The emperor walked in, sat down on the dragon chair, and then said, "All Aiqings are flat!"

Everyone sat down.

After everyone was seated, Li Wanwan and Huang Hengxi, who were standing in the middle, who were about to leave, were embarrassed!

The emperor looked at the embarrassed two, raised his eyebrows, and said, "A fight?"

The eyes of all the people in the splendid hall fell on the two of them.

Those eyes were playful, sympathetic, and irrelevant.

Li Wanwan and Huang Hengxi were too embarrassed.

Concubine Li hurriedly said: "Go back to the emperor, no, it was Wanwan who suddenly caught a cold, sneezed, accidentally spilled the tea, and got her clothes wet! It was just a small accident!"

The queen mother smiled: "Cold? It's okay not to participate in the palace banquet if you are not feeling well."

The emperor looked at Huang Hengxi with wet hair, and said nonchalantly: "I am very curious, I accidentally spilled tea, why are both of them wet? Concubine, are you fooling me?"

This is the New Year's Eve palace banquet, and it is also a celebration banquet. This year has been busy. Although this year is an eventful year, Huainan Mansion has taken back and won a few cities. The entire Nalan Kingdom has become fatter. !

The emperor was quite happy, and naturally he wanted to celebrate with his ministers. Who knew that when the palace banquet started, he would be happy if something went wrong!

Li Wanwan can't wait to cut the warmth with a thousand swords!

It must be that she deliberately sprinkled some poisonous powder or something to make her nose itch when she walked by, and she made such a pretentious appearance!

Otherwise, for no reason, how could I sneeze!

It was because of that gust of wind when she walked by!

How could Li Wanwan be willing to make a fool of herself, but Princess Hui'an sat there and watched her jokes?

Especially when I think of the disgusting look in the seventh prince's eyes just now!

She couldn't help but feel aggrieved, her eyes were red, and she knelt down directly: "Your Majesty, I beg your Majesty to be the master of the courtier's daughter, the minister's daughter was not caught cold just now, but her nose was suddenly irritated by some powder, itchy, and hit unconsciously. I sneezed, so I made a fool of myself! The minister suspected that someone had some irritating rouge gouache on their body, or some irritating powder, and the minister would be so rude! I ask the emperor to investigate thoroughly, or maybe There are others who have suffered!"

Everyone's face changed when they heard the words. Li Wanwan said that someone brought poison fans to the palace banquet?

Just now. Princess Hui'an happened to pass by her side.

Hui'an County Master and Li Wanwan have been grumbling for a long time, and Hui'an County Master knows a little bit of medical skills, maybe it's true.

Many people can't help but look at the warmth when they think of this.

And at this moment, the warmth is sitting beside the eighth princess.

The eighth princess is quietly asking Nuan Nuan: "Nuan Nuan, did you make it?"

He smiled warmly, noncommittal.

The Eighth Princess quietly gave her a thumbs up.

The two of them were watching the fun with great interest, but Li Wanwan didn't expect that she would mean something.

Hearing Li Wanwan's words, Nuan's mouth twitched, and Lu smiled slightly: "It's not stupid, I know it was made by myself!"

It's a pity that she's not smart enough. Where did she get the confidence to find evidence?

The emperor's face sank: "Does Miss Li have evidence?"

Li Wanwan: "The minister's daughter has no evidence, but the Tianyuan Palace is so warm and the minister's daughter is in good health, how could she sneeze for no reason? I have inhaled a little something in my nose, so please ask the emperor to ask the imperial doctor to take a look!"

The emperor frowned: "Why is there wind in the hall?"

Huang Hengxi immediately said: "Your Majesty, Princess Hui'an passed by the two of us just now. When she passed by, she brought a gust of wind!"

The eighth princess snorted directly: "Li Wanwan, Huang Hengxi, what do you mean?"

The Empress Dowager smiled: "Hui'an County Master has been walking over with Aijia's hand just now. In the winter, the north wind is howling in the Royal Garden, and no one has behaved in such an indecent manner!"

Nalan Jinnian looked at the two with cold eyes: "Brother Huang, you stayed with my girl for so long just now, why didn't you sneeze and spit together?"


Seventeenth emperor brother, can you not take me as an example?

Seventh Prince: "Just now, this prince followed Hui'an County Master and walked all the way from Kangning Palace. The north wind was blowing, and the fragrance of Hui'an County Lord's body smelled very good, but this prince didn't sneeze!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the seventh prince.

Seventh Prince: "."

What did he say wrong?

He is helping Aunt Seventeen!

Prince An nodded: "This prince is walking with the seventh prince, and there is nothing unusual!"

Prince Ning also echoed: "Yes! The three of us are all walking behind the Queen Mother and Princess Hui'an, why are they all right?"

Seventh Prince: "Why are those of us who get along with Princess Hui'an okay, Miss Li, but you have made such a big appearance? Don't do it yourself, it's someone else's fault!"

Li Wanwan was aggrieved and angry, her eyes were as red as rabbits, and the tears were rolling in her eyes: The seventh prince actually spoke for Princess Hui'an like this!

Princess Hui'an is indeed a fox spirit!

She was clearly the victim, but she just said that Princess Hui'an brought a gust of wind when she walked by, and these two couldn't wait to stand up and protect her!

These one or two are simply poisoned by Princess Hui'an!

Guo Mingyan was right in what he said before, Princess Hui'an must know some kind of wicked sorcery that confuses people.

Li Wanwan wiped away her tears: "The minister just told the feelings of the minister, and did not doubt the meaning of Princess Hui'an, the minister said it, but also worried about the emperor, the empress dowager, the ladies and everyone's safety, I ask the emperor to investigate! "

Wen Nuan stood up and blessed: "Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, since this matter is about the minister's daughter, in order to prove the innocence of the minister's daughter, the minister's daughter thinks it is better to check it! Otherwise, the minister's daughter may jump into the Qinglong River and wash it all. I don't know!"

Li Wanwan lowered her head after hearing this, and glanced in the warm direction secretly.

This vixen must have deliberately said this to prove his innocence!

The emperor, the empress dowager, the king, the seventh prince, the eighth princess, all those princes were protecting her. She expected that the emperor would believe her when she said so! Then don't check it!

Li Wanwan: "Your Majesty, the ministers and daughters definitely didn't think that Princess Hui'an had powder that shouldn't be on her body. The ministers and daughters were just worried that someone would carry them and harm the Emperor or others!"

Some people carry medicinal powder at the palace banquet, which is related to the safety of the emperor. This is indeed a big or small matter!

The other ministers and wives also spoke at this time:

The official secretary: "Your Majesty, there are many people at the palace banquet, and the ladies and young ladies also brought maids into the palace. I don't know if there are hidden nails mixed in those maids. Check to see if anyone actually has poison powder on them!"

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