The people in the hall picked up their wine glasses in return:

"Eat the king's wealth and bear the king's worries, this is the duty of the ministers.

The people in the hall picked up their wine glasses in return:

"Eat the king's salary and bear the king's worries, this is the responsibility of the ministers."

Then the emperor said something again: "All Aiqings are the pillars of the Nalan Kingdom, and all the ladies here are the virtuous helpers of the Nalan Kingdom's pillars! The son is at home, and it is suitable for his family! A good wife and husband are misfortunes. Little! It is precisely because of the ladies who are behind the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, who are warm-hearted, take good care of them, and take care of their houses, so that they can serve the imperial court without any worries!

This is the first time that the emperor has actually toasted them, and the ladies who ordered them hurriedly picked up the wine glasses in return!

"The emperor's words are serious, it is the duty of ministers and wives to care for their husbands and teach their children!"

The emperor went on to say: "The youth is better than the blue. The back waves push the front waves all the time! From now on, the Nalan Kingdom will be dominated by the younger generation! I respect you guys and brothers! In the future, the Nalan Kingdom will take you to the next level!"

After three glasses of wine toast, the dishes are ready!

Dozens of plates were placed in front of each table.

As long as the emperor gave an order, the maids took off the small golden pot lid that covered each dish, and everyone could eat.

The emperor was refreshed, and he showed his first smile tonight: "Okay, not much to say, let's have dinner!"

The emperor looked at the long table in the center and said with a smile, "Guess what the dishes on the table are?"

The melodious sound of silk and bamboo sounded at this time, and everyone looked at the center, a long table, a long bamboo gilt golden pot lid, and the things covered were extremely curious!

"What kind of dish is that, roast whole lamb?"

"I guess it's not all roasted whole lamb, there should be roasted suckling pig, roasted whole crocodile!"

Because Concubine Li had said before that most of the dishes at the palace banquet tonight were vegetarian.

Big fish and big meat, people who are used to delicacies from mountains and seas are not interested.

Roast whole lamb, roast suckling pig, etc. These livestock are not precious things, and everyone has them in the palace on weekdays!

The emperor said loudly at this time: "Get up!"

The chef of the imperial kitchen immediately took off the gilt bamboo woven pot lid.

A lifelike picture of splendid mountains and rivers is presented in front of everyone.

This is a large landscape cold dish!

The people in the hall couldn't help but stand up one after another.

"Is this a dish? Surely this isn't a landscape painting?"

"Wonderful, it's simply wonderful! The food is cooked into such an exquisite and lifelike landscape painting! It's an eye-opener!"

"Five flavors are in harmony, all kinds of flavors are fragrant, and the shape and environment are unified. There are mountains and rivers on the dishes, and poetry overflows on the plate. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Such a beautiful painting, used for cooking, even the ministers are reluctant to eat it! It seems to be taken back to the palace and framed!"

"It is difficult for a brush to draw such a magnificent and lifelike painting. Our royal chef in Nalan is really a genius!"

The praises of the Manchu civil and military are endless.

The emperor looked at everyone's amazing performance, and stroked his beard with satisfaction: "What do you think about entertaining all countries with this kind of dish!"

The eighth princess said loudly: "Okay! Very good! Father, this dish is majestic and extraordinary, and it shows the style of our Nalan country!"

Warm mouth twitched, a dish, described as majestic and extraordinary! Princess Eight, can she think that she has done this dish very successfully?

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty also echoed: "The Eighth Princess is right, very suitable! Such a dish with artistic characteristics, without exquisite artistic accomplishment and superb cooking skills, can't be done at all! It just shows that our Nalan country has produced a lot of talents! Even the chefs are talented! Let the envoys from various countries be amazed!"

"That's right, it's just so that the messengers of various countries can see how extensive and profound the culture of our Nalan country is!! How can they look down on it!"

"Your Majesty, is it the royal chef who did it? It deserves a lot of rewards!"

Hearing the words, the emperor smiled and said: "This is the dish that Hui'an County Master thought, she and the royal chefs completed it together!"

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were naturally filled with praise.

"Hui'an County Master is really talented, virtuous and virtuous."

"The master of Hui'an County! You can actually think of using landscape painting as a dish, and you can use ingredients to paint such a magnificent river. Admiration, admiration!"

"King Jin is fortunate, the master of Hui'an is not only a versatile man in both civil and military, but also a virtuous and virtuous person, with both beauty and wisdom!"

The third prince looked at the large-scale landscape cold dishes on the table, and then glanced at the beautiful woman with a smile in the crowd, and the desire to get her became stronger and stronger.

How could the Seventeenth Uncle, who is so incomprehensible, deserve a woman as beautiful as the Hui'an County Master?

The seventh prince looked at the landscape painting on the table, and wanted to eat it even more!

He couldn't help but urged loudly: "Father, can you eat?"

I really want to taste what it tastes like!

Prince An and Prince Ning glanced at the seventh prince in disapproval.

All the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also looked at the Seventh Prince with accusations in their eyes:

Who is this from?

How could he be willing to say such a beautiful landscape painting!

They haven't enjoyed enough yet!

Seventh Prince: "."

What are you looking at him for? He was right again!

This dish is made, not eaten, is it still used to enjoy it?

The emperor happily said: "Haha. Come and give it to the ministers! All of them have a taste and give some opinions, so that the Princess Hui'an and the royal chef can improve it!"

Those who love to draw crazy, hear their own heartbreak!

But food is food, and it is also used to eat when it is beautifully cooked.

The palace ladies began to take away the splendid rivers and mountains one by one, and distributed them to some royal relatives, as well as officials of the first rank and above, and princes and counts.

Because there are so many people at the palace banquet, it is impossible for all of them to eat!

Others are only envious!

And when the maids were handing out the dishes, everyone saw that each Xiaodie made a sample of the scenery, and everyone pretended to be a scene!

Everyone was even more shocked!

I wish I could go back in time and look at that splendid picture of mountains and rivers, with those flaws!

Just now they clearly appreciated a very perfect picture of mountains and rivers!

Li Guifei looked at the plate of green water and green mountains in front of her, her face a little ugly!

She never thought that preparing so many vegetables and fruits would be used like this.

I hope this dish is very unpalatable, how can there be enough meat to eat?

Just one dish is not enough to attract people's attention!

In this way, it is still possible for her to take this opportunity to take back her other half's right to control the harem!

Concubine Shu looked at Concubine Li, who had an ugly face, and smiled: "Concubine Concubine, try it, it tastes good, my sister thinks, Empress should like it very much!"

Concubine Li: "."

under the table

The maids took off the delicate little pot lids made of gold one by one.

The tempting aroma of food rushed into everyone's nose for the first time!

Immediately afterwards, dishes of exquisite and unique delicacies appeared in everyone's sight!

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