The emperor wanted to be delighted, and at this moment, the people below knelt down again because of his words: "Thank you Hui'an County Master!"

"Thank you Hui'an County Master! Hui'an County Master, you are really a good person!"

"The Lord Hui'an gave us a full meal! Now he is thinking of ways to make a living for us. The Lord Hui'an is really a blessing to the world, and the people of the world! Thank you Lord Hui'an!"

Warm heart was a little surprised that the emperor would say this. The emperor's idea seemed to be... She didn't think about it, she looked at the people kneeling and thanked the people and said: "Everyone, folks, get up! Although this county master has such an idea, But it is the emperor who can truly build a college across the country, so it is enough for everyone to thank the emperor! The emperor is the one who is truly diligent in government and loves the people, and is dedicated to doing everything possible to make all the folks live a good life! In the position, in the pursuit of his government, and in the success of his affairs, I am just doing my best to share the worries of the king! This is not in vain for the emperor to confer me the title of the county master."

The emperor heard the warm words in his heart and it was a comfort: look at how much the Princess Hui'an can speak!

He is neither arrogant nor arrogant, he works wholeheartedly, and he thinks wholeheartedly for the sake of his emperor and the seventeenth emperor's younger brother.

The emperor naturally knew that if he hadn't been good to the Lord Hui'an, and if the seventeenth emperor's younger brother had not been good to the Lord Hui'an, the person of Princess Hui'an would not have made such suggestions for the court.

She just needs to work hard to earn her own money and let her family live a prosperous life!

How many people have been offended and how many people's interests have been harmed by a woman who made such a big splash and waded into the muddy waters of the imperial court?

From the first prince, the queen, the Guo family, the fifth princess, the second prince, and the prime minister.

This offended person is either a high-ranking person or an extremely noble one!

If she is not careful, she may be doomed.

If she were replaced by other emperors, she probably wouldn't have a good death.

But she still had the same original intention, as always, she was dedicated to serving the imperial court, or helping the seventeenth emperor, and by the way, helping her own, the seventeenth emperor's brother.

The seventeenth emperor's brother got a wife like this, so he could be relieved as an emperor's brother.

I really want to see how high the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother can lead the Nalan Kingdom with Hui'an County Master after he ascends the throne!

The emperor thought of the purpose of showing off his wealth this time, and he continued to say loudly: "Haha. Dear folks, we would also like to thank Donglingguo for compensating us for the money! Isn't it right? The compensation is too small! If we can make five more A million or two is fine!"

Minister Tobe nodded vigorously!

Originally, he thought 50 million taels was a lot, but now, he thinks it is far from enough!

The Tanglin Kingdom should have to pay another fifty million taels of gold!

The emperor is too good at spending money.

As long as there is money in the treasury, he wants to spend it.

It's as if leaving a little money on your body will itch all over your body!

The people shouted again:

"Yes! The compensation from Dongling Kingdom is too small! It should be another 50 million taels of gold!"

"The lord of Dongling Kingdom is too stingy! Next time, if they dare to meddle in their own business, they will step into our Nalan Kingdom for half a step and beat them to nothing, and they will have to pay for a few salt mines!"

The Dongling spy who mixed into the crowd of China almost vomited blood!

These Nalan people are so shameless!

How many 50,000,000 taels in extra compensation, they won't rob it?

The next time the soldiers of Dongling Kingdom step into the Nalan Kingdom again, they will definitely occupy the entire Nalan Kingdom!

Let these people become prisoners!

The spies from other countries silently ordered a wax for the Tangling Kingdom!

This time on the Longevity Festival of Nalan Kingdom, the messenger of Dongling Kingdom is expected to be teased until his face turns green.

The spies of Beiming Kingdom frowned when they saw the people of Nalan Kingdom's love for the Lord of Nalan Kingdom: This Nalan Kingdom really seems to be a true family of the monarch and the people.

The monarch wants to unify the world, and Nalan is the number one enemy.

But the lord of Nalan Kingdom is getting more and more popular, and the whole Nalan Kingdom is getting better and better!

However, Nalan Kingdom has really had shit luck in the past three years!

After winning one city after another, the country expanded a whole circle, and that's it, actually planted rice and wheat with a yield of thousands of catties per mu, and solved the food problem of the people that other countries still haven't solved!

And the soldiers are getting stronger too!

On the Longevity Festival of the Tanglin Kingdom, he actually won all the soldiers of the Shikoku!

What skills colleges are still being built in various states across the country to teach some poor people some skills?

If this academy can be successfully built, will there still be poor people in Nalan after five or ten years?

Is this still the Nalan Kingdom that the monarch thinks is gradually declining and heading for decline?

The country is rich, the army is strong, the people's heart desires, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the officials are upright and honest.

This is simply becoming more and more prosperous and powerful, and even surpassing the mainland's first overlord, Beiming Power!


The emperor looked around the lowly people, and today's goal has been achieved.

Invigorate the hearts of the people, once again give Tangling Kingdom a disgrace, and by the way remind other countries!

By the way, he also won the hearts of the people for the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother, so that he will become the king in the future!


The emperor glanced at the soldiers and horses of the five cities.

Wucheng soldiers and Ma Si immediately understood, and he said loudly: "Okay, all the villagers and villagers give way. The adults and soldiers on the mission must be tired and hungry after so long. The emperor has already settled in the health building. After ordering the wine and vegetables, everyone will transport the gold to the treasury, and then you can go to the health building to eat!"

The soldiers shouted their thanks again.

Then, the boxes of gold were closed and put back into the carriages, and then the carriages entered the city one by one.

The people stood on the side of the road watching, counting how many carriages there were, and were reluctant to leave.

The emperor said to Wen Nuan, "Master Hui'an, I'm tired. Would it be convenient to go to the Duke Anguo's mansion for a rest?"

"Convenient! It's a great honor for the emperor to go to Anguo Gongfu! Why is it inconvenient!"

"Haha. Your mouth is the sweetest!"

The seventh prince immediately stepped forward to support the emperor: "Father, I'm tired, I'll help you over!"

"Brother Huang." Prince An stepped forward.

Prince Ning pushed away Prince An, and also stepped forward to support the emperor: "Brother Huang, Brother Huang will help you!"

Prince An was so angry that he blew his beard and stared!

God knows that in order to wait for Hui'an County Master to come back and eat a delicious meal, he has not suffered from amnesia in the past two months!

I can't forget Princess Hui'an!

The emperor glared at the seventh prince and walked down!

After the ceremony to welcome the envoy team is over.

Boxes of silver were shipped to the treasury.

The Minister of the Chamber of Commerce was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he looked at the money that the emperor had privately arranged for its use!

How could he put up such an emperor who can spend money?

I'm so tired!

He's going home!

This minister of households, he quit!

The emperor was about to walk down the city, when confronted with the minister of the household who was about to cry, he felt a little guilty: "Aiqing, let's go to An Guogong's mansion for a delicious meal together!!"

ask for a ticket

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