The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 888 The ministers and daughters obey the emperor's orders!

Just writing poetry?

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief: "Haha, good! I heard that the third young lady of Beiming Feng's family is the most talented girl in the world, and she is proficient in everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting! Today I can see two things, and I have no regrets in this life!"

Jia Jingxuan said at this time: "I have been in Nalan for a while, and I know that Nalan is full of talented women, just like Hui'an County Master is a woman with both civil and military skills, a heroine, and a name that moves the world!

The little girl has a proposal. Only Sister Feng writes poetry alone. How can two people fight poetry? ! Wouldn't it be better for Nalan Kingdom to send County Master Hui'an to fight poetry with Sister Feng? Just to see who is the most talented girl in the world, the girl from Beiming and Hui'an from Nalan. What do you think? Do you want to see the demeanor of two talented women who are famous all over the world? "

There is fun to watch, who doesn't want to watch it! Besides, they are all prepared, and when Beiming Kingdom starts, they can follow logically!

So envoys from all over the world echoed: "Girl Jia's idea is good! What's the point of writing poetry alone?! It's wonderful to have two people compete! Moreover, Miss Fengdi has been famous for a long time, and Princess Hui'an is also famous in various countries. Far away, I don’t know which talent is higher or lower?! Why don’t we just try it out?”

"I have long heard that the girl Fengdi from Beiming Kingdom is very talented! The prince of Hui'an County of Nalan Kingdom has already seen that he is really capable of writing and martial arts, and this prince really wants to see who is more talented than the two talented girls. sharp!!"

"Haha. Just take advantage of the fact that the two talented women are here this time, let's compete by one point!"

Messengers of all countries, you speak my words.

Zhang Qianfan of Beiming took the opportunity to say: "It's just fighting poetry, and it's a bit boring, except for fighting poetry, this piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, female red, riding skills, etc. are all compared, so whoever wins will be called the world. The number one talented woman! The number one talented woman in the world doesn’t just know how to write poetry, does she?”

The three girls from the Beiming Feng family, Bingxue was smart since childhood, but she was an almighty girl! All proficient!

Of course, the most powerful thing is poetry, poetry, chess, calligraphy and painting!

Looking at the world, can that woman compare?

Another voice of support:

"That's right, that's a good idea! It's true that the first talented woman can't only be proficient in one or two things! Then try a few more!"

"Two talented women compete, just think about it and look forward to it! If it weren't for the birthday of King Nalan, we would never have met such an opportunity in this generation!"

"King Nalan, let the county lord Hui'an play! Let's also see if the county lord Hui'an is worthy of the splendid King Jin of your country!"

Di Junxian also said at the right time: "King Nalan, since everyone has agreed, how about letting Princess Hui'an also come to the stage to compete with our Beiming girl Feng?"

When the officials of Nalan Kingdom heard this, they cursed their father in their hearts.

Beiming Kingdom is so shameless!

Who doesn't know that the third girl of Beiming Guofeng's family is a smart and almost omnipotent girl, proficient in everything?

It is shameless to find an all-round talented woman to compete with their Princess Hui'an!

Now who doesn't know that Hui'an County Master is a peasant girl?

Although Hui'an County Master is indeed very talented, but that is only in military affairs and farming. No, painting is not bad, but her painting skills are not skilled enough!

Last time it was just an idea to win!

As for poetry?

Wen Xuexuan, the head of Hui'an County, didn't say a word on weekdays?

Not to mention writing poetry!

And Beiming Fengdi is really famous all over the world!

People's well-known poetry, calligraphy and painting flow out, who does not praise the world?

Last year, a painting by a girl from the Feng family was even bought at a high price of 100,000 taels. Besides masters, who could compete with her?

Honglu Siqing immediately said: "The competition of poetry, poetry, chess, calligraphy and painting, even equestrianism, female red, it will take a lot of time to test so many kinds of competitions, and there are still many programs to come! How can you all compete! Just pick two and try them out!"

The Minister of War nodded: "The time is limited, so I can't compare all of them. Since it is said that she is the number one talented woman in the world! Naturally, she must be able to write and perform martial arts, which is better than equestrian and piano skills!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing nodded: "Yes, just pick two to test, there is not much time!"

The horsemanship of Hui'an County Master is unmatched!

Haven't heard of Qianqiu Banquet's piano skills of Princess Hui'an? The sound of heaven!

Complete victory!

Just like these two!

As for the daughter-in-law of Hui'an County Master,

Looking at the purse of the spread-winged eagle that King Jin wore, he knew that it was a mess. Once a piece of silver was lost, he even picked it up and gave it to King Jin, telling him that the purse was worn!

King Jin insisted that it was not his wallet!

At that time, Lin Feng blinked fiercely from the side,

He knew that it must be the purse embroidered by the master of Hui'an County.

Let him get a piece of silver or two for nothing!

But let Princess Hui'an go up to participate in the female red competition?

Can't compare!

As for the poems and songs, this has never been written by the master of Hui'an, so I don't understand it!

You know everything, is Princess Hui'an still a human?

Jia Jingxuan smiled: "Are two enough?! As far as this girl knows, Princess Hui'an is really versatile! Otherwise, it can catch the eyes of King Jin? Besides, who doesn't know the riding skills of Princess Hui'an? Play the piano well! It's not fair!"

"That's right, the poem is about to be written! There is no competition for piano skills! Just now, our girl Feng has already played a song! Better than others!"

"Yes, choose a few others to compare! You don't need to compare your piano skills!"

The envoy from Beiming snorted coldly, piano skills?

Who doesn't know that during the Thousand Autumn Festival of Nalan Kingdom, Hui'an County Master just played the tune and won a city!


When the Nalan Kingdom was pacifying the civil strife, he thought they didn't know how Hui'an County Lord fought the enemy bravely?

A female general with bad riding skills!

Good idea from Nalan country!

Talking and talking, even writing poetry is omitted!

Poetry is the hardest part, okay?

Di Junxian smiled: "It's too little compared to the two, and it has to change places compared to riding, trouble! Female red is moved by every woman, and it is better than female red and chess, poetry, and painting! What does the monarch of Nalan Kingdom think?"

Manchu civil and military are so angry that after all, it is just a test of their own strengths!

Princess Hui'an's daughter-in-law?

Absolutely not!

Everyone can see it!

Poetry and painting are also not good, this is not to lose three things!

Everyone looked at the emperor, waiting for him to refuse.

The emperor was also undecided in his heart. He did not show his face, and pretended to dodge: "I have to ask Hui'an County Master about this matter. Hui'an County Master agreed, and I have no opinion."

The emperor also doesn't know if Hui'an County Master can write poetry!

He had never seen her do it!

The poems by her two brothers are not bad!

But in both chess and painting, you will definitely win.

If writing poetry can win, it will win!

He glanced at Nalan Jinnian's direction.

As for female red,

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