just taller than you, the future owner of the Valley of Magical Medicine."

Nalan Jinnian picked up the tweezers, picked up a bloody cotton ball, and turned it in his hands: "Girl, do you think God has ears?"

Warmly glanced at the blue sky: "Yes!"

Jia Jingxuan: "..."

She took two steps back.

Liu Kai was completely relieved: "This rescued a living dead and rescued the awakening. This medical skill is not a little bit high! Alas, is there no successor in the Valley of Magical Doctors? It's really worrying!"

Soldiers comforted one after another: "Jia Shenyi is still young, don't be discouraged. In the future, I will study medical skills well. It may be the same as our county master's medical skills at the moment in a few decades!"

"Don't get me wrong! It's the same as our county master's medical skills now, at this moment, not decades later. Don't think about comparing our county master's medical skills with her, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, you can't compare it. Just like her archery, we don't dare to compare with her, we all learned from Hui'an County Master. Jia Shenyi, this is our experience and we have passed it on to you!"

"Jia Shenyi, didn't you just say you wanted to learn from our county master? Have you learned it now? The doctor is benevolent, you can save such an injured person in the future! By the way, if you don't understand anything, ask directly. Ask our county master, don't learn it secretly, and then say that you are cured!"

"What do you say? Jia Shenyi is so flamboyant, a person of benevolence, virtue and benevolence will definitely not be able to do such a villain's behavior!"


Soldiers, you say what I say, there is this person who still imitates her tone just now, and speaks it vividly.

Jia Jingxuan could hardly keep the smile on her face.

These people are so deceiving!

But still laugh!

Her clenched fist fingernails sank into the palm of her hand.

She looked at the people on the carriage with a worried expression: "This person who hurt his head cannot be forcibly woken up. If he is forced to wake up, it may be a return to light."

Everyone: "..."

Back to light? !

Can't you?

Seeing the worried and choked expressions on their faces, Jia Jingxuan smiled: "But the medical skills of Princess Hui'an are so good, they must have rescued people. So I can rest assured! Hurry up and say goodbye!"

Wen Nuan shook his head and smiled: "Jia Shenyi's medical skills are really good! It's actually seen as a return to light!"

Jia Jingxuan took a step.

The imperial doctor was giving the old man a pulse at this time.

He was amazed that Hui'an County Master was able to rescue people in such a short period of time!

At this time, he opened his mouth to Jia Jingxuan and said, "Girl, are you a fake doctor? This person is obviously getting better. How do you say Huiguang Huizhao? This master Li's apprentice is not so unreliable! What kind of Huiguang Huizhao?"

Liu Kai laughed loudly: "Hahaha... What the imperial doctor said is that she is a fake doctor!"

Liu Kai smiled and looked at Jia Jingxuan: "Miss Jia, I'm not mistaken, your surname is "fake", right?"

Jia Jingxuan's face turned green with anger, she forced a smile and said, "Really? After a few days, everyone will know whether the old man can wake up or not. Is it a return to light, isn't it?"

After she finished speaking, she directly climbed into the carriage and left behind the still vomiting maid Juechen.

That back, quite embarrassed to flee.

"Miss, wait for me! I haven't gotten on the carriage yet! Miss..." The girl in Tsing Yi hurriedly chased after him.

She almost spit out her stomach just now!

After finally slowing down, I saw my young lady leave her and run away!

The soldiers pouted disdainfully as they watched the backs of them leave.

But the caravan didn't say anything. Their business practice is to make money with harmony and not easily offend people.

But if you don't show it, it doesn't mean you don't have an opinion in your heart.

They also look down on people like Jia Jingxuan.

Wen Nuan quickly wrote a prescription, but the middle-aged man asked, "Where is your residence?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Back to the county master, the youngest is Li Xin, and he lives in Nancheng, Li's house."

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