Then came the messengers of the Southern Border Kingdom. This time, the people who came this time were also the sixth prince Zhu Qinghua who went to the Longevity Festival in Dongling, as well as the sixth prince concubine Gu Yiying, the next saint Luo Qing, the poison king Ruan Ling, and the tea master Ning Yu.

Come a little bit more, show your sincerity!

The envoys from Xihua are Hua Jinghao, the third prince, Zou Yulin, a master of jade carving known as ghost eyes, and the master of Zihua County.

Of course there are other courtiers, guards and followers, etc.

After a brief introduction, Nalan Jinnian brought people into the palace.

The messengers entered the palace in carriages specially prepared by Nalan Kingdom.

When the envoys passed by, the soldiers on both sides of the street saluted, showing the etiquette of a big country.

This is a courtesy that is not found in the other four countries.

Other countries just sent people to meet them.

Di Junxian pursed his lips: "Nalan Kingdom is getting more and more pretentious!"

Jia Jingxuan: "Nalan Country considers itself the No. 1 power in the mainland!"

Jia Jingxuan had already joined them and told Di Junxian how Nalan Kingdom received the 50 million taels of gold.

Di Junxian twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a contemptuous smile: "They deserve it too?!"

Compared with Beiming Kingdom, Nalan Kingdom is still too far behind!

The carriage soon came to the outside of the Forbidden City.

After some inspection, the messenger group was brought to the hall.

The envoys from various countries salute to Emperor Nalan one after another:

"The Seventh Prince of Beiming has been ordered by the emperor to come to congratulate the monarch of Nalan. I wish the lord of Nalan a blessing like the East Sea, and his longevity is equal to that of the sky! Long live, long live, long live!"

"The third prince of Dongling was ordered by the emperor to come to congratulate the lord of Nalan. I wish the lord of Nalan Hongfu Qitian, and his longevity is boundless!"

"Southern Border."

The emperor said happily: "The lord of the four kingdoms has a heart! The weather is cold and the ground is freezing, this journey is a long way, climbing mountains and draining water, everyone has worked hard! Everyone quickly sit down and drink a glass of wine to warm up. Come and give us a seat! "

Immediately, a beautifully dressed maid led the messenger group to the specially reserved VIP seat to be seated.

After they were seated, the emperor made a speech to the people in the hall: "Today is my birthday. After so many years on the throne, this year's Longevity Festival, I am the happiest. First of all, it is because the problem of food and clothing for the people has been solved. .

A thousand jins of rice can be produced per mu, and a thousand jins of wheat can be produced per mu! Looking at the whole world, no one country can do this!

Come on, everyone, am I right? "

Amber: "Exactly!"

Envoys from the four countries: "."

This is a slap in the face at the beginning, is Nalan country so welcome to them?

Shikoku's expression was a little stiff.

In the past two years, their farm officials have tried all kinds of methods, but they haven't figured out how to cultivate those rice and wheat seeds that yield thousands of kilograms per mu!

People take food as their heaven. For the people, they don’t need to be rich in clothing, just enough food is enough!

So keeping the people fed is a problem that every court is trying to solve.

Nalan has indeed done it.

At this moment, they are simply all kinds of envy and jealousy!

The emperor continued: "The second is because, thanks to the support of the four countries, our Nalan Kingdom has gained a lot of weight! It can barely be called a vast territory and a vast land! All countries are envoys, right?"

Amber: "The emperor is wise! He is the first person in history!"

Envoys from the four countries: "."

Shikoku came to make the expression just stiffened, and now it is directly black!

It really is a pot that can't be opened without mentioning it!

This time, the monarchs of various countries have assigned tasks.

The first to win back the lost city, get your face back!

Second, the method for cultivating rice and wheat seeds with a yield of 1000 kilograms per mu is obtained.

For these, they will be fully prepared.

And let the lord of Nalan be proud.

Wen Nuan was still sitting beside the Eighth Princess, she couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Eighth Princess, what do you think of this Lanling King?"

Nuan felt that this person was quite straightforward. Of course, this must be his outside side. It must not have been like this when he was the king of Lanling Kingdom.

As for her future husband, the eighth princess looked at him carefully the moment he approached the hall and saluted him, and she said bluntly, "It looks like a towering tree!"

other? No feeling!


Giant trees?

Warmly thought of that picture: a big tree, a small sapling...

The emperor touched his beard, this little eight's future husband is really good at coaxing people!

He continued to smile and said: "The third is, thank you for the 50 million taels of gold from Dongling Country! I plan to use it to build a skill academy, train more talents for Nalan Country, and make Nalan Country more prosperous! Our Nalan country is rich and strong, and we cannot do without the support of Dongling country! Dongling messenger, thank you!"

Dongling messenger group: "."

Does Lord Nalan still want them to say you're welcome?

Simply deceiving!

The Three Kingdoms came secretly relieved, and looked at the envoys of the Tangling Kingdom with sympathy and schadenfreude.

The emperor: "Okay, not much more to say, let's enjoy the singing and dancing first!"

After seeing the hatred of those envoys being completely pulled out, the emperor accepted it, and finally raised his eyebrows!

Of course, he didn't say this to vent his anger, and he wasn't so stingy either.

I just want to inspire the fighting spirit of the enemy!

As long as people have fighting spirit, nothing can be done, right?

Breathing out is just a matter of convenience!

The Nalan Kingdom advocates ritual and music, and both the Qianqiu Banquet and the State Banquet begin with singing and dancing.

The Longevity Festival in Beiming has always started with beast fighting.

Anyway, countries are different.

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, the tall and magnificent palace became dark, and there was only a faint light on the stage, and a huge curtain was pulled away, revealing a huge background cloth.

Then a music melody sounded unfamiliar to everyone present, and the beautiful White Swan Princess and her little maid appeared.

This is the ancient version of the very famous ballet "Swan Lake" in modern times.

This novel and peculiar way of appearing, the people present were immediately attracted.

Also attracted by their dance skirts!

Everyone saw girls in white dance dresses, standing on tiptoes and stepping on the stage with light steps. They danced gracefully on the stage, like a beautiful white swan, and suddenly a rumble sounded.


Before I knew it, the song and dance drama that lasted for more than an hour was over!

The light of the hall lit up again.

The expressions of everyone are still immersed in the gorgeous and bright dance music, the incomparably beautiful call story, and the shock of more than 30 swirls!

The empress dowager and the emperor were deeply attracted when they saw it for the first time!

The Wanshou Festival Ritual Department prepared many songs and dances, but in the end the emperor and the empress dowager only chose this one, and there is only one song and dance for the Longevity Festival!

The emperor stroked his beard: "Emissaries, all the Qing family, how about this Swan Lake musical?"

Everyone woke up like a dream!

The seventh prince said loudly: "Fantastic! Beautiful story, beautiful music, beautiful dance!"

Prince An: "The music in the story is even more exciting, and the story in the music is even more intriguing! It's shocking!"

The response of the envoys from various countries is also shocking!

They had never seen this form of singing and dancing.

Beiming envoys

The woman in red beside Di Junxian listened attentively throughout the whole process, her eyes fixed on the stage without blinking, her eyes were amazed, and her heart was still shocked at this moment.

The woman in red, named Feng Di, was the number one talented woman in Beiming.

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