Soon, more than a dozen cold dishes were placed in front of the messenger group, all of which were the iconic attractions of the city they lost!

Envoys from the four countries: "."

This time, Nalan Guo dismounted Mawei, and he went down completely!

At this time, the palace maid also opened the small pot lids made of gold in front of everyone, one by one small and exquisite dishes. Displayed in front of everyone, a total of ninety-nine pieces!

Looking at the dazzling, small and exquisite, unique and exquisite dishes in front of them, everyone has a feeling of pleasing to the eyes and appetite.

The emperor said happily: "Everyone, come and try it quickly, we in Nalan have plenty of food and clothing, after the national security and peace, I have nothing to worry about, and I have nothing to do, just staring at the royal chef all day long to study how to eat better. Today, I specially prepared ninety-nine exquisite dishes to entertain you. Ninety-nine means longevity, cheers to our Nalan Kingdom for a long time! Cheers to the harmonious relationship between countries!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass and raised it to everyone.

The messengers picked up their wine glasses in return.

Di Junxian raised his cup, lowered his head and took a sip, his eyes full of ridicule!

Three years, give him three years, and he will surely conquer Nalan Kingdom!


That is impossible!

The emperor was a little hungry when he smelled the aroma of the food. He only toasted this cup and said, "Okay, without further ado, let's eat while enjoying the songs and dances presented by the envoys of Beiming Kingdom!"

The emperor moved the chopsticks first.

Shikoku came to look at the cold scene, and his heart was blocked.

just wait! After a while, they must win back the city that belongs to them!

Shikoku came to make a rare tacit agreement, ignoring the cold dishes and eating other dishes directly.

It's best to make these dishes in Nalan country very delicious, otherwise, they will not be polite for a while!

Blame them for being so rude just now!

Raise yourself too high, trample them too low!

Manchu Wenwu directly started with the thirty-three dishes of healthy dishes. He was really worried that he would be full after a while and would not be able to eat healthy dishes!

They all inquired with Eunuch Li in advance that those dishes were healthy dishes.

The messengers from various countries tasted one of the dishes at will.

Everyone's eyes flashed: Not bad!

Then they tasted a second one.


It's not bad!

Then they tasted the same, and their mouths never stopped!

All eyes are on the delicacies on the table, and the thoughts in my mind are probably these:

What to eat next? Everything looks delicious!

No matter how much you eat, you will definitely find the same taste! I've eaten it before and said it was unpalatable, which is really against my heart.

They must find the same unpalatable dish.

Even if you eat every bite, you must find out the unpalatable dishes!

Then, put everything into the mouth, and there will be no leftovers.

In the hall, everyone eats seriously.

What? Singing and dancing on stage?

Sorry, forgot!

Including the envoys of Beiming Kingdom, they didn't even see the singing and dancing in the stands.

The dancers on the stage were also attracted by the aroma of the food.

Then they saw that everyone only cared about eating, and no one watched them dance, and they were very curious. Is it so delicious?

Why are you all just eating? !

This was something that had never happened before when they were performing.

Then there were dancers watching everyone's food, and they did the wrong dance!

Feng Di was originally playing the piano seriously, but she glanced at it inadvertently, and saw that everyone was only focusing on eating, her face was a little ugly with anger.

As a result, he lost his mind and played a wrong note.

She quickly returned to her senses, her face was a little red, glanced around, and secretly relieved: Everyone was eating, didn't you hear it!

The familiar song was suddenly played wrong, and Di Junxian suddenly recovered, and then looked around for a week, everyone was actually tasting the food, including their people!

Di Junxian's face darkened!

He coughed softly!

The envoys of Beiming Kingdom came back to their senses, and their faces became hot when they realized what stupid things they had done!

Di Junxian gave them a warning look.

One by one is concerned about eating, what kind of system is this? !

Luckily no one found out!

Otherwise, you will be embarrassed!

At this time, Wen Nuan said with a concerned face: "Miss Feng just played a wrong note, and the dancers on the stage also danced the wrong steps! The county master saw that they were watching us eat frequently, thinking that he was hungry. Seventh Prince of Beiming, do you want them to have something to eat first?"

The other envoys from the Three Kingdoms glanced at Di Junxian sympathetically. This time, Beiming Kingdom also brought a chef, who wanted to try his cooking skills!

Now that you have eaten these foods, do you dare to compare?

Compared with no comparison, they are also happy to watch the fun!

Di Junxian tugged at the corners of his mouth and said without a smile: "The Princess Hui'an has a heart! But no need! It's even more rude! These delicacies are so delicious that people can't stop! They just lost their minds, but No matter what, the performance has to be finished. This prince would like to ask Hui'an County Master whether these dishes are made by ghost chefs? It's not like the style of Nalan Kingdom!"

He smiled warmly: "No, it was made by the royal chef of the royal kitchen. The style of Nalan Kingdom changes a lot, and the route they take is different every year. The seventh prince has only seen part of it."

Di Junxian: "..."

It seems that Shang Yan really can only make a bowl of birthday noodles for the monarch of Nalan this time. The original plan... can't think about it!

To avoid embarrassment.

I just hope that Feng Di's performance will be better in the future.

The emperor had already eaten his fill in advance, and he kept sneering at the performance of the Shikoku envoy.

Don't think he doesn't know what one or two have done in the past year!

Today, I brought so many capable people to celebrate my birthday. For what, don't think he doesn't know!

Do you really think that Nalan Kingdom is easy to bully?

Today, let them see how powerful the current Nalan Kingdom is under the governance of his bright monarch.

Don't provoke it lightly, otherwise the consequences will be unaffordable for your four countries!

Don't blame him for not reminding everyone today.

When the song finally ended, Feng Di breathed a sigh of relief!

The emperor smiled and said: "Haha... Bu Beiming's performance is really wonderful! Thank you for me, Beiming monarch!"

Di Junxian said at this time: "The dishes of this palace banquet are simply delicious in the world. No wonder King Nalan worried that everyone would just eat and forget to watch the show! Just now, we, the number one talented girl in Beiming, were all attracted by the delicious food. I played a wrong note! In order to apologize, Feng Di, how about you perform it again and congratulate King Nalan?"

Hearing the words, the emperor stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The Seventh Prince of Beiming is very polite! The performance just now was already very exciting, no need!"

Feng Di was blessed with a blessing and then said apologetically: "I'm really sorry just now, if Lord Nalan doesn't let the ministers and daughters make up for it, the emperor will blame the ministers and daughters when he goes back!"

The emperor touched his beard, but he didn't show it on the surface, but he sneered in his heart!


I knew that Beiming Kingdom would definitely do something!

Don't you just want to win back a city?


The emperor smiled and said: "In that case, please, Miss Feng! Miss Feng is the number one talented girl in Beiming. I am lucky today!"

Feng Di turned her head slightly and thought for a while: "The qin has been played and the dance has been danced. How about the minister and daughter write a poem to congratulate the monarch Nalan?"

I was a little busy during the day, and when I was coding at night, the network did not know if there was a conflict again! The computer can't connect to the Internet again, I have tried everything I can think of! Use the computer housekeeper to repair, restart the two routers...not work! won't do it! I can only code a chapter with my mobile phone, turtle speed! Two chapters to go.

I'll make it up tomorrow~

Good night everyone~

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