The Minister of the Ministry of Housing thought about it very much. He really wanted to have the guts to ignore the emperor. He didn't even discuss this money with himself!

Before the 50 million taels came back, the emperor said in front of him that when the money came back, he could do whatever he wanted.

It's impossible now.

Not a single copper plate is left to my control!

I really want to give the emperor a blank eye!

Let's cut the robe and break the righteousness!

But it doesn't matter if you ignore the emperor and go to Anguo Gongfu for dinner!

And he still wants to deliver meat buns to An Guogong!

In the future, he will partner with Anguogong. He is his subordinate, so he will think more about the issue of silver.

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce thought of this and replied respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

The third prince was not far behind the emperor. He glanced at the woman standing beside Nalan Jinnian. He also wanted to see the mansion where she lived.

I want to see how such a smart and stunning beauty lives in a boudoir: is it a scholarly scent, or is it elegant and warm?

But he took another look at Nalan Jinnian.

Forget it for now!

Not urgent!

Uncle Seventeen is too shrewd.

So the emperor took a few people to go to An Guogong's mansion for a meal.

One of the reasons why I went out to the city gate to meet me this time was also for such a meal!


in the carriage

Wen Nuan said to Nalan Jinnian: "The emperor has deliberately won the hearts of the people for you!"

Generally speaking, the emperor is worried that other people will be more popular than him!

But the current emperor is doing the opposite.

The emperor is in good health, and he is not too old. With her around, he will never let him die so early. This throne can still sit for ten or eight years!

Why do you seem to be planning to abdicate?

Nalan Jinnian poured a cup of tea and handed it to Wen Wen: "Isn't it for you?"

Wen Nuan rolled his eyes, then took the tea bowl and lowered his head to drink.

Nalan Jinnian's mouth slightly raised.

He also poured himself a cup of tea and drank it.

For a time, the whole carriage was scented with tea, quiet and warm.


After returning to the city, the third prince came to a teahouse.

In the teahouse, as soon as the third prince entered the private room, Zhang Shixiong, Minister of Industry and Salt Transport Department, quickly stood up and saluted him.

"Three sons!"

"Don't be too polite! Sit!" The third prince walked straight in, swayed, and sat on the armchair.

The Minister of Industry couldn't wait to say: "Three princes, the emperor suddenly appointed An Guogong as the director of salt politics and history! This position should have been taken by Master Zhang!"

Zhang Shixiong said at this time: "Third prince, my subordinates just received news that King Jin and Hui'an County are building a salt field in Changning! I heard that it is to reclaim the sea for salt drying! Now they are recruiting people, and the scale seems to be quite large."

The third prince took the teacup's hand and said, "Waiting the sea to dry the salt?"

"Yes, I heard that they have found a way to detoxify and remove the poison in sea salt, so they are vigorously building a salt field! If this salt field is really built, we will not have to rely on Dongling Kingdom for salt in Nalan in the future. It's gone!"

The third prince turned the teacup in his hand with a deep face: "That's no wonder!"

It is no wonder that the father emperor suddenly appointed An Guogong as the chief salt administration history director, in charge of the salt administration of the entire Nalan country.

"You said, what is the Princess Hui'an doesn't understand?" The third prince showed a gentle smile when he thought of the woman who was brighter than the sun.

He really wants her more and more!

Minister of Industry: "."

Salt Transport Division: "."

The third prince quickly recovered, and he restrained the expression on his face, still with a graceful and gentle look: "Master Zhang said that the salt field is now recruiting a lot of people? To arrange for our people to enter, we must Learn how to make salt!"

Master Zhang: "As soon as the next official received the news, he has already sent a few people to see work."

The third prince nodded: "Well done!"

The original worries of the Minister of Industry are gone, so what about the Director General of Salt Administration and History? If their people master the art of salt making, the golden mountains and silver mountains are just around the corner!

So you don't have to worry about a salt officer!


The weather is getting colder and colder, and the New Year is getting closer.

After the New Year, February is the day for a gentle and warm marriage.

And the whole first month is the day of Longevity.

To warm the family, Lin Tingxuan needs to be busy with the Longevity Festival.

When people in Nalan get married, they also pay attention to the marriage customs and etiquette of the three books and six rites.

At this moment, the two families have reached the fourth ceremony of the six rituals, Na Zheng.

After the levy is completed, the rest is to invite and welcome relatives.

The invitation period is the auspicious day when the man's family decides to get married, and the woman's family is informed of the ceremony and asked for her consent. This day is long overdue, and the invitation period is to officially finalize the date, and then start sending invitations to friends and relatives.

Nazheng means that the male family sends the letter of appointment and the gift certificate to the female family.

The man's family will invite two or four Quanfu people, with a matchmaker, to come to the woman's house with the dowry money, gift money and betrothal gifts.

Generally speaking, the levy usually chooses half a month or a month before the big wedding.

But that time was not the New Year, it happened to be during the Longevity Festival. At this time, the big happy events were not as big as the Longevity Festival!

Both the Nuan family and Lin Tingxuan had absolutely no time to work on this, so they moved the day forward ten days, at the end of the year.

Today, because of the longevity festival, the acceptance and the application period are directly together.

General's House

Lin Tingxuan had been on leave for the past few days and came back specifically to prepare for the levy.

When he woke up this morning, he and Lin Tingya counted the rituals together, worrying about missing something.

In fact, Lin Tingya was so nervous that she already counted every day.

They don't have elders in their family. She handles all these things. She is worried that something will go wrong and neglects Wenxin.

This is the second time the two have counted this morning. Seeing that the time is about the same, Lin Tingya said to Lin Tingxuan, "Big brother, go and change your clothes! Mrs. Chang, Mrs. Fang, Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Ruan will be here soon. It's gone!"

Na Zheng needs to invite four Quanfu people. The Lin family also has some collateral relatives, but when Lin Tingxuan was young, they didn't like him. His mother, as well as the wife of the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, the wife of the Wucheng Bingma Division, and the wife of the Minister of the Ministry of War, they are Quanfu people, and they come to the house to hire.

Lin Tingxuan glanced at the sky and nodded: "I'll go now! Don't delay the auspicious time!"

Lin Tingxuan hurriedly returned to the room and changed into a new suit, instantly feeling a lot warmer.

This one is made by Wenxin himself. This is a newly developed silk and satin. It is said that the master of Hui'an has bred a new kind of silkworm. The silk spit out, the woven silk and satin can be slightly warm when worn on the body, no matter how cold the weather is. , and don't have to be bulky.

This year, I also got a piece of cloth, which is only enough to make seven sets of clothes, and one of them was given to him.

As soon as Lin Tingxuan changed his clothes, the servant came to report, "Young Master, several ladies are here!"

Lin Tingxuan hurried out and greeted him.

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