Wen Nuan nodded and handed him a prescription: "It's time for acupuncture, I'll go over and give Lingzun an injection. This is the prescription, and there's a bottle of pills in it, but I don't have it with me. Go to Yangshengtang to buy it!"

Li Xin took the prescription and glanced at the herbs and the name of the bottle of pills.

Health care pills?

He hesitated: "President Hui'an, I have already made an order for Yangshengtang's health and healing pills at Yangshengtang! But it will not be available until February next year. Look, can this medicine be changed?"

He can still find other pills for a little money, but because the health care series is too difficult to buy, they are all for life-saving use, so no one can transfer the money.

Nuan Wen: "The pharmacy will keep a few bottles for emergency use. You can just say that I will let you buy them when the time comes."

"Thank you, Princess Hui'an! Thank you" Li Xin was naturally very grateful when he heard the words.

He nodded warmly and said nothing.

She walked over to Wen Jiarui: "Dad, you can go with the brigade! Brother Seventeen and I will return to Beijing first. It's getting late, so you should go too!"

Wen Jiarui nodded and looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Okay! Are you traveling overnight?"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Yes."

It's not far from the capital, they have been on their way all night, and they will arrive tomorrow morning.

The silver-carrying team rested at the inn for one night, and drove overnight the next day. It was estimated that they would arrive in the capital around noon on the third day.

Nuan had an idea to discuss with the emperor, so she had to go back early.

Wen Jiarui didn't say much. What Shiqi and Sister Nuan did were important things, but it couldn't be delayed for a while. He just said, "Be careful on the road, see you the day after tomorrow!\

,"Wen Nuan nodded, and then greeted Liu Kai and the soldiers, and then went on horseback with Nalan Jinnian and left.

Looking at the figures of the two moving away, the caravan and Liu Kai said, "General, is King Jin next to the Hui'an County Master? The two of them are talented men and women, and they are made in heaven."

"That's it! Let's go! Let's go! Otherwise, if you can't make it to town before dark, you'll have to sleep on the streets!"

Liu Kai hurriedly greeted the brigade to move on.


The next day, the city gate had just opened, and Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian rode into the city.

The two went directly to the palace to return to their lives.

At this time, the emperor just ended the morning court.

The dragon case is piled up with memorials as high as a mountain.

At the end of the year, the memorabilia of the local officials' debriefings were sent in by the baskets one by one every day, and the emperor was so busy that he didn't have time to drink water!

Not to mention going to the harem!

Eunuch Li came in with a bowl of ginseng tea: "Your Majesty, this is the ginseng tea brewed by Concubine Li Gui, she asked you to pay attention to your body."

"Hold on!" The emperor said without raising his head.

This Concubine Li brewed a cup of ginseng tea for the emperor every morning, noon and night.

But this one has a heart, and the things behind it are very big!

Just as Eunuch Li put down the tea bowl, the little eunuch outside came to report, "Your Majesty, King Jin and Princess Hui'an ask to see you!"

The emperor raised his head abruptly and held his waist: "I'm back! Quickly announce! Hey, no, wait a while, then announce! Wait a while! Time for a cup of tea!"

"Hey!" The little eunuch was not used to it!

The emperor turned his head and said to Eunuch Li: "Well, hurry up, put up the memorials that I have already approved! Put these in the baskets! Then together with the two baskets of memorials that were collected this morning, first move them to the carriage of the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother. inside!"

"Yes!" Eunuch Li hurriedly carried the uncorrected memorials on the dragon case into the basket.

The emperor disliked Eunuch Li's slowness, so he did it himself, and took the piles of memorials he reviewed overnight last night to the dragon case!

After finishing, he waved to Eunuch Li: "Quickly remove these two baskets of memorials!"

Eunuch Li and the little eunuch quickly moved the two baskets of memorials to the back.

When it was over, the little eunuch hurried out: "The slave is going to invite King Jin and Princess Hui'an to come in?"

"Go!" The emperor sat upright, picked up the cinnabar pen, lowered his head and continued to review the memorial.

Still worried after thinking about it, he kicked the basket of already approved memorials to reveal a corner, and then threw a few unmarked memorials on it.

At this time, Nalan Jinnian and Nuan walked in, and the emperor hurriedly sat down.

With a smile, he said, "The Seventeenth Emperor, Princess Hui'an, you are back!"

As soon as Nalan Jinnian came in, he saw the basket with the pointed memorial at the corner beside the dragon case.

There was no expression on his face, and he respectfully saluted with the warmth:

"The younger brother sees the emperor brother."

"The Princess Hui'an has seen the emperor, the emperor Wan'an!"

The emperor immediately said: "Don't be too polite! Sit down!"

The emperor stood up, his body froze.

Eunuch Li hurriedly stepped forward to support him: "Be careful, Your Majesty."

The emperor deliberately patted the lower back with his hand: "Recently, I can't even straighten my waist bones! I'm old! I can't even recognize my old age!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "Is there a lot of imperial brother's harem! Are there a few more nephews and nieces in the younger brother?"

The emperor almost wanted to pull his shoes!

What nonsense are you talking in front of Hui'an County Master!

"You bastard! I've been dealing with all kinds of problems, and I haven't been to the harem for more than a month! I've been criticized and approved!"

Eunuch Li hurriedly testified to the emperor: "The emperor reviewed the memorials every day this month and approved that he would not sleep until three quarters of the child's hour. The imperial doctor advised him to go to bed earlier and did not listen."

This is indeed the case.

He smiled warmly and said, "It is a blessing for the people that the emperor is so diligent in government and love for the people, but the emperor also has to take care of his body. The emperor is the ruler of a country.

The emperor sat down: "It's still Princess Hui'an who can speak!"

He turned his head and said to Eunuch Li: "Bring the bowl of ginseng soup to warm up the body of the Princess Hui'an. Bring a cup of boiled water to the Seventeenth Emperor! Rinse your mouth!"

Mouth is so stinky!

"Yes." Eunuch Li responded and hurriedly prepared.

Soon I will give Wen Wen a cup of ginseng tea, and Nalan Jinnian a cup of Liuguaan tablets.

Naturally you can't really use plain water.

The emperor glared at Eunuch Li: "It's not for you to drink boiled water!"

Eunuch Li said with a smile: "This is not soaked long ago, it is not good to waste!"

The emperor snorted coldly, then looked at Wen Nuan, his face changed in seconds, that expression was amiable: "How are the preparations for the main salt field of Hui'an County?"

If it is possible to extract edible salt from seawater!

Their Nalan country is about to develop!

After the emperor retired, don't worry about not having any money to spend!

Wen Nuan took out a completely white porcelain bottle from his sleeve pocket: "Your Majesty, this is the salt I extracted from seawater, the Emperor has a look."

Father-in-law Li took it immediately, and poured the salt inside into a small black gilt-edged saucer.

The emperor looked at the snow-white fine salt, and he seemed to see a pile of gold shining on the beach!

It's all silver!

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