Royal Palace

Wen Nuan went to the palace early in the morning to check the flower arrangement in the palace. After seeing that everything was fine, he went to the emperor's royal study to discuss the Longevity Festival with the emperor and ministers.

The emperor: "I received news today that the envoys from the four countries are almost entering the capital! They will arrive in the capital on the fourth day of the new year. Are all the stations ready to receive the envoys?"

Honglu Si Qing immediately said: "Back to the emperor, the station is ready! The servants and cooks who can cook dishes from various countries have been arranged! The guards of the station have also been selected! Wait until the messengers of various countries. When the group arrives, we must make them feel at home!”

The emperor nodded, and then looked at the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses: "While the envoys from various countries are in the capital, the security of the capital must be improved! There must be no robbery! There are also places such as the Department of Armed Forces to be arranged. More guards and more patrols!"

Last Longevity Festival, the messenger of Beiming Kingdom came to the capital and went to the street to buy things. In broad daylight, the purse was stolen by a thief!

This kind of thing is generally normal. At the end of the year, those beggars, as well as robbers, thieves, bandits, etc. are more active.

Everyone is looking for silver for the New Year.

This kind of thing is the same in every country!

That country has no thieves, no robbers, no robbers, no bandits?

The bad is bad, the thief is too blind, the emperor is willing that he stole his own purse, and not the purse of the envoys of other countries!

The envoys of Beiming State, at the state banquet on the Longevity Festival, in front of the envoys of various countries, from time to time satirized Nalan as a good people, the people were united, and the thieves were looking for people from other countries to steal, not the purses of the local people.

Then they said that unlike their Beiming Kingdom, they hadn't seen a thief for many years, so they would be careless!

Also said that the people of Beiming country live and work in peace and contentment, and they don't need to be thieves at all! What canglin really know the etiquette, food and clothing enough to know honor and disgrace! Only people who are poor and desperate can become thieves!

It just made the emperor's blood vessels burst with anger!

Such a face, the emperor can't afford to lose it!

The five city soldiers and Ma Sima immediately handed over their hands and replied: "Your Majesty, rest assured, the lower officials have already arranged! There will be soldiers patrolling every place during the twelve hours."

How dare he let the thief appear again!

Otherwise, his black gauze hat will not be guaranteed!

For more than half a year, he has specialized in catching thieves and robbers. Once caught, he will not let them go. He will punish them for hard labor. They do the hardest, most tiring and dirty work!

Basically, they were punished to harvest Yexiang, and then processed Yexiang, turned it into fertilizer, and fertilized the royal rice fields!

It has been two months in a row that the entire capital, including the local yamen, has not heard any news that a thief has been caught!

The emperor looked at the Minister of Rites again: "Those musicians, you must pay attention to your diet in the recent period of time, so that you won't be able to appear when there is something wrong with your body."

Ritual music is the face of a country.

The country of Nalan is also a big country of ritual and music, and it is stronger than other countries in this respect.

The emperor has already seen the singing and dancing performance of the state banquet. It is very good and shocking. It is estimated that it can also piss off the messengers of the four countries!

But I'm just worried that something will go wrong with those musicians and dancers.

After all, Nalan is not without the fine works of other countries!

When the time comes to give the musicians and dancers some laxatives, it will be troublesome.

Although there are backups, the backup candidates are naturally not the best candidates.

"Yes! Wei Chen must have ordered it!" The Minister of Rites respectfully responded.

The emperor looked at Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian again. He was more at ease when they were doing things: "Are the soldiers all rehearsed?"

Warm: "Back to the emperor, everything is ready!"

The emperor was relieved when he heard it. In fact, the emperor had personally confirmed everything. After reading it, he couldn't help but worry.

In the past two years, the Nalan Kingdom has been in the limelight, and the emperor wants to show off in the Four Kingdoms! Let the messengers of various countries suffocate.

I can't be picked on by the four countries, I'm disgusting myself!

And this should be his last longevity festival, and the emperor hopes to end it successfully.

Ending his imperial career, he has traveled all over the world, tasted delicious food, seen all the splendid mountains and rivers, spent money like land, and traveled the world.

At this moment, Eunuch Li walked in: "Your Majesty, Lord Wen and General Wang ask to see you!"

After hearing this, the emperor straightened his waist, but he was back!


The emperor waved his hand to the courtiers in the imperial study again: "Okay, today is New Year's Eve, everyone will go back to the house to accompany your family members, and there will be a palace banquet tonight, everyone bring your family members to participate!"

Several ministers stood up and retire.

The emperor said to Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian, "The Princess Hui'an and the seventeenth emperor stay here!"

After the ministers were all out of the imperial study, Wen Chun and Wang Xiao walked in and saluted: "Xiaguan/last general, see the emperor! King Jin, Princess Hui'an."

The emperor smiled and said, "The two Aiqings are flat!"

The emperor pointed to the two armchairs: "It's been hard work all the way, sit down and talk to me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The two sat down.

Gonggong Li served tea to the two of them wisely.

After the emperor waited for them to sit down, he couldn't wait to ask: "Wen Aiqing, how are the people of the two cities soothed?"

Wen Chun cupped his hands: "Back to the emperor, it is basically appeasement! The materials and money sent by the imperial court have arrived! At the end of the year, the mountain was covered with heavy snow, and many people could not bear it and went down the mountain to return to their original homes. We have given to each household. I paid 2 taels of silver to settle down. Those materials were also distributed to the people."

The emperor nodded and looked at Wang Xiao: "Among those people, are there any soldiers from the Dongling Kingdom who rebelled there?"

Wang Xiao: "There was a time when the people protested against the riot, and it was quickly resolved! Those rioting people were also imprisoned! Among those people, there will definitely be some fine works of Dongling Kingdom mixed in, which is inevitable! In a short time There may be many people protesting! But as long as the government's policies are good and the people's hearts are stabilized, these things will be less!"

Those people are said to be abandoned by the Tangling Kingdom, and they understand in their hearts.

And this matter is the incompetence of the lord of the Tanglin Kingdom, which will cause them to be displaced.

Of course, they may not understand this truth. If someone incites it, they feel that it is Nalan's fault.

But generally speaking, people really don't really have much feeling about who is the emperor.

As long as they live and work in peace and contentment, they will be fine.

As long as the court has a way to let them live and work in peace and contentment, and have enough food and clothing, over time, it will be what the people want.

But this is also a very long process, and it cannot be rushed.

Therefore, the riots have been indispensable in the past two years.

The emperor looked at a few people: "Do you have any good way to stabilize the hearts of the people as soon as possible?"

It is not the first time that Nalan Kingdom has acquired cities from other countries, but until now, there are still riots in those cities.

Even if the imperial court gave out a lot of money and materials to help the people there.

But because someone was behind the instigation, the effect was not great.

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