The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 879 But he always feels that there is a mystery inside!

There are sixty-six small plates in front of each person, each plate containing a different delicacy.

Hundred Birds Chaohuang, Golden Jujube, Yulin Xiangyao, Splendid Fish Silk, Zhaizixiang, Clove Xianglin, Golden Egg, Golden Boiled Jade, Snow Moon Peach Blossom, Snow Phoenix Ball, Longjing Shrimp, Peking Duck, Luyin White Rabbit Dumpling, Dongpo Pork, Purple Crisp Pork, Pearl Soup, Four Treasures of Winter (Tie Sparrow, Whitebait, Purple Crab, Leek), Hupan Meat, Xuexia Soup, Guanghan Cake, Various Sushi, Begonia Dew, etc. Sixteen dishes.

Sixty-six dishes, sixty-six pleasing to the eye!

Each plate is exquisite and small, with only six thin slices of fish sauce.

The dumplings in the shape of a white rabbit are lifelike with two small ones, one female and one male.

Each dish is a scene on its own, vivid and attractive in color.

Although the portion is small, one person has 66 such small samples, which is enough to eat!

Everyone looked at the sixty-six exquisite dishes, and for a while they didn't know which one to eat.

Everyone feels that this year's palace banquet is extraordinarily rich!

It was rich in the past, but the richness in the past was more extravagant.

It's not as colorful as it is now, but it has a small fresh feeling.

Those noble ladies and ladies praised one after another: "What kind of dishes are these dishes? It's too delicate! Look at that jade rabbit! It's so cute! It's so realistic that you can't bear to eat it!"

"This red thing looks like a lobster shell, but why is it square?"

"Is this golden egg rolled in gold? It's a boiled egg inside!"

"This landscape is so beautiful! It's so graceful and pleasing to the eye!"

The emperor looked at everyone's astonished expressions, and said happily: "Enough appreciation, everyone, let's start! Tonight, everyone opens their stomachs and eats. After eating, let people come on, there are still in the imperial kitchen!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


Everyone thanked them one after another, and then waited for the empress dowager to put down the chopsticks first.

The emperor picked up the ivory chopsticks, picked up a golden crane on the cold plate of landscape and tasted it.

He had never eaten this large-scale cold dish of mountains and waters before!

The golden yellow crane, a small one, can eat one in one bite. Its surface is fried with flour, with a thin layer of skin, crispy and melts in your mouth!

The stuffing inside is flowing heart crab paste. When you bite into it, your mouth is full of freshness. There is also a touch of chrysanthemum fragrance, which leaves a fragrance on your teeth and cheeks!


Afterwards, the Queen Mother dropped the chopsticks, and the other empresses, princes, princes, princes, ministers, wives and others also dropped chopsticks.

The food in front of you is so appealing!

Li Guifei looked at these exquisite and pleasing dishes, and smiled: "I don't get tired of eating fine food, and the princess of Hui'an is really attentive! I have prepared such exquisite dishes for everyone! It looks delicious! Just a little bit smaller”

The queen mother heard the words, chopped her chopsticks, and said lightly: "Li Guifei's six-sixth Grand Shun Palace banquet is not enough for you? Then don't worry, there is still a royal kitchen! Although we are not the richest in Nalan, we are not As for not being able to support you!"

Concubine Li's expression froze, and she said with a stiff smile: "The queen mother is joking, the concubine is worried that some ministers will not have enough food, but since the imperial kitchen still has the concubine, don't worry!"

Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Huang, your concubine is too hungry!"

The emperor is enjoying the food, and he is a little annoying to Concubine Li.

"Here's another serving for Concubine Li! Don't leave the Tianyuan Palace if you can't finish it!"

Sixty-six dishes are enough for an adult man to eat!

Where is the portion missing?

Concubine Li: "."

With more than 100 dishes, how could she finish it!

Concubine Li hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the concubines have always eaten less, and this is enough! It's too much! There's no need to go on!"

The emperor: "Then eat it!"

You can't stop your mouth if you have something to eat!

New Year's Eve, the emperor does not want to plan any more.

Sweeping everyone's happiness!

Affect everyone's appetite!

Such a waste of delicious food!

Li Guifei breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Taste is the soul of a dish, and these dishes cannot be described as delicacy! The concubine must try it quickly!"

After she finished speaking, she picked up the jade chopsticks.

Concubine Li picked up a piece of fish fillet that was crystal clear and as thin as a cicada's wings.

Concubine Li has always disliked eating sashimi, and she felt nauseated when she ate it.

As long as she takes the first bite, she won't be able to eat it, needless to say, it can be regarded as a block for Concubine Shu and Princess Hui'an!

Concubine Li felt aggrieved in her heart, and if she didn't do anything, the suffocation in her heart was difficult to calm down.

But don't dare to go too far.

It was just a piece of fish fillet, she was instantly attracted by the umami taste, tasted it unconsciously, and then swallowed it in her stomach without her noticing it, and then picked up another piece, and unknowingly, a small dish , she ate the golden glutinous rice cake with only six pieces of fish!

Her chopsticks couldn't help but go to the clove dipping sauce

Soon, the two plates of fish soup were eaten up by her!

The emperor glanced at her: "Isn't Aifei not eating fish soup?"

After decades of husband and wife, the emperor naturally knew that Concubine Li had never eaten sashimi.

Concubine Li: "."

How did the emperor know?

She smiled: "I didn't dare to eat it before, but now it looks so beautiful, I want to try it."

The emperor nodded: "It seems that this time, it is the right way to use Princess Hui'an's dishes, which made Concubine Ai move her index fingers!"

The most important thing is that those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, and those who swim in the water have all the valuable ingredients, but the money is not much!

With the face, the money is also saved!

Concubine Li: "."

The emperor ignored her and continued to slowly taste the food and enjoy the singing and dancing.

Concubine Li looked at the colorful, flavorful, small-scale dishes in front of her.


Do not want to eat!

I just couldn't help but pick up the chopsticks and eat.

At the palace banquet, the sound of silk and bamboo was pleasant, and the singing and dancing were peaceful.

The people in the hall actually forgot to appreciate it. Although everyone could not say that they devoured it, they really ate it seriously.

They eat slowly and tastefully.

The courtiers watched the song and dance performances, but the performances were not in their heads!

They were all thinking in their minds what the food in their mouths was made of.

Prince An, the first thing he ate was the golden egg. This was an egg with a complete surface, and the eggshell was painted gold!

But he always felt that there was a mystery inside!

Crack it, peel it, put it in your mouth, take a bite!

Sure enough, the egg whites remained the same, but the egg yolks were made with fresh sea urchins to make them runny!

That umami taste makes people want to swallow their tongues in their stomachs!

He swallowed an Easter egg in two mouthfuls!

I really want to eat one more!

He looked at the seventh prince beside him, the golden egg on the table was the farthest he put away!

I want to ask him to bring it!

Ask directly, definitely not all!

There should be a way!

Prince An thought for a while and then said: "Seventh prince, guess what this golden egg is made of? If you guess it right, I will give you my share of gold and jade! If you lose the guess, you will give your share. How about the golden egg for me?"

It just so happens that he doesn't like to eat yusheng!

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