The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 885 Why is this smile so weird?

Di Junxian glanced at Feng Di, his hand gently turned the ring of his thumb, and said softly: "Nalan is worthy of being a great country of ritual and music! This dance music has already attracted people from the beginning. Do you think we arranged Can you go on singing and dancing?"

When Feng Di came back to her senses, she shook her head and said honestly, "Not comparable."

With the comparison, she also knows that the dance music she composes is huge and exciting, but it is a visual feast, but that's all!

Compared with the Swan Lake in Nalan, it lacks the gripping soul touch and fatal attraction!

She was deeply attracted.

Di Junxian is not too surprised: "In this way, you will win in chess and calligraphy and painting!"

The corners of Feng Di's mouth were raised, and she smiled confidently and beautifully: "Seventh prince, rest assured! Nalan is a great country of ritual and music, and their masters of ritual and music are all well-known! But in terms of poetry, poetry, and cultural heritage, it is far away. Not as good as our Beiming people!"

In terms of ritual and music, she was originally weak, while chess and painting and calligraphy were her strengths.

It's just that her paintings and calligraphy rarely come out, and everyone doesn't know about it!

But everyone who knows it knows that she has learned the essence of what the master has learned all his life! Even blue is better than blue!

In terms of calligraphy and painting, the master is better than Master Xu of Nalan.

Except for that mysterious nameless master, no one in Nalan can defeat her!

Besides, the unknown master should not be a native of Nalan, and most of her paintings are collected by her at a high price from the Dongling Kingdom!

Di Junxian took a silver hairpin and fed a piece of cut cantaloupe pulp to Fengdi: "Today we must win back a city, and get the method of planting rice that yields 1000 kilograms of rice per mu, otherwise our status as the largest country will be lost. No guarantee."

Feng Di blushed slightly and opened her mouth slightly in fright. She nodded: "Di'er will do her best!"

She likes the wise and wise Seventh Prince, and as long as he wants, she will do her best to help him get it.

Feng Di sorted out her clothes and prepared to go on stage. Even if the singing and dancing she prepared was not comparable, she had to perform on stage before taking the opportunity to challenge Nalan Kingdom.

Di Junxian glanced at He Huoquan, the foreign affairs officer of Beiming Kingdom, and He Huoquan immediately understood, he stood up and cupped his hands: "Mr. Nalan, the performance just now was really wonderful, let me open my eyes later, today Our monarch has also prepared a wonderful performance to congratulate the monarch Nalan! Wish the monarch Nalan a long life!"

This is already a standard card. The emperor was not surprised. He straightened his body secretly and said with a smile: "The King of Beiming is too polite, thank you for me! Now it's time to eat, let's eat first. how?"

He Kuoquan thought that the Emperor of Nalan Kingdom deliberately shied away and prevented them from coming to power in Beiming Kingdom. After all, according to the previous three Longevity Festivals, their delegations from Beiming Kingdom came to the stage to perform, which was a rhythm that made the people of Nalan Kingdom feel embarrassed!

He smiled and said, "Just right, King Nalan can enjoy singing and dancing while eating!"

The emperor smiled and said: "That can't be done, the king of Beiming cares about me so much, and specially prepared a birthday gift for me, how can I enjoy it while eating, I am worried that everyone is watching the meal and is not in the mood to appreciate the singing and dancing, it is not a waste of Beiming. The King's will?"

He Gangquan pursed his lips, do you really think that their royal chef in Nalan Kingdom is very powerful?

It is far from their Beiming Kingdom!

Still thinking about eating, not in the mood to enjoy singing and dancing?

He smiled and said, "How come! It's a pleasure to enjoy while eating!"

The emperor deliberately hesitated for a moment: "But, are the performers hungry too?! I'm worried that they will smell the aroma of the food for a while and will dance unintentionally!"

The envoys of Beiming Kingdom almost rolled their eyes!

The people on this mission are the most talented people in Beiming!

As a guest of the Beiming Palace, what delicacies have you eaten?

Will you be too greedy to dance?

Insult who?

He Huoquan felt more and more that Emperor Nalan really did not want people from Beiming to come to power!

How can that work?

They even got their city back!

The cultivation methods of rice and wheat seeds that yield thousands of kilograms per mu have not been obtained, and they want them not to come to power in Beiming?

no way!

There are no windows!

He Huoquan said with disdain and respect on the surface: "The concern of King Xie Nalan, but our envoys from Beiming are not so hungry yet. They eat delicious food from mountains and seas every day, and they are no longer interested in food!"

The emperor's expression on the face of why you didn't listen to the advice: "It's hard to be kind, so let's enjoy the congratulations from the King of Beiming to me while we eat!"

Anyway, it's not their Nalan Kingdom that is embarrassing!

It's not their Nalan Kingdom who is embarrassed!

He has kindly reminded me!

Di Junming said at this time: "King Nalan, my father has asked us, the first chef of Beiming Kingdom, Shang Yan, to make a bowl of longevity noodles for King Nalan to celebrate his birthday, and let King Nalan taste what is delicious on earth! Please King Nalan prepare a long case and ingredients for him!"

Shang Banquet?

Manchu Wenwu's complexion changed.

That is a famous chef with the title of God of Cooking.

I heard that the food he made was so delicious that people remembered it in their sleep.

No one in this world can match the cooking skills of that mysterious ghost chef.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty couldn't help but pray in their hearts, don't compare to cooking!

The food at the palace banquet is very delicious, but they have never tried the cooking skills of God Chef, and they don't know if they can compare to others!

When they received the list of envoys, they asked the emperor to send someone to find ghost chefs, but the emperor said that he didn't need it. Now look, Beiming Kingdom let Shang Yan play the first time!

The emperor hummed in his heart!

The Beiming Kingdom came to a banquet this time, and it was nothing more than a secret mockery of the dishes of their last longevity festival. It was just like a nouveau riche!

But this time, look who's embarrassed!

The emperor showed an unusually charming way: "That's right! I don't know what ingredients Shang Chef needs?"

Di Junxian: "."

Why is this smile so weird?

Shang Yan stood up, cupped his hands and replied, "I don't dare to be a chef, I have a list here, and the Emperor Lao will let him prepare it!"

The emperor glanced at Eunuch Li: "Little Lizi, go get ready."

Eunuch Li immediately stepped forward to take it, and then asked the little eunuch to prepare it!

The emperor continued: "The birthday noodles are also eaten at the end. Let's have a meal and look at the congratulations carefully prepared by the King of Beiming!"

Eunuch Li immediately signaled to the maid to serve the dishes.

Palace maids in pink palace suits began to file out holding trays.

At the same time, the official came to the stage and said: "The envoys from various countries are very friendly, and prepare a very exciting program for the emperor as a congratulatory gift. Next, let the envoys of Beiming Kingdom come to the stage."

The messengers of the other three countries did not make a sound, everyone is waiting to see the good show of Beiming and Nalan!

Once every five years, there is a big show every year!

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