The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 858 Are you trying to kill King Jin?

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce looked at the emperor sadly: "Emperor!"

And as soon as the emperor's words came out, the people below were boiling, and they were all talking about what kind of skill college, scholarships, and bursaries!

These words are a little new, they are not sure what they mean.

It was so noisy that the emperor did not hear the Minister of the Ministry calling him at all.

The emperor glanced at the Imperial Prince's Sacrifice Liquor beside him, and motioned him to explain to everyone the purpose of the skill academy.

Last night, the emperor let him enter the palace overnight, and the discussion was about this skill academy.

Guozijian Jijiu took out a memorial and began to introduce it to everyone: "Don't be impatient, folks, this official will explain it to you now. This skill academy set up by the emperor is specially for the common people to learn craftsmanship and survival skills. Academy! Anyone who is willing to learn a craft, the common people of Nalan country between fifteen and thirty-five years old, can go to the academy to study. The skills that the common people can learn in the academy are: pottery, flower art, gardening, embroidery, clothing , all kinds of handicrafts, medicine, planting, breeding, cooking and so on.”

"There are also sub-categories under some categories, like cooking, there are various dishes, cakes, snacks, tofu, soy sauce planting, fruit trees, etc. Mushrooms, flowers, fish farming, crab farming, chickens, geese and ducks. And so on!

"This skill academy is cheaper than a regular academy, and the imperial court also provides grants and scholarships, that is to say, no matter whether you have money or not, as long as you have the determination, perseverance, want to learn, and learn to change your poverty status You can go to the academy to study! Because the imperial court sent someone to check your family background and determine that you are a person from a difficult family, you can go to the bank to apply for a bursary. This bursary needs to be repaid, and it will be returned after one year of study! Of course, if you are a hard-working student, and your grades are among the best during your studies, for example, if you get the top one, you will have the opportunity to be exempted from the training and get a scholarship. If you get the top ten, you will get a scholarship. The number of scholarships, the higher the ranking, the more scholarships you get!”

The people were not very interested in how to use the money, and the money of the imperial court was generally not distributed to everyone.

In addition to encountering natural disasters, the court will provide disaster relief.

And the people believed that the money of the imperial court was paid to the officials!

Therefore, the officials of the court were all rich and noble.

Of course, it is also used in other places, such as road building, bridge building and so on.

At this moment, listening to the words of Guozijian to sacrifice wine, I feel that the 50 million taels of silver seem to have something to do with me!

They can get scholarships and grants as long as they enter the college to study?

Those who are desperate to change the status quo, their minds are open!

Some people couldn't wait to ask: "Sir, when will this academy be built! Can people who don't know a word of it go in to learn crafts?"

"Sir, how much is the annual training? Is there really that scholarship? Can we borrow money from the qianzhuang to study and pay it back after one year of study?"

"Sir, how much is the scholarship? How much is the bursary, where can I apply?"

"Sir, it's time to build an academy there! When will it be built? When will you sign up?"

"grown ups."

Many people asked loudly.

Guozijian Jijiu raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

When everyone was quiet, he continued: "The construction of the skill college will take about a year, and it is expected to start recruiting students in the fall of next year! Classes will be officially launched in the spring of the following year! Regarding the specific regulations, the specific regulations will be announced on the imperial list at that time. , and when the college recruits, it will be announced! Everyone will find out when the time comes!"

The people below are still restless and want to know more: "Where is the college built? What if we don't know the college is built?"

"Yes, I don't know. What if I missed the registration?"

Guozijian sacrifice wine continued to appease:

"Don't worry, everyone! This college will be built in every major state capital of the country! The specific place has not yet been selected, and the court will announce it when the time comes. The yamen in various places and the village chiefs of each village will notify everyone. Because this skill academy is the emperor who is sympathetic to the suffering of the people and knows that ordinary poor people are difficult to make a living, he specially gives everyone a way to make a fortune! Let everyone have a skill, and the days to come will be prosperous and better!"

When many people heard this, they knelt down again and said loudly:

"Thank you, the emperor! The emperor is the best emperor in the world! Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

The emperor raised his hand: "Everyone excuses the gift! In fact, everyone is thanking the wrong person! You should thank the Hui'an county master even more! This skill academy was proposed by the Hui'an county master. There is a similar skill school! And it will be built soon, and you will be able to enroll in the spring tomorrow, and then everyone can apply for it! Of course, the number of places is limited!"

As soon as the emperor's words fell, the third prince glanced at him.

The father is blatantly winning the hearts of the people for the seventeenth uncle!

Does he really intend to pass the throne to the seventeenth emperor according to the will of the first emperor, without considering their own sons at all?

The hearts of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also came alive.

What is the emperor's intention to do this? Are you trying to kill King Jin?

This seems a little impossible!

After all, the emperor's favor on King Jin was seen by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

If you don't want to kill him, to win the hearts of the people for King Jin, is this intention to pass on the throne to King Jin? !

Some officials were taken aback by the thought of this!

But since ancient times, the throne has been passed down from father to son!

This does not conform to the rules of the ancestors, and the country will be in chaos!

Now all countries are eyeing, if there is civil strife in the court, the prince and the prince will seize the throne.

Isn't this a chance for others to take advantage of?

The court will be in turmoil!

Some old-fashioned officials couldn't help but get worried.

They decided to write a memorial tomorrow to remind the emperor vaguely that the orthodoxy of the royal family cannot be messed up!

In the folk, family business is passed down from father to son, and it is passed on to the eldest son, the first son!

The throne is related to the fate of a country, and it can't be messed up!

King Jin is just a prince, no matter how capable he is, give him a power to serve the court!


Bad name, bad words!

With this precedent set, will all the princes and sons of the princes be able to compete for the throne of Nalan in the future?

Isn't this a mess?

The emperor doesn't care what everyone thinks!

He looked at the people below, and his heart was full of expectations for the future.

In another year or two, he can abdicate and become a supreme emperor!

At that time, he would go to An Guogong's mansion for dinner every day, and he would go wherever he wanted.

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