The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 862: The Ning Family Has Their Own Thoughts

Wen Jiarui brought a large family out to greet him.

Lin Tingxuan and Ning Huaijie saw a large group of people come out, and they immediately saluted:

"Grandma Wang, Uncle Wen, Aunt Wu."

Others also saluted: "Caomin/Minwomen have met Duke Anguo, Mrs. Anguo's wife, and Hui'an County Master."

Wen Jiarui hurriedly helped Master Ning: "It's all a family, you don't need to be too polite, you don't need to pay attention to these empty courtesy!"

Master Ning smiled and said, "The rules cannot be broken."

Privately, the two families made good friends, so this is unnecessary, but now so many people are watching on the street, so as not to spread out that their Ning family is from a businessman and does not know the etiquette.

Wen Jiarui waved his hand: "You know I don't care about this, come and introduce Brother Ning!"

Wen Jiarui looked at Mrs Wu.

Mrs Wu smiled and introduced each other to everyone. She looked at Chang Xiaoxin and several wives and said with a smile, "I'll introduce you to everyone. This is Mrs. Fang of the Ministry of War, and this is Mrs. Ruan, the Mrs. of the Ministry of War. Who is this."

After finishing, Mrs. Wu introduced the Ning family to Mrs. Fang and others: "This is Mrs. Jiang, the eldest lady of the Ning family. This is the second lady of the Ning family."

The three ladies of the Ning family lowered their chins that had been slightly raised.

All of them are Mrs. Yipin!

Each of these husbands are big celebrities in front of the emperor!

They hurriedly saluted: "The Jiang family/Chen family/Li family/He family/He family have met several ladies."

Mrs. Secretary of the Ministry of War smiled and helped Mrs. Ning: "Mrs. Jiang doesn't need to be more polite. From now on, she will be her own person. Oh, if Mrs. Jiang hadn't been quicker, I'd settle for your son first! I just want to marry Gentle. Go home and be a daughter-in-law! Now you can only treat the gentle and gentle sisters as daughters!"

Mrs. Hubu Shangshu nodded: "Mrs. Jiang is very polite, we are all aunties here today, and we are all our own! There is no need for these false courtesy!"

Alas, before, she really wanted to marry her youngest daughter to Duke An's eldest son, but unfortunately the two children didn't like it.

Mrs. Ma Si, the soldier of the five cities, nodded: "No, you don't need to care about these polite manners."

Mrs. Ma Si, the soldier of Wucheng, also wanted to take the Princess Hui'an as her daughter, but she did not dare to take the Lord Hui'an as her daughter!

She is the future Princess Jin!

It is a great blessing to be invited by General Lin to be a Quanfu person today!

Her old man and son have said that they must take this opportunity to have a good relationship with An Guogong's family!

On weekdays, Mrs. Anguo's wife is too reclusive, and it is difficult to get in touch!

Chang's family is the most familiar with the warm family, and she also smiled and said: "Mrs. Jiang doesn't have to see outsiders, but I treat the gentle sisters as my own daughters. We will all be family in the future. It's just out of sight!!"

Several people's words were all about maintaining gentleness. Mrs. Ning was not unhappy when she heard it, but happier.

The fact that his daughter-in-law can be maintained by so many first-class ladies, and even wants to marry back, shows that she is a good girl!

And such a good girl was married by her own son, can she be unhappy?

Mrs. Ning said with a smile: "The ladies are right, then I will not meet with you any more!"

Mrs. Ning's heart was sore, she could only pull a smile that was uglier than bitter.

Mrs. Ning San was shocked at the fact that several ladies supported the gentleness together. After seeing this, she should be a little more respectful to this young lady of the Ning family!

Three provinces and six departments, those are the people who help the emperor in charge of the whole country!

It can be said that the husbands of these ladies stomped their feet casually, and the entire Nalan country trembled!

And today there are two of the six, and one is the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and his position is also very high!

And then a five-city soldier and horse division, don't look at the 50% soldier and horse division's position is not high, but people are in charge of the security of the entire capital!

The person who is not the emperor's most trusted person can hold this position!

Mrs. Ning San's mind was wide open. Anyway, she was from the third house, and they were born in a concubine. It was impossible to inherit the position of the head of the family. The family has a bright future, why didn't she please the big family.

In the future, my children may also be able to rely on the big house and their family to make a difference!

She said with a smile: "This is a rule, but it is still required. Several ladies and good talents don't care about our rudeness with us."

Mrs. He and Mrs. He thought the same as Mrs. Ning San in their hearts: "What the ladies said is that they will all be family from now on, hehe."

Wu shi said with a smile: "Okay, it's windy here, let's talk about it in the mansion."

Mr. Wu invites everyone in.

The female family members were brought into the backyard by the Wu family, the Wang family, and the Nuan sisters in person to greet them.

Deep winter snow

In this season, it is difficult to see other flowers outside the garden except for plum blossoms.

After all, even if other varieties of flowers can be cultivated, they are all raised in the greenhouse. They are very delicate and need good protection. Of course, those flowers are placed in the house for decoration.

Their Ning family is rich enough to rival the country, and there is no shortage of flowers in winter, but the garden is also dominated by various precious plum blossoms.

But Anguo Gong's mansion, this road is full of flowers, as graceful as a spring day.

Mrs. Ning San, Mrs. He, Mrs. He looked carefully, except that the flowers on the promenade were in pots, and the paintings in the rockery flower beds were really cultivated in the soil there.

They were secretly surprised, they thought that even if the Wen family was a noble prince, their family background was shallow after all.

But the flowers in this garden are even better than the gardens maintained by dozens of flower farmers in the century-old mansion of the Ning family!

Not to mention the Ning family's house in the capital.

The Ning family in the capital only belongs to the wealthy, not to the noble, so their house is in the wealthy area, although the area is also large, but it is not comparable to the An Guogong's mansion.

And because the court has regulations, many things are not dare to display, so as not to make a taboo, in this comparison, it is actually much inferior to the An Guogong's mansion.

Mr. He whispered to Mrs. He: "This Wen family is indeed a family of saints! But looking at this garden, it doesn't look like a family with shallow roots."

He nodded and replied in a low voice, "It is estimated that King Jin helped. Such a large mansion, in a location like the capital, is surrounded by princes and princes. In the future, we will bring the sisters in the mansion to come and go more, saying: indefinite."

He didn't go on, but He didn't understand how.

She also has such a plan in her heart!

Although their Ning family is a royal merchant, they are just merchants to put it bluntly.

Among the ladies in front, they have to be inferior.

Now Ning Huaijie is married to the eldest daughter of a grandfather of the state, and he is a brother-in-law with King Jin, and Ning Huaiyu has also become the fourth-rank guard of the royal family.

The two became more and more determined to please the big family in the future.

Mrs. Ning became more and more unwilling in her heart.

Originally, the position of the head of the Ning family was just one step away from the head of the second room!

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