The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 857: The Rules of Nalan Kingdom

Rao is the third prince, no matter how calm the sky is, this time he can't calm down!

Anguogong became the head of salt administration!

This piece of salt is now his most important source of silver!

Now that Duke Anguo is not his own, if his fortune is affected.

The third prince's hand holding the folding fan tightened.

Although he was worried, his expression didn't show anything.

The Minister of Industry was worried and looked at the third prince several times, but the third prince didn't even look in his direction.

Really anxious to death!

This salt government history director has been replaced, and the money will be gone in the future.

Without money, it is impossible to move an inch.

Next, the emperor rewarded Liu Kai and other people on this mission. Liu Kai's rank was raised two ranks, and he became a general of the fourth rank. The other soldiers also raised one. grade.

Everyone on the mission this time has been promoted, at least one rank! Then they are placed in some more important, promising and fast promotion positions.

Taking this opportunity, the emperor also changed a group of people in the army, so that some people have people with checks and balances!

It was the first time that the people saw the emperor confer an official position, and everyone listened to it seriously.

There are some people who are easy to be emotional, hot-blooded teenagers, full of enthusiasm, thinking that they will become such a person in the future, and get the emperor's conferment!

Everyone has a desire to become a talent. It is a great honor to see so many soldiers being conferred by the emperor in front of all the people.

It also awakened the longing in their hearts, making them want to fight hard and live their lives in vain!

Although there were people standing on both sides of the road, it was quiet. Everyone watched silently. Only after the seal was given, did everyone give out thunderous blessings and cheers.

In addition to the soldiers on the mission, the soldiers who escorted the mission team back were also rewarded with silver.

Each person is two taels of silver, and a third-class military merit is recorded.

Military merit is the proof of promotion and salary increase.

The more meritorious you are, the sooner you will be promoted!

These are some of the rules and regulations in the Nalan National Army.

Amidst cheers and cheers, the reward was finally over.

The emperor's eyes fell on the carriages one by one.

Today, he wants to show off his wealth!

The emperor said loudly: "Take the 50 million taels of gold out and open it up! Let everyone take a good look at the compensation that Dongling Kingdom gave us!"

Liu Kai heard it and quickly signaled the soldiers to open the 50 million gold.

The soldiers quickly lifted boxes of gold from their carriages.

Black wooden boxes were neatly placed on the side of the road, forming a long queue.

From a distance it looks like a path.

The onlookers couldn't help holding their breath.

Eyes are reluctant to blink!

"Open!" Liu Kai shouted.

The soldiers opened the wooden box in unison.

Under the sun, boxes of gold exude a dazzling golden light.

The road is shrouded in gold.

Everyone saw only a golden avenue.

Glittering gold, shining gold, shining gold,

The splendid golden light was so dazzling that it made people unable to open their eyes.

After everyone squinted subconsciously, they couldn't help but stare at it again.

50 million taels of gold, this is a lot that you have never seen before, piled up in a pile, it is a golden mountain!

Really paved a golden road.

The eyes of the people are about to fall out.

I really want to touch it!

Many of them have never even touched gold.

The Minister of the Ministry of Finance touched his beard and smiled!

Recently, the imperial court allocated a large sum of money to rebuild the two newly recovered cities, and cut the taxes paid by all over the country in half this year!

He prayed to God every day that there would be no natural disasters, so he was worried that another sum of money would be provided to help the disasters.

The 50 million taels of gold came back just right, and solved his urgent need.

There is silver in the treasury, just like he has five cents in his pocket, his heart will not panic!

The emperor looked down at this golden road, and said loudly: "These are the gold that the Dongling Kingdom compensated us for passing the country! In addition to the 50 million taels of gold, there are also two cities! Those who deceive our dynasty will definitely No mercy! Invade one inch of my country, and give me back one foot of land! Kill one of my dynasty, and give us our lives! This is the rule of our Nalan Dynasty!

The soldiers inside and outside the city gate raised their weapons and shouted loudly: "Those who deceive me will not be spared!"

"Invade me by one inch of the country, and give me back one foot of land!"

"Kill one of me, and give us our lives!"

"This is the rule of our Nalan Dynasty! Violators will not be spared, and they will be killed!"

The sound wave after wave, resounding through the sky!

Echo burst!

At this moment, everyone's heart is excited! is boiling!

After a while, the emperor raised his hands and motioned everyone to calm down.

Everyone saw it, and soon fell silent.

The emperor went on to say: "This time, thanks to the efforts of all the Aiqings, Dongling Kingdom compensated our Nalan Kingdom 50 million taels of gold, and I decided to use the 50 million taels of gold to be accepted by us. Lan Guo has paved an avenue of prosperity! A golden avenue of happiness!"

Kangzhuang Avenue?

Happy Avenue?

Does the emperor plan to use all this gold to pave the way?

Some businessmen in the business and officials who do business at home are happy.

The road is easy to go, and it is too convenient for them.

Ordinary people don't feel much, especially those poor people. Anyway, whether the road is good or not does not affect their kind of walking on both feet.

What, muddy on a rainy day?

When it rains, they don't go out!

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing recalled in his heart that next year the imperial court planned to spend about 30 million taels of gold on paving roads and bridges.

Of course this is not enough, the emperor wants to build so many roads!

In the first quarter, 10,000,000 taels can be allocated, and the remaining 40,000,000 taels can be allocated to the 20,000,000 taels recently proposed by the Ministry of Industry. What a huge, world-renowned, meritorious and beneficial Let's go to the water conservancy project in Qianqiu!

Although it is not enough, it has solved the urgent need!

And 20 million taels can be used

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce had not completely arranged the whereabouts of the 50 million taels in his mind, and the emperor's voice sounded again:

"I have decided to use these five thousand taels to build a skill college in every major state capital of Nalan! The rest of the money will be used for scholarships and grants!"

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, the head of the minister of the household boomed.

It felt like a thunderstorm exploded in my mind!

What the hell is the skill academy that the emperor said!

Why did the emperor spend all 50 million taels of gold without discussing it with him!

Do you still respect him, the No. 1 gold medal accountant in Nalan?

There is no end to this day, he is going to retire and return home!

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