The Minister of Punishment: "Your Majesty, it is related to the safety of your life. It is better to kill the wrong person than to let it go. Wei Chen thinks that it should be thoroughly investigated!"

The Minister of Industry: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen thinks that since Miss Li said this, it means that she really feels inappropriate, otherwise she will be deceiving the king! If there are people hiding drugs, it will affect the safety of the emperor and the empress dowager. , you should really check it out!"

Everyone said they should check it out!

The emperor was a little annoyed, and the good palace banquet started like this, but if you don't check, these people may really think that it was done by Hui'an County Master!

The emperor said with a cold face: "All the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital, let me take a good look at Miss Li and Miss Huang to see if they are disrespectful in front of the palace, or have been poisoned!"

Li Wanwan's face turned pale. The emperor's words meant that if the imperial physician did not find anything, it meant that she was disrespectful in front of the palace?

If you lose the ceremony in front of the palace, you will be beaten!

She couldn't help but feel a fear in her heart.

But thinking that she couldn't sneeze for no reason, she really felt something entered her nose just now!

She is relieved again!

After the emperor finished speaking, he sat there with a cold face.

The imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital stood up one after another: "Che!"

After they agreed, they walked out of their seats and walked towards Li Wanwan.

In the main hall, everyone did not dare to make a sound, and did not dare to move.

The emperor seems to be very angry!

It was the first time they saw the emperor so angry!

Only Nalan Jinnian and Wen Nuan sat there calmly drinking tea.

One by one, the imperial physicians stepped forward to give Li Wanwan and Huang Hengxi their pulses.

They also checked their noses, the sachets they were wearing, and checked her hair and clothes for anything.

There are so many people in Tianyuan Hall, one by one watching them being examined by the imperial physician.

Li Wanwan felt inexplicably being treated like a monkey.

Feeling a little humiliated.

She couldn't help but say: "The imperial physician, you all go to give it." Princess Hui'an almost blurted out the words, she thought of something, and immediately changed her words, "Other people also check it! This will save some time. Delaying the palace banquet, I will I feel very guilty! But for the safety of the emperor, I have to be cautious."

The Taiyuan Hospital smiled and said kindly: "Find out the reason for Miss Li's sneezing first! It's not good to go to check on other people rashly, right?"

Just think he's an idiot!

Check other people?

Check who?

Is it the princess of Hui'an?

Check the Hui'an County Master who is protected by several guardians. Does he think that his life is too long, or does he think that this hospital is not comfortable enough?

Find torture for yourself?

Li Wanwan's expression froze, and she smiled: "That's right!"

Even the Taiyuan Hospital is helping Princess Hui'an!

Will he deliberately hide the truth?

However, Li Wanwan looked at the imperial hospitals in front of her.

She was silent for a moment!

The emperor called all the imperial physicians to hide the truth?

Dozens of eyes are watching here, how to hide it?

At this time, an imperial doctor surnamed Li said excitedly: "Yuanzheng, look at what this is!"

Li Wanwan was overjoyed when she heard the words, she pretended to be aggrieved and said: "Did the imperial doctor find evidence? It's really great! Then we must find the poisoner and bring them to justice! I've made a fool of myself. , it doesn't matter if it becomes a joke. The important thing is the safety of the emperor, the empress dowager, and everyone's life!"

Li Wanwan spoke with sincerity and sincerity.

The Taiyuan Hospital is hurriedly putting its head close.

Other imperial physicians also came over.

These imperial physicians are generally not young anymore, they squinted their eyes and looked for a long time before they saw it.

"what is this?"

"Bring something over first, take it down and take a look." The Taiyuan Hospital said righteously.

Li Wanwan said with a worried look: "What kind of poisonous powder does the imperial doctor have on me? I won't be poisoned to death, right?"

The Taiyuan Hospital is comforting: "It shouldn't be."

If he guessed correctly, it should be a tidbit, but it has not been determined yet, so he can't say it out of the blue.

"Miss Li, don't move, we will help you take off the things on your body!"

Li Wanwan hurriedly said, "Okay, I won't move."

Seeing this, Huang Hengxi was also anxious: "Tian doctor, do I have anything on me? You guys want to see it!"

What if Princess Hui'an really poisoned something, and after leaving the palace, the poison broke out?

"Miss Huang, don't be impatient, we will check it out."

Here, the imperial doctor took a long needle and a cardboard box, and picked out the flocs on Li Wanwan's hair and clothes.

And the ministers and courtiers of the entire Tianyuan Temple were surprised!

"It's really someone who has poisoned! It's so daring, it must be caught!"

"No! It must be found out, otherwise people will panic! But who is so bold?"

"It's estimated to be searched in a while, and then I'll know who it is!"

"Everyone, be careful, in case the poisoner hides the poison on everyone!"

"In addition to poisoning Miss Li, will that person poison other people?"


Everyone was startled and quickly checked their clothes.

Especially the people who passed by them warmly just now were even more panicked!

Some people always feel that when Princess Hui'an walked by their side just now, it seemed that there was a gust of wind!

Thinking about it like this makes me feel even more uncomfortable!

It seems to be itchy all over!

"Imperial doctor! Imperial doctor! Come and help me! Why do I feel a little itchy!"

"Imperial doctor, I have a headache! Imperial doctor, please show me!"

"Imperial doctor, my chest is a little tight? Is it poisoned!"

"Emperor doctor, come and save me! I'm having trouble breathing, as if I can't breathe!"

"The Imperial Physician,..."


Those wives and noble ladies panicked!


Accidentally lost his life!

Who is not afraid?

The emperor's face became even darker!

Eunuch Li hurriedly said: "Be quiet! Don't disturb the imperial physicians to check!"

Those panicked people glanced at the direction of the emperor, only to remember that this was the Temple of Heaven!

They immediately quieted down, and they were afraid for a while!

The emperor is really angry this time!

But it's not their fault

The Taiyuan Hospital is busy comforting: "Don't panic, everyone will be fine!"

At this time, a younger imperial physician had picked up Li Wanwan's hair and the flocs found on her body.

Li Wanwan was worried: "The imperial doctor, have you finished picking? Check it carefully."

"Don't worry, it's been picked up!"

Huang Hengxi: "The Imperial Physician, what about me? Do I have it on me?"

"Miss Huang also has it, don't move!"

As soon as these words came out, those people were even more worried!

This shows that Hui'an County Master is not poisoning one person!

The imperial physicians picked out all the flocs, and then gathered them together to study it carefully. The imperial physicians of the entire imperial hospital repeatedly confirmed and agreed.

The imperial hospital just bowed his hands to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the ministers have found out what caused Miss Li to sneeze involuntarily!"

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