Because Wen Chun has now become the magistrate of those two cities, this is his responsibility, so naturally he should speak first.

And when he came back this time, he also wanted to tell the emperor his thoughts, and wanted to get the emperor's approval.

"Back to the emperor, most of the people in Xinyang City left behind are very poor people, as the so-called emergency does not help the poor.

The court continued to use money and materials to provide relief, but it could not solve the root cause of the people's poverty.

The reason why the people of the original Dongling are uneasy is because they are living in an uneasy life at the moment.

The next official thought that we should find a way to let the people live and work in peace and contentment and get out of poverty, so that the hearts of the people who were originally from the Tangling Kingdom would be calmed down.

And for those poor people, the greatest help is nothing more than having a roof to cover their heads and having land to grow food!

The next official believes that the field and court in Xinyang City have not yet begun to sell. It would be better not to put all of them out for auction, and directly distribute them to the people who settled in Xinyang City to cultivate, and the court would then collect taxes on a per capita basis. "

The emperor stroked his beard: "The fields in Nalan are all sold by the imperial court, so that the imperial court will have a lot of money.

If all were directly distributed to the common people, the imperial court would lose a lot of money. "

The emperor also knows that if it is directly distributed to the people, people will feel at ease, and the land is the root of the people! Once they have land, they can return to their roots.

The division of fields into households was mentioned by the Lord Hui'an. He thought it was a good idea, but many ministers did not agree.

The emperor decided to select a county to implement in the newly acquired city. The emperor was also because the treasury was really empty!

"Your Majesty, this matter of allocating farmland to households has been tried out in Jianghuai Mansion and Nanyang Mansion, as well as the cities that have been won back! Xiaguan deliberately contacted the local officials over there, and the effect was good. Among the rioters , there are no people in those counties. Therefore, the lower official believes that this time Xinyang City should fully implement the distribution of fields to households. After the division is completed, the remaining fields are all classified as Huangtian, and long-term workers are invited to plant them.

In this way, although the imperial court lost a fortune, in the long run, it saved a lot of money.

The first people are self-reliant and can reduce the money for relief!

There are more Second Emperor Fields, so the rations of the soldiers on the southeastern border are guaranteed! "

The emperor looked at Wennuan: "Master Hui'an, do you think it is feasible to implement all the division of land and land to households now?"

He smiled warmly: "Has the emperor forgot? The minister and daughter proposed it before."

The emperor thought of the words of the previous Hui'an county master.

She said food is very important and valuable at a time when food is in short supply. But the grain that yields thousands of kilograms per mu has already appeared! The fields of Nalan Kingdom are enough for the people of Nalan Kingdom to eat enough, and they even have food reserves! The more food you have in stock this year, the cheaper the food will be!

Landlords will get less and less wealth from their fields!

If the technical colleges are built, those who run small workshops and small businesses will become richer and richer.

The future of Nalan will definitely be more prosperous.

If the food is not profitable, those landlords will start thinking about changing careers to do business.

After all, the income of landlords is far less than that of wealthy businessmen!

Although most of the landlords were originally wealthy businessmen.

The food is worthless, so it is better to sell it for cash.

The treasury was already full at that time, and then political laws were promulgated, and the money was used to collect the land, and then distribute it to the peasants and the common people for cultivation.

It's a virtuous circle!

Of course, this is all imagination, what is the reality, what is the future!

No one knew, but the emperor felt it was time to start implementing land reforms!

It's done, it's him who started it.

From then on, he will be a famous emperor for eternity!

If he failed, he stabbed the basket, and it was the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother who would clean up the mess at that time.

Her daughter-in-law's idea, he should clean up!

So the emperor made a final decision: "Okay! Then the whole Xinyang City will implement the distribution of fields to households! Wen Aiqing thinks how to implement it."

Wen Chun cupped his hands and said: "Back to the emperor, Wei Chen felt that in addition to dividing the fields to the people, they also divided the people's homesteads, dry land, forests, hills, fish ponds, etc., into the villages, so that the villagers of a village can take care of them uniformly. , the court is not planning to build some skill colleges."

Wen Chun explained his thoughts carefully.

Warmly added occasionally, this is an opportunity for her eldest brother.

If Xinyang City is done well under the hands of the elder brother, it will be a great achievement.

The next day, when he was transferred back to Beijing, a fourth-rank official was indispensable.

The emperor stroked his beard and listened carefully.

Wen Chun's plan was to send people down from the government to teach the people some skills in the villages. Just like if there are fish ponds, they will raise fish; if there are hills, they will plant fruit trees; if there is a lot of sand, they will plant them. sweet potato.

Then invite some wealthy businessmen over there to build various workshops and buy crops from the common people.

The imperial court also spent money to build some workshops in those places to increase the income of the treasury, and at the same time to provide some work for the people.

As long as the people have work to do and get busy, there is no one who is poor enough to wait for others to help!

After listening, the emperor nodded: "Wen Aiqing wrote a detailed memorial, and I will discuss it with other ministers."

This proposal is very good, of course, these things cannot be done in a day or two!

It is also related to the distribution of silver in the treasury in the future.

At this moment, Eunuch Li came in, stood outside the door, and winked at the emperor.

This is the secret code that the two of them agreed upon. After the dishes were ready, Eunuch Li came in to remind the emperor.

Seeing Eunuch Li blink, the emperor straightened his body.

Then he glanced at the sundial: "This time flies so fast! This afternoon has just passed! Civil and military officials have entered the palace, right?"

Eunuch Li immediately said: "Go back to the emperor, an adult has already entered the palace!"

The emperor waved his hand when he heard it: "In that case, let's discuss it here today! Wen Aiqing, go back and write a memorial to me! Okay, the palace banquet is about to start, so you should also retire!"

Today, Princess Hui'an personally went to the imperial kitchen to instruct those imperial chefs who could only make face dishes, how to cook.

When pointing, I also demonstrated it myself!

Hui'an County Master personally demonstrated the dishes, and he had asked Xiao Lizi to go to the imperial kitchen to instruct others, keep them, and send a copy of each dish to Zichen Palace before the palace banquet.

He had to eat a full meal at Zichen Palace before going to the palace banquet!

After hearing this, several people stood up and retreated.

Nalan Jinnian did not move.

The emperor looked at him: "Brother Seventeen, why don't you leave? I'm going to Zichen Palace to change clothes!"

Nalan Jinnian: "Let's go with the emperor and the emperor! It's too lonely for the emperor to go to the Tianyuan Palace alone!"

Hearing this, the emperor almost put a teacup on his head!

This stinky boy!

"No need! The queen mother said that I haven't seen you for a long time! You and Princess Hui'an go to greet the queen mother!"

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