The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 852 Gold is absolutely not good!

If they have a salt field in Nalan, he can sleep with peace of mind!

"What's the difference between my taste and the salt of Dongling country!"

Eunuch Li was already prepared, and the emperor said that a palace maid came in immediately with a tray on which was placed a small gold spoon and a small exquisite salt cup.

Eunuch Li immediately handed the emperor a small spoon.

The emperor spooned a little salt into his mouth and tasted it.

The emperor's eyes lit up: "Yes, there is almost no bitterness at all!"

The emperor took the water handed over by Eunuch Li and rinsed his mouth.

Then he spooned a little more salt from Dongling Kingdom and tasted it.

The emperor looked at the warmth: "It seems that the salt in Dongling country is relatively salty, but it also has a little bitterness, very little and not easy to detect."

Wennuan smiled: "This is fine salt, which has been processed through multiple purifications."

As she said that, she took out another black bottle: "Your Majesty, try this, this is coarse salt."

Eunuch Li took it and poured the coarse salt into another saucer.

The color of coarse salt is a little yellow, and then the particles are relatively large.

The emperor took a grain to taste, then took out the veil and spit: "This is salty enough!"

Nodding warmly: "Both types of salt are edible, they have been filtered and refined, and they are not poisonous. It's just that fine salt has gone through a lot of processes, so it will be healthier to use it for cooking on weekdays."

The emperor nodded: "Since ancient times, the more delicate things are, the more troublesome it is to make! The salt farm of Hui'an County Master has been built, and how much salt can be produced every month."

Nuan Nuan thought about it and reported the number: "At the beginning, it was estimated that only 100,000 catties could be produced in a month. When the technology is mature,"

Warm and thin explained the role of the two types of salt to the emperor: "Fine salt can be used for daily cooking, while coarse salt can be used in food processing, so the cost is relatively low. The commercial use of coarse salt is relatively large, and it can be made into various Pickled vegetables, such as sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, can also be made into canned fish, dried salted fish, cured fish, bacon, etc., the food can be stored for a longer time and can be shipped to more places for sale! The income of those fishermen by the sea has greatly increased. In addition, coarse salt can be used to make all kinds of snacks and food.”

Warm elaboration on the commercial use of a salt.

As long as the output of Nalan National Salt is sufficient, it can drive the development of many food industries.

The development of the food industry is inseparable from raw materials and workers.

In this way, the income of farmers will increase, and then there will be more job opportunities for people in the city. At least one tenth of the people will have a better life, and the country will also have a lot more tax revenue.

This is a very good circle of conscience!

The emperor listened to the warmth before explaining. He sent Buddha and saw various workshops springing up like mushrooms after a rain, and the future Nalan Kingdom was a thriving scene.

"Haha. Okay!" The emperor couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "The problem of salt has always been one of the biggest problems in our Nalan Kingdom. If it can be solved, then Nalan Kingdom will definitely surpass Beilan within ten years. Ming Kingdom! Become the most prosperous and powerful country among the Five Kingdoms!"

Nodding warmly: "Well, none of these things can be done in a year or two. To see results, it will take at least ten years."

In this era, it takes several years for a fruit tree to grow from saplings to bear fruit.

And many people are afraid to try it. Only when those who try first have developed and made a lot of money, will imitators appear one after another.

The emperor nodded, of course he knew this, and he thought of the team on this mission: "Hui'an County Master, An Guogong and the others should be here in the past two days!"

50 million taels of gold!

It is ten times more than the basic requirements he put forward!

Tanglin Kingdom is so rich!

So much money can be taken out.

If I had known that he should have raised 50 million taels of gold in the first place, maybe Duke Anguo would be able to get back 90 million taels of gold!

The emperor has regrets in his heart!

Nodding warmly: "Go back to the emperor, we will arrive around noon tomorrow! We happened to meet them when we came back. Because of the avalanche, we delayed a little time."

When the emperor heard the words, he was frightened: "Avalanche? Are there any casualties?"

"Only one old man was injured, and the others were all right. Nuan Nuan told the younger brother that he was worried that there would be an avalanche on the newly opened mountain road, and the younger brother sent someone there." Nalan Jinnian briefly said what happened.

The words inside and outside are all because of the warm reminder, so many people's lives have been saved!

Of course this is also true.

After hearing this, the emperor was relieved: "It's still the master of Hui'an who has a delicate mind. You are really the lucky star of Nalan and the people!"

Since the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother met Princess Hui'an, the Emperor found that his life was really getting more and more comfortable!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Brother Huang is right, shouldn't there be a reward? This time, Duke An Guo was sent to Dongling and brought back so much gold."

The emperor's eyelids jumped!


Absolutely not gold!

He immediately interrupted Nalan Jinnian's words: "Rewards! I have a lot of rewards! Princess Hui'an, I will take you to my small treasury later to see what you like, just choose!"

Nalan Jinnian leaned back: "Why is it so troublesome for the emperor, the whole small treasury should be sent to the Lord Hui'an!"


Can he kill his brother?

If you know anything about Huangquan, you will forgive him!

After all, look at what he gave birth to?!

Really pissed him off!

Nalan Jinnian didn't seem to see the emperor's expression: "Brother Huang, 50 million taels of gold can do a lot of things. It's enough to repair all the roads and walls of the outer city!"

Don't think he doesn't know, the emperor is waiting for him and the little girl to pave the way to the outer city!

It just so happens that they are building shops and houses, but after they can't finish the construction, the road has not been paved!

Who would step into that shop?

"Go, go! How to use the 50,000,000 taels of gold, I already have a plan, you don't have to worry about this matter! I still have to review the memorials, you all retire!" The emperor wants to drive people, these 50 million taels of gold, Before he saw it, he was missed by the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother.

Nalan Jinnian did not move: "How does the emperor plan to welcome the 50 million taels of gold into Beijing?"

"Welcome?" The emperor was dumbfounded when he heard this!

The wealth cannot be revealed, he has 50 million taels of gold and it is too late to hide it, and he welcomes it, what is the joke of the Five Kingdoms? !

Nalan Jinnian picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea before continuing: "My brother thinks that the emperor should welcome him well, this is the compensation from Dongling Kingdom to our Nalan Kingdom! The envoys from the four countries have already stepped into our Nalan Kingdom. , or some people have come to the capital! Let's greet them well and let the other four countries see! How can we get back 50 million taels of gold and two cities from Dongling Kingdom?"

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