"It's back! The mission team is back!"

The Minister of the Household subconsciously fastened the five cents in the money bag and jumped up with excitement.

50 million taels of gold!

With this amount of money, he, the person in charge of money, can finally relax a little!

The emperor heard the words and looked over.

From a distance, the emperor saw a line of carriages one by one, and there was no end in sight!

His fifty million taels of gold came back!

Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si said loudly: "Open the city gates! Welcome Shi Chen, the ambassador, and return safely and victoriously!"

"Squeak", the heavy city gate was opened.

The dense crowd below looked forward to it, but because they stood too low, many things blocked their sight, and they could not see the return of the team.

Even so, everyone stood on tiptoe and tried to look forward.

The emperor stood on the city, looking at the team from far and near, his usual majestic face was also stained with a smile.

O gold!

Every car is gold!

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce looked at the carriage from far to near without blinking, his eyes were a little moist:

50 million taels of gold!

The emperor wants to build this, to repair that, and to give the people there all the money for disaster relief!

He doesn't have to worry about his hair turning white!

Tomorrow he must invite An Guogong to eat meat buns! two!

Today's five cents, plus tomorrow's five cents, is just enough to buy two meat buns!

The third prince looked at the mighty team with joy in his heart.

There are two more cities in Nalan Kingdom!

The future is his country.

He glanced at the girl beside the emperor. The girl looked straight ahead with a small smile on the corner of her mouth. She was dressed in silver armor, shining under the sun.

But no matter how dazzling the armor was, it couldn't compare to her radiance!

This sweet smile is breathtakingly beautiful.

It's so beautiful that your heart skips a beat and you can't take your eyes off it.

His heart was beating fast, and his stomach tightened.

Nalan Jinnian turned her head and was about to say something to the warmth around her. She seemed to be aware of it, and raised her eyes to look over.

The moment the third prince Nalan Jinnian turned his head, he retracted his gaze tightly, looked straight ahead, smiled and fanned to King Ning beside him: "I am so happy!"

Ning Wang wiped his beard and smiled: "It's really worth being happy!"

Nalan Jinnian withdrew his gaze with an indifferent expression, lowered his head to warmly said, "Don't worry about those three stinky boys."

He smiled warmly: "It doesn't matter. It's good!"

The team moved from far to near, and soon appeared in everyone's sight.

The following people said excitedly:

"I see, I'm back! I'm back at last!"

"Oh my God! What a long line, why are there so many carriages?"

"This is what I brought back from Dongling Country!"

"Salt! It must be salt! Dongling has the most salt."

"Silver! The country of Dongling is so despicable, of course they want to cede the land and pay indemnity!"

"I think it's salt too! In this case, can salt be cheaper?"

"No way! Even if you bring back so much salt from the carriage, it will only be enough for the people of the capital to eat for a while!"

"The country of Dongling should be asked to contribute tens of thousands of tons of salt every year!"

The people below were talking.

In any case, the court got a lot from another country, and for them, it was quite happy.

Although it may not affect them much.

The mighty team came from far and near.

Liu Kai saw the bright yellow figure on the city from a distance, and said to Wen Jiarui, who was also riding a horse this time, "Master Guo, is the emperor welcoming us on the city?"

Wen Jiarui saw it, and he nodded: "It should be! The emperor seems to have brought a full court of civil and military officials to greet us!"

Hearing this, Liu Kai straightened his waist, turned his head and said to the soldiers behind him: "Brothers, it's good! The emperor is out of the palace to greet us! When everyone salutes in a while, remember to be neat! Those in front, please inform the back. people."

The line was too long for his voice to reach the back.

The soldiers in front also saw the bright yellow figure on the city wall.

At this moment, everyone felt honored.

The emperor has come to greet them!

The rush and the trepidation along the way are all worth it!

They felt like they were passing the message: "The emperor went out of the city to welcome us back with a great victory. Everyone is ready to salute! Don't mess up!"

The news spread to the people behind, and the entire team was excited.

At this moment, it has been nearly four months on the mission, and the bitterness and tears, fear and fear are all like a light cloud in the sky, being blown away by the wind!

The pain of being cold, hungry, and tired after days of rushing on the road is like a wisp of smoke, dissipated and retreated!

Everyone unconsciously straightened their waists even more!

The pace is more sonorous!


Wen Jiarui led the way to a hundred meters away from the city gate. He reined in his horse and stopped.

He neatly rolled over and dismounted, and knelt down on one knee.

Liu Kai and the soldiers behind him knelt down neatly.

Wen Jiarui knelt on the ground and said loudly, "We've seen my emperor, long live my emperor, long live!"

The soldiers said in unison: "See my emperor, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

The voice was high, resounding through the sky.

The emperor raised his hand happily: "All Aiqings are flat! Hard work!"

Wen Jiarui took out the indemnity documents for the land ceding of the two cities of Dongling Kingdom, and raised his head high: "Fortunately, I will not be humiliated, and I will live up to your trust!"

They are home!

Live up to the Holy Spirit!

They are home!

With the dignity of a country!

"Haha. Good! Good! Haha, flatten!" The emperor smiled happily while looking at the scroll in Wen Jiarui's hand on the city.

Wen Jiarui just stood up.

The soldiers behind him also stood up in unison.

The emperor then said loudly: "This time on the mission, Duke An Guo and all the generals and ministers have worked hard! I have rewarded you a lot! It is you who traveled thousands of miles and traveled long distances to negotiate with the Dongling Kingdom with your life, fighting your wits and courage, and letting me bully me. Nalan Kingdom, those who insult my Nalan Kingdom pay the price they deserve! Give me back the dignity of Nalan Kingdom!"

Next, the emperor stood directly on the high city, and in front of the people all over the capital, issued the reward of the Shi Chen on this mission.

"This envoy will allow the monarch of Dongling Kingdom to provide two cities and 50 million taels of gold as compensation. Duke Anguo has done a great job, and Duke Anguo listens to the order!"

Wen Jiarui knelt down again: "I obey the order!"

"An Guogong is an official, upright and selfless, and he who has taught his father every son is a pillar of the court! He cares about the suffering of the people, sympathizes with the people's hardships, and worries about the country and the people! He is resourceful and capable of carrying the cauldron, and he is the nation of Nalan. The mainstay and the talent of saving the world! Now I have been granted the title of Minister of the Ministry of Households, and concurrently serve as the chief secretary of salt politics and history. Together, your father and daughter will carry forward the salt fields of Nalan, so that everyone in Nalan can afford salt! Can Duke Anguo do it? arrive?"

Wen Jiarui hurriedly kowtowed: "This minister will lead the decree, and the minister will definitely live up to the high trust of the Holy One! I will do my best and die!"

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