The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 853 What does the seventeenth emperor want to do?

The emperor's eyes lit up when he heard this!

Dongling Kingdom is so despicable and shameless, they should be disgraced!

And let the other four countries take a good look and bully the Nalan country, then they will only end up losing their wife and losing their troops!

"Is it not easy to come back this time?" the emperor asked.

Warmly smiled: "It's okay, but there are too many bulls, ghosts and snakes at sea, but we can't stop our soldiers in Nalan. Those bulls, ghosts and snakes are almost wiped out! The loss is heavy!"

Sailors are generally more difficult to train than soldiers.

"Haha. Good!" The emperor stood up excitedly and walked back and forth.

As long as he thinks that he has damaged the soldiers of the enemy country and let them go without food, he is happy!

"I have to think carefully about how to welcome the team on this mission! They have passed five trials and six generals this time. It's really hard!"

When Nalan Jinnian heard the words, he said, "Brother, how do you plan to use the fifty million taels of gold?"

The emperor's eyelids jumped, and his footsteps stopped!

How to use fifty million taels of gold?

What does the Seventeenth Emperor want to do?

Shouldn't it be the idea of ​​hitting the 50 million taels of gold?

It can't, absolutely not!

Say nothing!

The emperor began to complain, and he sat down helplessly: "How else can I use it?! These fifty million taels are a lot to talk about, and it's not worth the cost!"

"The water conservancy project for the treatment of floods in the outer city recently submitted by the Ministry of Industry is very large. I estimate that it will take about ten years to build and invest 30 million taels of silver every year. This is still a conservative estimate!

Then this winter comes. Soldiers' cotton-padded clothes and trousers, as well as quilts, must be prepared. The frontier is bitter and cold, but the soldiers who are guarding their homes and defending the country can't suffer! Besides, what about the salaries of the soldiers? It's New Year's Eve, so why don't you send some gifts!

And now there are snow disasters everywhere, those poor days without disaster relief from the imperial court, how to survive this icy winter, this disaster relief is another sum of money!

And after the spring, the people started farming again, and the water conservancy has to be dredged up now!

There are also roads in various state capitals to be repaired!

This bridge has to be built too!

This weapon also needs to be refined in batches!

The salaries of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty must also be distributed!

Also, this..."

The emperor counted the places where the money would be spent with his fingers.

Nalan Jinnian twitched the corners of his mouth: "Brother Huang said so, others don't know that Nalan country has no local taxes, and they all rely on the 50 million taels of gold from the pit to survive! Brother Huang, don't worry, the servants have silver. , don't miss your fifty million taels!"

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, just don't miss him!

It really scared him to death!

But the Seventeenth Emperor has silver?

Then can you think about his money?

The emperor smiled charmingly and kindly: "Brother Seventeen, how do you think the 50 million taels of gold will be spent?"

Well, if you don't spend enough money, ask the Seventeenth Emperor to subsidize it!

I listen to him all!

Anyway, the Seventeenth Emperor has some silver!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "This king thinks that the royal brother should spend some of the money to build the academy."


"We have enough academies in Nalan Country!"

No matter how many colleges are built, if the people do not have the money to go to school, it will be a waste of money!

Nalan Jinnian: "It's not an ordinary academy. The purpose of that academy is not for students who take imperial examinations. It's a craft college. It specializes in teaching ordinary people to learn crafts."

Craft college?

The emperor looked at Wennuan: "Hui An County Master, this is your idea!"

He smiled warmly: "Your Majesty is wise, the minister is building a skills academy in the outer city."

The emperor was very interested when he heard it: "What is a skill academy? Tell me about it."

Nuan Nuan: "Actually, it is an academy for learning crafts. If a person has a craft, he will not be afraid to travel all over the world! As long as he has a craft, he will not starve to death!"

The emperor nodded, this is the truth of everything.

Warmth: "Every craftsman in our Nalan Kingdom is passed down from father to son, or from master to apprentice. It's easy to lose a certain skill!"

"But this is also human nature. Craftsmanship is the capital of a person's survival. No one wants to teach irrelevant people casually." The emperor said.

Nodding warmly: "Yes, this is indeed human nature, but for a country, this is not a good phenomenon. So I thought of building a skills academy to give ordinary people a place to learn a craft. After all, such acts of kindness as porridge and clothing can only help temporarily, it can save the emergency, but not the poor.

It is impossible for a person to wait for the imperial court to help him all his life! In the long run, the imperial court can't afford it!

Therefore, it is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish, so as to fundamentally solve the problem of poverty among the people.

Therefore, the minister suggested that the emperor take part of the 50 million taels of gold, choose a county in each state capital, and build a skills college to teach some poor people to learn crafts.

In those poor families, as long as one person learns a craft and makes a living, the basic food and clothing problem of that family is solved. Besides, this can also discover some potential talents from ordinary people, and then use them for the court. And when the people make a living, the taxation of the court will also increase... This is a good and benign patrol. "

The emperor thought about it for a while: "The idea of ​​Princess Hui'an is good, but when this academy is built, should I practice it? If it is a practice, where will the poor people get the money to pay for the practice?

If you don't accept it, then the imperial court will need a lot of money every year to maintain the operation of an academy! Apart from the money for asking the teacher and the money for maintaining the facilities of the academy, the students must also provide them with the materials they need for their studies! These things are estimated to be a lot of money! "

Everything is silver!

Nuan Nuan: "Of course, the academy is going to be tidy, but it can be cheaper than a regular academy as appropriate. For some ordinary students, they can go to school by borrowing some money from the family.

For some very poor students, the college can give some bursaries. Then as long as students who study well, there are scholarships.

In addition, you can cooperate with the bank to release an interest-free student aid money, which is interest-free for one or two years, and is specially used for those poor people.

After completing their studies, they need to pay off the student-aid money within a year, otherwise it will be calculated as the bank's money.

The courtier felt that those who are motivated and want to change their fate, even if they borrow money, will want to go to the academy to learn a craft!

And bandha cultivation is to prevent those lazy people from sneaking into the academy, eating and drinking every day! The specific regulations can be sorted out by the ministers and daughters at that time, and the memorials can be written for the emperor to see. "

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