The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 863 The support of Mrs. Yipin (1)

Warmer's ears are more sensitive, but she can't hear clearly. She was talking too softly. She knew it was the two ladies of the Ning family who were talking, so she looked back and looked at the expressions of the three ladies of the Ning family. inside.

She looked back, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

The internal relationship of the Ning family is complicated. The second family of the Ning family has always wanted to be the head of the family. Today, there are the third family and the two ladies in the family.

Just to let the people in the other rooms of the Ning family take a good look, the women of their Wen family are not someone they can easily despise and bully!

Warm believe that smart people will know how to choose!

Generally speaking, those clansmen attached to the Ning family's head will only pay attention to who becomes the head of the Ning family, so that they can live a good life.

Whoever leads them to a better life will support and befriend whomever they can.

Of course, Mrs. Ning was different. The second room of the Ning family had ambitions. If she wanted to be the head of the family, she would be an opponent, someone who had been blinded by power and money.

They will only find ways to get the position they desire, they will only stumble behind their backs, and they will not be afraid of anything.

But Gentle has a softer temperament, and it is much better to win over a few more clansmen to support her than to set up a few enemies.

The second room of the Ning family, just be careful. When there is a chance, they will kill themselves, and they will just clean up at that time.

Walking all the way, Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si looked at the flowers and trees in the garden and praised: "Master Hui'an, the flowers in this garden are really blooming!"

Mrs. Secretary of the Ministry of War also nodded when she heard the words: "There are no four seasons in the garden of the Duke of Anguo, and the four seasons are like spring! Tingya, there are also these flower gardens, right? It's the new year soon, and I will go back and pick a few pots in the mansion. ."

Mrs. Chang said with a smile: "I have to pick a few pots too. This garden is too decadent! Except for a few plum blossoms, there is nothing to see! I heard that the dream flower field is very floating."

Lin Tingya said with a smile: "Yes, there are all kinds, tell me what Madam likes, and I will pick the best one for you!"

Nuan also smiled and said, "yes, what do the ladies like, tell Sister Tingya, and let the people in the flower farm send you a few pots!"

"I like all kinds of flowers, as long as they are beautiful! I heard that the Dream Flower Farm is as beautiful as a fairyland. I will pick a few pots myself and join the Dream Flower Farm by the way. I have wanted to see it for a long time!"

Lin Tingya smiled: "It's not that exaggerated. It's freezing cold now, not as good as in spring and summer. Don't be disappointed when you arrive. Those butterflies and bees are gone."

Gentle also smiled and said, "The best time to see the flower field is in spring and summer, when it was really beautiful!"

Wen Wen also nodded: "And there was a lot of nectar at that time! Picking a big red flower, the nectar inside is sweet!"

Mrs. Secretary of the Ministry of War smiled: "Haha. Miss Wenxin, you must have sucked nectar! It doesn't matter, when the butterfly bees come back in the spring and summer, I will visit again! I want to suck nectar too!"

Mrs. Ning was surprised: "Can Gentle still directly absorb nectar? I have to try it too."

Nodding gently: "Yes, the nectar of the big safflower is the easiest to suck out, it's really sweet, I like to pick it up and suck it when I was a child! There is a big safflower in the back mountain of our village, and the big safflower blooms every year. When the time comes, the children in the village will run to pick the big red flowers and suck the nectar inside. Everyone is rushing to pick them!”

Later, when she went to the Qian family to be a child bride, she often went back to the back mountain to pick some big red flowers to suck it. At that time, the sweetness of the nectar made her feel that the world was not so bitter.

Although she has eaten sweeter candies now, she also felt that the juice in the big red flowers at that time was the sweetest thing in the world.

Of course, these things in the past are far away now, and in retrospect it is like a previous life.

Fortunately, the hard work has come.

Warmly echoed: "Our brothers and sisters all love to suck this nectar, so in the back mountain, my father specially planted one!"

After Sister Nuan was born, the juice in the big safflower became the only snack for their sisters and brothers!

Mrs. Ning San was also surprised: "Aiya, it sounds like summer is coming soon when I hear me, and then I will pick the big red flowers and suck the nectar!"

He's and He's also echoed: "It sounds really interesting, I really want to try it!"

"No! Eating flowers and sucking nectar is not like a flower fairy, I want to try it!"

Warm: "When the big safflower blooms, you can pick and try it wherever you see it. You have to pick the ones that are in buds, the ones that have nectar, and then remove the stalks."

Everyone said that they must try it when the time comes.

Only Mrs. Ning Er pursed her lips, what a flower fairy, a bee!

A village girl is from a village girl background. Even if you put on colorful clothes, you can't get rid of your vulgar habits!

Three or two sentences will reveal the nature of Xiaojiazi!

A good girl who would go to suck nectar?

However, those first-class ladies said they were going to try it, and Ning Er's wife would not be stupid enough to say anything.

She wanted to be the head of the Ning family, not to offend the nobles and cause trouble for herself.

She smiled and said: "I heard that the children in the mountains, in addition to sucking nectar, also find some bugs on the tree to eat, gentle, have you ever eaten it? Is it delicious!"

It's not disgusting to suck nectar, but to eat insects, everyone thinks it's disgusting!

Isn't the sister-in-law very awkward, you are marrying a daughter-in-law who grew up eating bugs!

The grandchildren born in the future will also eat the worms!

Gentle smiled: "I have eaten it! There is a kind of insect on bamboo called bamboo weevil, and the bee pupae in the wasp's honeycomb. These are delicious when roasted."

Mrs. Ning Er smiled: "I really eat insects! Then when summer comes, we should get to know each other well, right! Gentle girl, you will marry into our Ning family in summer! Then you will bake. Give it to my sister-in-law and Huaijie to taste!"

eat bugs?

He Shi and He Shi's expressions stiffened, and they felt nauseated when they thought of it.

Shouldn't the family of Duke Anguo really grow up eating bugs before?

Mrs. Ning looked at Mrs. Ning Er who had no good intentions and said: "Bee pupae are precious, and Yangshengtang also has wasp medicinal wine. I heard that it can dispel wind, and it sells very well! Besides, bamboo weevil can be used as medicine, but I really want to try it. taste!"

Mrs. Ma Si, a soldier from Wucheng: "Bamboo weevil, bee pupae, scorpions, grasshoppers, I have eaten all of these! It's very fragrant! My old man likes to eat these as snacks!"

Her husband also came from a poor family. I heard that when he was a child, his family was not full, so he went up the mountain every day to find various things to eat.

Poisonous snakes have been beaten, grilled and eaten!

He almost poisoned him, but fortunately he met the barefoot doctor in the village and saved his life!

When this person is starving, what is there to eat some worms in order to survive!

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